Tomさんの文でも間違いではありませんが、fat という言い方はちょっとダイレクトすぎるので、overweight や heavy-set などと言った方が良いです。
1) Many Americans are overweight.
2) Obesity is a real big problem in America.
Many Americans have difficulty controlling their weight
Well, it depends how kind you want to be. 'Obese' meaning 'fat' or 'clinically obese' meaning 'really fat' (in simple terms) are common. You could of course use the adjective 'fat' although it would be seen as derogatory if the person concerned were present.
Obesity can be a very sensitive topic, especially when talking about someone affected by it. It's best to use a neutral and scientific sentence like this one so that you do not offend anyone. I hope that this helps. :)
Many people in America are overweight, the meal servings in America are huge and the average person is overweight.
Obesity is very unhealthy and cuts the lifespan really short.
Lifespan: the length of life
"It is estimated that 160 million Americans are either obese or overweight."
Lifespan: 寿命
"It is estimated that 160 million Americans are either obese or overweight."
そうですね、"fat" はとても率直な表現なので別の言い方を使いましょう。"overweight" や "chubby" の方がいいと思います。
日本語の文章は英語に、"A lot of Americans suffer from weight problems" と翻訳できます。日本語で「多くのアメリカ人は体重の問題に苦しんでいます。」という意味です。
You can say "overweight" or "obese."
Many Americans are overweight.
Many Americans are obese.
Using the word "fat" sounds impolite, so rather use overweight or obese.
Many Americans are overweight.(多くのアメリカ人は太っている。)
Many Americans are obese.(多くのアメリカ人は肥満だ。)
When you want to explain that many people in America are overweight; then you may explain this in the following ways:
-Many people in America are overweight
-Americans seem to have a problem with obesity.
-Obesity is a big issue in America
-Many people in America are overweight(アメリカ人は太りすぎの人が多い)
-Americans seem to have a problem with obesity.(アメリカには肥満の問題があるようだ)
-Obesity is a big issue in America(肥満はアメリカで大きな問題になっている)
"American's are usually overweight"
This sentence implies that 'usually' (more often than not) American citizens are 'over weight' (being over the recommended weight).
"There is a obesity crisis on America"
'Obesity' is the expression used if someone is very overweight to a point that it is unhealthy.
'crisis' is a period of time that something is happening, in this case it is it is the obesity crisis.
"Americans are usually overweight"(アメリカ人はたいてい太っている)
ここでは「アメリカ人は 'usually'(たいてい)'overweight'(太りすぎ)である」と伝えています。
"There is a obesity crisis on America"(アメリカは肥満危機に陥っている)
'obesity' は、健康に害があるほど太っていることをいいます。
'crisis' はあることが発生している期間を指します。この場合は 'obesity crisis'(肥満危機)です。
A lot of American people are overweight
例文:A lot of American people are overweight because they eat too much junk food.
A lot of American people are overweight
A lot of American people are big.
Obesity in America is a very big problem as many people there are overweight.
Many American people are overweight now in America.
If you would like to express to someone that you feel that many Americans are overweight, you can say something like "Obesity in America is a very big problem as many people there are overweight." or "Many American people are overweight now in America.".
"Obesity" is extremely fat or overweight & an "epidemic" is a widespread disease or virus outbreak. Quite a formal & sophisticated statement "Obesity is an epidemic in the United States."
"Gimongous" is a great word pronunciation wise. Gimongous means huge, excessively large, gigantic, etc. As in, "That building is gimongous!" or "Americans are gimongous, maybe it's to do with their genetics!"
So many people in America are overweight.
There is an obesity epidemic in the United States of America.
It is very concerning the amount of Americans who are overweight.
There is a big obesity problem in today's American society.
太っている - fat, overweight
He is overweight
He is fat
多く - many, a lot of
アメリカ人 - American people, people from America
多くのアメリカ人 - many American people, many people from America
There are many overweight people in America
Many America people are fat
There are many ways in which we can say this so feel out which is most comfortable for you. We can either describe the people/nationality itself with, "American," or we can can talk about the country of, "America," itself.