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題名の英訳は、 If robots can help us, we can use our time for doing other things. で良いのでしょうか? our timeは、前に出たものを指すため the time にした方が良いのでしょうか?
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Yukiko さん
2018/11/20 16:59
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  • If robots could help us, we can use the time to do other things.

  • If robots were able to help us, it would free up a lot of time.

1) If robots could help us we can use the time to do other things. もしロボットが手伝ってくれたら、その時間を他の事に使える the time は our time でもOKです。 other things も something else に差し替えることができます。 2) If robots were able to help us, it would free up a lot of time. もしロボットが手伝ってくれたら、時間が空く。 「時間が空く」は英語で "to free up time" といいます。ここでは、"If robots were able to help us" となっているので、「時間が空く」だけではなく、「色々なことができる」というニュアンスにもなります。
  • Robots are useful labour-saving devices

If robots do our work, it is obvious that the effect of this is that we are freed up to do other things. This is really so obvious it does not need to be stated.'Labour-saving' is the key adjective which describes this type of scenario.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • With the help of robots, we can use our time for other things.

  • With Robot assistance, people can utilize their time for other tasks.

ご質問いただいている If robots can help us, we can use our time for doing other things. でも問題ないです。our timeでもthe timeでもどちらでも構いません。 また、以下の文章も同じ意味で使えます。 1)With the help of robots, we can use our time for other things. ロボットの助けがあれば、その時間を他のことに使える 2)少しフォーマルな言い方を使いたい場合は以下も使ってみてください。 With Robot assistance, people can utilize their time for other tasks. ロボットの助けがあれば、人はその時間を他のことに利用することができる。 *utilize =利用できる
Johnny M 横浜在住イギリス人英語講師
  • If robots could help us we could dedicate our time to other things.

  • If robots could help us we could focus our time on other things.

The two sentences you see provided above are excellent ways to express to your listener that we could do other things with our time if robots could help us. In the first sentence you will notice the word dedicate. This means to devote oneself to something. This word is appropriate for both formal and informal settings. It would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
上記二つの例文は、ロボットが手伝ってくれたらその時間を他のことに使えると伝える素晴らしい言い方です。 はじめの文には dedicate という単語があります。これは「身を投じる」という意味です。この単語はフォーマルな場面でもインフォーマルな場面でも使うことができます。語彙に加えておくといいでしょう。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • If we can automate by using robots, it will free up our time.

  • If robots can lend a hand, we will have time for other things.

Automate' means to 'make automatic so that no human effort is needed'. 'Free up time' means to 'make available time'. 'Lend a hand' means 'to help out' or 'to give assistance.'
Automate'は「人力が必要ないように自動化する」という意味です。 「Free up time」は「利用可能な時間を作る」という意味です。 「Lend a hand」は「手伝う」「手を貸す」という意味です。
Thomas C DMM英会話講師
  • By using robots to do things for us, we can have a lot more free time.

  • If robots help us to get things done, we can use that extra time for ourselves.

  • We can make better use of our time if we use robots to do things for us.

These three examples are very similar, just with slightly different wording. They are all correct, and neither is better than the other. 'Extra time' and 'free time' are similar expressions, which are both proper to use in this situation. I hope that this was helpful to you. :)
これらは三つは、言い回しがわずかに異なるだけでとても似ています。どれも正しい言い方ですし、甲乙付けがたいです。 「extra time」と「free time」は似た表現で、どちらもこの状況で使うことができます。 あなたの助けになれば。:)
Rhi DMM英会話講師
  • By using robots to help with things, We'll have more free time to use as we wish.

This would be a good example of explaining that if robots help us there will be more time that you can use doing whatever you want.
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • If robots help us, we can use our time for other things

  • Robots are labour saving

When you are talking about not having to do as much work as a machine or robot can do it for you this is called to be 'labour saving' so you would say 'robots are labour saving'
機械やロボットのおかげで仕事が減ることは 'labour saving' と表せます。 ですから、 'robots are labour saving'(ロボットは人間の仕事を減らしてくれる) と言えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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