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2018/11/23 15:10
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  • I like both! But I like A more.

  • I love both! But I love A more.

「どっちも[好き](!だけどAの方が[もっと](好き」= I like both! But I like A more. 「どっちも」 = both 「好き」 = like; love 「だけど」= but; however 「〜の方が・・・もっと」= better; more 例: I like pizza and burgers. But I like pizza more. 私はピザもバーガーも好きです。でもピザの方がもっと好きです。
  • I like both! But I like A more

  • I like both! But I prefer A more

[好き](をどれだけ強調したいかにも寄ると思いますが だけどAは[もっと](好き!と言いたい場合は but I like A moreが 良いです。 どちらかと言うとAの方がと言った感じで言いたい場合は 後者の prefer って単語を使えます。
  • I like both types of chocolate, but I like milk/dark chocolate more.

  • I like both, but if I could only have one, I would choose A.

1. "I like both types of chocolate, but I like milk/dark chocolate more. Types - flavors of chocolate. For example, there is milk, dark, and white chocolate. More - Meaning to a greater degree. (Example: "I like Spiderman, more than I like Batman.") 2. "I like both, but if I could only have one, I would choose A." In this sentence, you are explaining that you like both options, but that if you could only eat one, you would pick A.
1. "I like both types of chocolate, but I like milk/dark chocolate more. (どちらのチョコレートも好きだけど、ミルク/ダークチョコレートの方が好きです) Types - チョコレートの味。例えば、ミルクチョコ、ダークチョコ、ホワイトチョコがあります。 More - もっと 例: "I like Spiderman, more than I like Batman." (バットマンよりスパイダーマンの方が好き) 2. "I like both, but if I could only have one, I would choose A." (両方好きだけど、どちらか選ぶならAかな) この文では、どちらも好きだけど、どちらか一方しか食べられないならAを選ぶと説明しています。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • I like both, but I like A more.

  • I like both but if I had to choose, then I would choose A.

I like both, but I like A more. 訳:両方好きだけど、Aのほうが好きです。 ※最後にmoreをつけることでよりAのほうがというニュアンスが強まります。 I like both but if I had to choose, then I would choose A. 訳:両方好きだけど、もし選ぶならAを選ぶと思います。 would =will ~するだろうという意味の過去形  少しでも参考になれば幸いです。
Shiori S 英語講師
  • Both are nice but I prefer A more

  • A is my favorite but they are both good

"Both are nice but I prefer A more" This sentence is explaining you enjoy both 'A' and 'B' but you prefer A, when using 'prefer' this is used when explaining that you favor/like something more than another. "A is my favorite but they are both good" 'favorite' is referred to having preferred/like something more than anything else, Something 'at the top of your list'
"Both are nice but I prefer A more"(どちらも良いですけど、私はAの方が好きです) この文では、「AとBどちらも良いけど、私はAの方が好きだ」と伝えています。'prefer' は「〔あるもの〕よりも〔別のもの〕の方が好き」というときに使われます。 "A is my favorite but they are both good"(私はAが好きですけど、でも両方とも良いです) 'favorite' は何よりも好きなものを指します、リストのトップにあるものです。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • I like both, but I like A more.

  • I like both but if I really had to choose, then I would go with A

When you want to express to someone that you like both types of chocolates but like the other more; then you may express this in the following ways: -I like both, but I like A more. -I like both but if I really had to choose, then I would go with A
AとBのチョコレートがあって「どちらも好きだけどAの方が好き」なら、それは次のように説明できます。 -I like both, but I like A more.(どちらも好きですが、Aの方が好きです) -I like both but if I really had to choose, then I would go with A(どちらも好きですが、どちらか一方を選ぶならAです)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I like both, but I like A more

  • I like cake, but I prefer cookies.

  • I like both, but I rather ____.

To prefer something means that you like something more than something else. I like cake, but I prefer cookies. I like both, but I like A more. I like both, but I rather ____.
"prefer" は「あるものよりも別のものの方が好き」という意味です。 I like cake, but I prefer cookies.(ケーキは好きだけど、クッキーの方がもっと好き) I like both, but I like A more.(どちらも好きだけど、Aの方がもっと好き) I like both, but I rather ____.(どちらも好きだけど、____)
Niabh DMM英語講師
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