世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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yutaka yamamotoさん
2018/11/26 15:06
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  • This dish has been modified to suit Japanese peoples' tastes.

  • This dish has been changed to fit Japanese peoples' tastes.

「日本人好みに合わせる」は「to suit Japanese peoples' tastes」あるいは「to fit Japanese peoples' tastes」です。 「変更」は「changed」か「modified」です。「modified」は「何かのために変更する」という意味です。
  • This seasoning of this dish has been altered to suit the Japanese taste.

この – this 料理 – dish 日本人 – the Japanese 好み – taste 味付け – seasoning 変更 – altered 海外とかのレストランで食事をしているときに話す内容です。 This is what I mention while eating at restaurants overseas. 他に役立つ文書: less spicy – スパイス少なめ not too chili - 辛すぎない more salty - もっと塩辛い
  • In order to cater for the Japanese the food has been changed.

  • To suit the Japanese customers the food has been altered.

"In order to cater for the Japanese the food has been changed." 'Cater' is a term used when you provide food and drink when needed or required. 'Altered' is the word used when something is changed 'suit' used given when you help, change something in order to be polite.
"In order to cater for the Japanese the food has been changed."(日本人の要求に応えるため、味付けが変えられている) = 'To cater' は求められている食べ物や飲み物を提供することをいいます。 'To alter' は「~を変える」という意味です。 'To suit' は、要求に合うように物事を変えることをいいます。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • The food here is adapted to suit the Japanese palate

  • The dishes here have been altered to appeal to the Japanese

When at a restaurant when traveling abroad, you want to say that the food has been altered/changed to suit the taste of Japanese people. Either of the above sample statements explains that point.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • This food tastes like Japanese food!

  • This dish has Japanese flavors!

  • My meal has a variation of Japanese flavors!

It is always nice that when you go to a restaurant in a foreign country, that the chef/cook treat you special and make you feel welcome and at home. this is a sign of respect that you chose their restaurant to eat at and they want to show appreciation. The following expressions can explain that the flavors in your meal/food/dish tasted like authentic Japanese food and it was specially prepared for you. "This food tastes like Japanese food!" "This dish has Japanese flavors!" "My meal has a variation of Japanese flavors!"
海外のレストランに行って、シェフが気を利かせて自分のために特別に何かをしてくれるとすごくうれしいですね。これは、自分のレストランを選んでくれたことへのシェフの感謝と敬意の気持ちの表れです。 シェフが自分のために特別に味を和食に近いものにしてくれたときには次の表現が使えます。 "This food tastes like Japanese food!" "This dish has Japanese flavors!" "My meal has a variation of Japanese flavors!" (これは和食の味に似ている)
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • The food has been changed to suit the taste of Japanese people

  • The dish has been modified to suit the needs of Japanese people

Dish - type of food that you're eating Modified - changed needs - requirement You can also say: Less salty Not too spicy Don't put a lot of chili So the restaurant knows how to alter the dish for you!
Dish - 食べ物の種類 Modified - 変更された needs - 必要 レストランで味の好みを伝えるときには、次の表現も使えます。 Less salty(もっと甘く) Not too spicy(辛すぎないように) Don't put a lot of chili(唐辛子をあまり入れないように)
Katie C DMM英会話講師
  • The food has been altered to fit the taste buds of Japanese people.

  • They made alterations to the food to suit Japanese people's taste.

The two sentences you see provided above are excellent ways to express to your listener that the food one is eating has been altered in order to suit the taste of Japanese people. In the second sentence you will see the term make alterations. This means alter or change. This term is commonly used in our everyday conversation, it would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
上記二つの例文は、「この料理は日本人の好みに合わせて味が変えられている」と伝えるおすすめの言い方です。 二つ目の例文には 'make alterations' というフレーズが使われています。これは「変える/改める」という意味です。日常会話でよく使われる表現なのでぜひ語彙に加えておいてください。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • The food has been changed to suit the Japanese palate

  • To suit Japanese customers the food has been changed

When you appreciate different tastes of food you are said to have a good 'palate' Every country has different tastes and what flavours they like so you might say 'the food has been changed to suit the Japanese palate'
味の違いが分かる人について、"to have a good 'palate'" という言い方をすることがあります。 国によって味の好みは違います。 ですから、 'the food has been changed to suit the Japanese palate' (この料理は日本人の味覚に合うよう味が変えられている) と言えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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