Fire Station
Fire Department
In the UK, or at least where I am from, we tend to call this a Fire Station. However, Fire Department will also be understood.
I hope this helps.
Have a great day.
Fire Station
Fire Department
イギリス(少なくて私の出身地)では、これは 'Fire Station' と呼ばれます。ただ、'Fire Department' も通じます。
「消防署」は、英語で fire station と言います。
「仕事で消防署に行きました」を英語にしたら、I went to the fire station for my job. と言います。
その上、「消防車や消防職員の訓練がカッコいいな~と見とれてしまいました」は I thought it was very cool to see the fire trucks and also get to see the fire crew practice.と翻訳できます。
ちなみに、消防車は fire truck でもいいし、 fire engine でも大丈夫です。
消防職員の場合、fire station workers や fire crew で結構です。
消防署:fire department
消防車:fire truck
例:消防車や消防職員の訓練がカッコいいな~。Fire trucks and firefighters are cool, aren't they?
例:消防署で働くのが偉い。It's admirable to work for the fire department.
A fire staion is a place where members of the fire brigade are based. Their job is to use the specific firefighting vehicles they have to perform rescue or firefighting tasks in their local area. The fire brigade is one of the 3 emergency services in the UK: Police, Ambulance, Fire Brigade.
"Henry is a fireman based at the local fire station."
fire staion'(消防署)は、消防隊(fire brigade)が拠点とする場所のことです。彼らの仕事は、その地域で発生した火事において消火および救出活動を行うことです。
イギリスには、消防隊(fire brigade)を含む、三つの救急隊が存在します:
Police = 警察
Ambulance = 救急車
Fire Brigade = 消防隊
"Henry is a fireman based at the local fire station."(ヘンリーは地元の消防署に勤める消防士です)
Each town should have a fire station with some fire trucks and other rescue apparatus.
Fire engines are trucks that have huge water containers, hoses and pumps to extinguish fires.
Tall ladders are also necessary to reach high buildings to rescue trapped people.
Emergency medical assistance can also be provided by some fire departments.
A fire station is where the fire engines and firefighters are stationed.
There are many fire stations in towns and cities.
Sometimes paramedics are stationed with the firefighters.
An ambulance is used by paramedics to take patients to hospital.
There are four emergency services, Police, Ambulance, Fire and Rescue (coastguard)
The building where firefighters operate from is called a "fire station". You may use the word in the following ways:
-There was a baby found abandoned in front of the fire station. Someone needs to adopt them.
-It's really cool when firefighters slide down a pole at the fire station when they are called for an emergency.
「消防署(消防士の拠点となる建物)」は "fire station" と呼ばれます。
-There was a baby found abandoned in front of the fire station. Someone needs to adopt them.
-It's really cool when firefighters slide down a pole at the fire station when they are called for an emergency.
Fire house, fire station or fire department are terms used to describe the building in the photograph. If someone is suffering an emergency, they might say "call the fire department" or "call the emergency responders". Normally, when a person in the US calls 911 (the emergency number) an ambulance and a fire truck will arrive quickly.
この写真の建物は、"fire house" "fire station" または "fire department" と言えます。
"call the fire department"(消防署に連絡する)
"call the emergency responders"(救急隊を呼ぶ)
In American English, we refer to the physical building where firefighters wait for an emergency a "fire station." The technical term to speak of both the physical building and the group of firefighters that work or volunteer there is "fire department."
For example:
I think we just drove past the fire station.
Can you believe that there are only five members in the fire department?
アメリカ英語では「消防署(消防士の待機している建物」は "fire station" といいます。
"fire department" は、消防署とそこで働く消防士の両方を指す専門用語です。
I think we just drove past the fire station.(今ちょうど消防署を通り過ぎたと思う)
Can you believe that there are only five members in the fire department?(消防隊が5人だけだなんて信じられる?)
The fire fighters live t the fire station when they are working.
The headquarters (main area) that firefighters live and store their equipment is called a 'fire station.' In a fire station, it is common to find fire engines (the large vehicles that are used to put water on fires and rescue people from buildings that are on fire).
EX) At the fire station, you can find fire engines and firefighters waiting for someone to call them with a problem.
消防士が生活し、機材を保管する「消防署」は 'fire station' と呼ばれます。
'fire station' の中には普通 'fire engines'(火事の際、消火や人命救助に用いられる車両=消防車)が置かれています。
At the fire station, you can find fire engines and firefighters waiting for someone to call them with a problem.
If you are wondering what the place where fire trucks and firefighters work are called, it is called a "fire station" or a "fire department". This is where firefighters and fire trucks wait for calls to come in regarding a fire so they can help put it out.
The place where the fire engine or truck is stored is called a Fire Station. They are usually red and have a big ladder attached to the top. Also on the truck, we can find a giant hose which is where the water comes out.
When the workers get an emergency call, they must act very quickly, so they immediately leave the station and get ready to save lives and put out fires!
"We just got a call about a fire that just broke out in the city centre. Let's leave the fire station immediately"
Firemen or firefighters are the people who work for the fire brigade or fire department
Depending on where you live, if you call for an ambulance, the fire brigade can come first because they are trained paramedics.
"I've just called the ambulance and they said that they are on their way"
消防車が保管されている場所は "Fire Station"(消防署)です。消防車(Fire engine / truck)は普通色は赤で、大きなはしごと巨大なホースが備え付けられています。
"We just got a call about a fire that just broke out in the city centre. Let's leave the fire station immediately"
"Fire Station"(消防署)で働く「消防隊員」は "Firemen" または "Firefighters" といいます。
地域によりますが、救急車を呼ぶと、まず先に消防隊(Fire brigade)が駆けつけることがあります。消防隊も救命救急の訓練を受けているからです。
"I've just called the ambulance and they said that they are on their way"(今救急車を呼びました、「今から向かう」と言っていました)