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前職では何をされていましたか? 給料/収入/稼ぎはどのくらいでしたか? と聞きたいです。 「How much was the earnings?」を使えますか? 色々な聞き方と、それに合う状況も、 よかったら教えてくださいっ よろしくお願いいたします☺️
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2018/12/06 08:20
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  • How much did you make at your old job?

  • How much were you making at your other job?

  • Did you make much at your old job?

How much did you make at your old job? How much were you making at your other job? Did you make much at your old job? What was the salary at the other job? Some people may be offended at this question so you might want to say it like the following: Can I ask you a personal question? How much did you make at the other job? Is it ok to ask what you made at the previous job? I would like to ask about your other job. Such as how much money did you make? What was your previous salary?
How much did you make at your old job?(前の仕事ではどのくらい稼いでいたのですか) How much were you making at your other job?(もう一方の仕事ではどのくらい稼いでいたのですか) Did you make much at your old job?(前の仕事ではたくさん稼いでいたのですか) What was the salary at the other job?(もう一方の仕事ではどのくらい稼いでいたのですか) ---- このような質問をされると、不愉快に感じる人もいると思います。ですから次のように言った方がいいかもしれません。 Can I ask you a personal question? How much did you make at the other job?(個人的なことを聞いてもいいですか。もう一方の仕事ではどのくらい稼いでいたのですか) Is it ok to ask what you made at the previous job?(前の仕事ではどのくらい稼いでいたか伺ってもいいですか) I would like to ask about your other job. Such as how much money did you make?(もう一方の仕事の仕事について伺いたいです。例えばどのくらい稼いたのですか) What was your previous salary?(前の仕事ではどのくらい稼いでいたのですか)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • How much did you earn?

1.) How much did you earn? (どのくらい稼いでいましたか) 「どのくらい」は英語でhow muchと訳せます。「稼いでいましたか」は英語でdid you earnと訳せます。How much were the earnings?は相手が稼いでいなかったみたいな感じがありますので、ご注意ください。How much did you earn?のほうが直接に聞いていますが、これは今回で一番自然に言う文です。
  • About how much did you make at your last job?

With the word "about" this question is a little more indirect because many people feel uncomfortable talking about how much they make. I hope that this helps :)
例文では"about"(だいたい)を使って少し遠回しに聞いています。収入の話をするのはあまり好きではない人が多いですからね。 お役に立てば幸いです :)
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • How much did you earn at your previous job?

"How much did you earn at your previous job?" How much - This expression is used to ask about the price or amount of what you want to buy or know about. : Earn - this is another word to use to talk about how much money you make. : Previous - another way of referring to your last job.
"How much did you earn at your previous job?" (前の仕事ではどのくらい稼いでいましたか) How much - 買いたいもの、気になるものの値段を尋ねるときに使われる表現です。 Earn - これも「お金を稼ぐ(make money)」と言うときに使えます。 Previous - 「前職(your last job)」を表す別の言い方です。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • How much did you earn?

  • What were you making?

To ask someone how much money they used to make in their previous job, you can do so in the following ways: "How much did you earn?" "What were you making?"
前の仕事でどのくらい稼いでいたか尋ねるなら、次のように言えます。 "How much did you earn?" "What were you making?" (どのくらい稼いでいましたか)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • How much money did you earn?

  • How much money did you make at your last job?

When talking about getting paid for a job the amount of money you got it referred to as what you 'earned' from doing it so you could ask 'how much money did you earn?' you can also ask how much money they made by adding 'at your last job' you are explainng what you want to know
仕事でいくら稼いでいるかということを、 'earn'と言います。ですので、'how much money did you earn?'(いくら稼ぎましたか?)と聞くことができます。 また、 'at your last job'(前職で)を付け加えることで、あなたの聞きたい質問を表現することができます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • If you don't mind me asking, what was the pay like in your old job?

  • What was the salary like in your previous job?

  • Were you payed well in that job?

In Britain (not sure about other English speaking countries) it could be considered a bit rude or impolite to ask someone directly how much money they were or are earning (unless you know them really well). However, it is possible to ask in a less direct way without sounding rude by saying "What was the pay like?" because you are not asking for a figure or exact amount, but are asking for a general idea, by adding the work "like". That leaves the person open to say something like "The pay was good/OK/bad" rather than specify a sum of money. "Pay" and "Salary" are both words that describe the earnings from a job. The question can be made more polite by starting with "If you don't mind me asking..." as this acknowledges it is a bit of a personal question.
イギリスでは、(他の英語圏の国はわかりませんが)、その人のことをよく知っていない限りは、どれくらいお金を稼いでいるかを聞くことは失礼にあたります。 しかし、それほど直接的ではなく、あまり失礼にあたらないように聞くことは可能です。"What was the pay like?"(お給料はどんな感じですか?)は、 "like"(どんな風か)という言葉を使うことで、はっきりとした額を聞くのではなく、"The pay was good/OK/bad" (お給料はいいよ/まぁまぁだよ/よくないよ)のように、相手が自由に質問に答えられるように配慮しています。    "Pay" と "Salary"は、どちらもお給料を意味する言葉です。    "If you don't mind me asking..." (もし聞いてもよければ)と言うことで、やや個人的な質問であるということを分かっているので、より丁寧な質問となります。
Tabitha DMM英会話講師
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