世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/03/30 10:42
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  • I'm drawing a blank.

  • I can't think of anything right now.

  • Nothing's coming to mind.

"I'm drawing a blank." Drawing can mean drawing a picture, but it can also mean drawing something out. For example, when you read a passage, you draw information out of the text. I think that's where this expression came from. You are trying to get something out of your brain but you can't so you are drawing (out) a blank. It's similar to 「頭が真っ白になった」as well. "I can't think of anything right now." This is close to a translation of 「すぐに思いつかないなあ」. "Nothing's coming to mind." When something comes to mind, it's kind of spontaneous and you don't have to think too hard about it. In this situation, nothing is coming to your mind when asked about your opinion or for ideas.
シチュエーションに合った英語フレーズがいくつかあります。 たとえば「I'm drawing a blank.」です。これは文字通り「私は空白を引いています」という意味になり、自分の頭の中から何かを引き出そうとしているものの、なにも浮かんでこないという状況を表します。日本語の「頭が真っ白になった」というフレーズに近い感じですね。 一方、直訳させて見ると「すぐに思いつかないなあ」に一番近いのは「I can't think of anything right now.」となります。これは、今すぐには何も思い浮かばないという具体的な状況を表しています。 最後に、「Nothing's coming to mind.」は、何かを深く考えることなく、自然と思い浮かべるという意味が含まれます。しかし、このフレーズでは何も思い浮かんできていない状況を表現しています。自分の意見やアイデアを問われた時に使うと、現状の難解さを表現するのに適しています。 すぐに思いつかないときに使える英語表現として、以下の単語やフレーズも役立ちます。 I'm stumped: "私は困りました。" I can't come up with anything right now: "今すぐには何も思いつきません。" My mind is blank: "私の頭は真っ白です。" これらの表現を活用して、想定外のアイデアや意見が求められた際のリアクションを表現してみてください。 参考になれば幸いです。
  • I can't come up with anything right now

  • You caught me off guard, I'll have to come back to you

  • Give me a second to think of something

I can't come up with anything right now=今は何も[思いつかないな]( Come up with=[思いつく]( 勿論I can't think ofやI can't name anythingなどで代用しても大丈夫です。 You caught me off guard, I'll have to come back to you=ふいを突かれたな、後で報告するよ Off guard=油断している様 Give me a second to think of something=何か思いつくのに少しだけ時間をくれ A secondって一秒だけ?と思うかもしれませんが「ちょっとだけ」と言う意味でよく使われます。Give me a minuteも同じようにどれくらいの時間かは曖昧ですがSecondの方が短く聞こえていいです。 何か思いついたら教えます=I'll let you know if I come up with something. 必ずこう言ったフォローを入れてからシンキングタイムに入りましょう。
  • I'm not sure at the moment

  • I got nothing for now

You can always go with "I'm not sure at the moment" it's a neutral answer and excuses you from giving an answer right away. You can say other phrases like : "I can't think of anything right now" "I don't know what to say" "I don't know, can't think of one for now" or "I got nothing for now" which is very casual same as saying "I got nothing". Maybe you don't say this in Japanese but it means something like 「何もありません」
あなたはいつも"I'm not sure at the moment"と答えることができます。 れは中立的な答えであり、すぐに答えられないことを言います。 あなたは次のような他のフレーズも言うことができます: "I can't think of anything right now" "I don't know what to say" "I don't know, can't think of one for now" または "I got nothing for now"これも同じようにとてもカジュアルでです。 おそらくあなたは日本語でこれを言っていないかもしれません。 これは、「何もありません」を意味します。
Francesco DMM英会話講師
  • I can't think of anything off the top of my head.

  • I've got nothing.

  • Nothing comes to mind.

Thinking of something off the top of your head means that you think of it quickly without thinking for a long time. There is also the idiom "on the tip of one's tongue," which means you were about to say something, but then suddenly forgot. Examples: 1. A: Any idea where we should go this summer? B: Off the top of my head... how about Guam? A: Let's check for tickets! 2. A: What is her name? B: It's... Ah! I know it!... It's on the tip of my tongue...give me a second...
think of something off the top of your head というと、あなたが時間をかけずに素早く思いつくことを意味します。on the tip of one's tongue というイディオムもあり、それはなにかを言おうとしていたが急に忘れてしまったことを意味します。 例 1. A: Any idea where we should go this summer?(この夏なにをすべきだと思う?) B: Off the top of my head... how about Guam?(すぐに思いつくのは…グアムはどう?) A: Let's check for tickets!(航空チケットをチェックしよう!) 2. A: What is her name?(彼女の名前はなに?) B: It's... Ah! I know it!... It's on the tip of my tongue...give me a second...(ええっと…あ!知ってるよ!…思い出せそうなんだけど…ちょっとまって…)
Sean McGee エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • Nothing springs to mind right now.

  • My mind has gone blank.

  • Let me sleep on it. I've got no ideas right now.

Any of the above phrases will suffice...'springs to mind' is the most attractive response I think.
上記どの表現でも質問の意図を十分に満たすでしょう。 spring to mindが一番惹きつける回答だと思います
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I cant think of anything right now.

"I cant think of anything right now." this means that you cannot think of any ideas or opinions right now.
"I cant think of anything right now." this means that you cannot think of any ideas or opinions right now. 「今は何も思い浮かばないな~」 今この瞬間は、何も考えが浮かんで来ない事を意味します。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I can't think of anything right now.

  • Nothing comes to my mind now.

"can not think of any" = 何も考えることができない。 "nothing comes to mind" = 何も思い浮かばない この表現はよく聞かれます。その場に応じて表現を変えてみてもいいかもしれません。 上の2つは少しテクニカルな表現ですが、何か意見を求められたときは単純に、 "I have no idea at the moment."=何もアイデアが浮かばない。 "I am not sure about something" = それについてはよく分からない。 と、簡単に答えてもいいかと思います。
Kanoko 留学アドバイザー
  • I can't seem to think or anything right this second.

  • I don't have any ideas right now.

If you would like to express to someone that you cannot come up with any ideas on the spot right now, you can say something like "I can't seem to think or anything right this second." or "I don't have any ideas right now.". These are some easy ways to get this message across.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I am blank at the moment

  • I can't think of anything at the moment

"I am blank at the moment" This shows that you have nothing to say about the issue at that moment. Your mind can not think of anything. "I can't think of anything at the moment" This has the same meaning as the above, however this specifies that its only at that moment when you can not think of anything.
"I am blank at the moment" これは、あなたがその瞬間の問題について何も言うことがないことを示しています。 あなたの心は何も考えることができません。 "I can't think of anything at the moment" これは1つめと同じ意味を持ちますが、あなたが何かを考えることができないその瞬間だけをさしています。
Fafie DMM英会話講師
  • I can't come up with anything right now.

  • Give me some time to think about it.

  • I need some time to think about it.

Not being able to think of a valid response to a question on the spot. Examples: I can't think of anything from the top of my head. I can't think of anything right now! Give me some time to come up with an answer.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Im drawing a blank at the moment

  • My head is in the clouds at the moment so I cant think of anything

  • Nothings coming to mind

Drawing a blank means that your mind has nothing in it and you are blankly thinking of something. This is quite a common phrase used. My head is in the clouds means that you arent thinking clearly and may come across 'ditzy' Nothing comes to mind literally means the expression. If you have any confusion and cant think of anything at the top of your head you could say of any these expressions.
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • I can't come up with a good idea.

I can't come up with a good idea. 「良いアイディアが思いつかない」 come up withは「思いつく」という意味で非常によく使われる表現です(*^_^*) 例) If you come up with anything, let me know. 「なにか思いついたら知らせてくれ」 Can't you come up with a better plan? 「もっと良い案思いつかないんですか?」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
  • I'm fresh out of ideas.

  • I seem to have drawn a blank.

1. I'm fresh out of ideas. Another similar expression is : "I'm clean out of ideas." This means that nothing new comes to mind so you cannot provide anything useful to the discussion. This expression is also commonly employed by someone when they are asked for their opinion on something and they struggle to provide any solutions. 2. I seem to have drawn a blank. This idiomatic expression is used when you cannot recall something or you do not have any new, fresh ideas to add to a discussion.
Shams DMM英会話講師
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