世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/03/30 10:54
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  • I learned so much during this lesson

  • I took in so much useful information today

I learned so much during this lesson=今日のレッスンではたくさん学んだ I took in so much useful information today=今日は使える情報をたくさん頂いた Take in=摂取する、受け入れる Useful=便利、使える 質問者さんの言いたい事を英語に訳すと: I learned a lot of new vocabulary words and their pronunciations today, and I feel like I took in a lot.=新しい単語やそれらの発音を習ったり出来て、今日は得るものが多かったです。
  • I was able to learn a lot from/through the lesson today!

  • It was a really fruitful time!

I was able to learn a lot from/through the lesson today! be able to〜:〜することができる a lot:たくさん  "so much"のほうが少しだけ丁寧なニュアンスがあります It was a really fruitful time! fruitful:収穫の多い,有益な とても有意義な時間になりました!というニュアンスで 関節的にたくさん学びました!というニュアンスになります。 Good luck!
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • I gained a lot from this lesson

  • I have learned much from this lesson

  • I have gained much knowledge from this lesson

examples "i have learned a lot this lesson, thank you" or "i learned lots this lesson, Thank you". or "i have gained much knowledge from this lesson, Thank you". or "thank you for a great lesson, i have learned loads".
例文: "i have learned a lot this lesson, thank you" このレッスンで多くのことを学びました。ありがとうございました。 "i learned lots this lesson, Thank you". このレッスンで多くを学びました。ありがとうございました。 "i have gained much knowledge from this lesson, Thank you". このレッスンで多くの知識を得ました。ありがとうございました。 "thank you for a great lesson, i have learned loads". 素晴らしいレッスンをありがとうございました。たくさん学びました。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • I learned a lot from your lesson today.

  • I got a lot out of your lesson today.

Both of the sentences above would be a great way to say that you learned a lot during your lesson. The phrase in the second sentence 'get out of' can mean to avoid something, but it can also be used to describe that we benefited from something. For example if you went to a seminar and said 'I got a lot out of the seminar' it means you learned a lot of new things from the seminar.
上記のどちらの文も、レッスンの中でたくさん学んだことを表す良い言い方です。 2つ目の文 'get out of 'は、なにかを避けることを意味することもありますが、この場合のように、なにかから利益を得ることを表すためにも使われることがあります。 例えばセミナーに行って、'I got a lot out of the seminar' と言ったら、あなたはセミナーで新しいことをたくさん学んだことを意味します。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • I learned so much!

  • I believe I have a greater understanding now.

  • You have done well in educating me on this lesson.

When someone is exposed to new information and they understand what they have been taught, a number of phrases can be used. Please see the list below. You have helped me to acquire (gain) a greater understanding of the lesson. I have learned so much. Your assistance helped me to understand the lesson. I have absorbed so much information. Thank you for teaching me! Your guidance has helped me to take in the knowledge of this lesson.
新しい情報などに触れて、教えられたことを理解した時は、色々な表現を使うことが出来ます。 以下の例文を参照してください。 【例】 You have helped me to acquire (gain) a greater understanding of the lesson. (あなたは、私がレッスンを理解する事を沢山手伝ってくれました) I have learned so much. (沢山学びました) Your assistance helped me to understand the lesson. (あなたの助けでレッスンをよく理解することができました) I have absorbed so much information. (多くの事を吸収しました) Thank you for teaching me! (教えてくれてありがとうございます) Your guidance has helped me to take in the knowledge of this lesson. (あなたのアドバイスで、このレッスンを多く吸収することができました)
Yash DMM英会話講師
  • I learnt a lot today.

  • I really feel like my English has improved due to this lesson.

*I learnt a lot today. This means that you feel like you benefited a lot from the lesson. *I really feel like my English has improved due to this lesson. This means that you learnt a lot during the lesson and these are things you were not even aware of.
*I learnt a lot today. ー今日はたくさん学びました。 これはそのレッスンからたくさん得たと感じていることを意味します。 *I really feel like my English has improved due to this lesson. ーこのレッスンのおかげで英語が向上したと本当に感じています。 これはそのレッスンの時間にたくさんのことを学び、それらは知りもしなかったこともあるということを意味しています。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I learnt a lot this lesson

Explanation:- Learnt or learned = past participles of the verb to learn Sample sentence:- "I feel I really learnt a lot during that lesson."
解説:Learnt または learned はlearn(学ぶ)という動詞の過去形です。 例文: "I feel I really learnt a lot during that lesson." (そのレッスンでは沢山のことを学べたと感じています。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The lesson was informative.

  • The lesson was constructive.

  • The information was useful.

"The lesson was informative." The word "informative"means that thought-provoking information was provided. Therefore, the phrase "the lesson was informative," is a good expression to use if you feel like you learned a lot of information during the lesson. Eg: Student: "Thank you for teaching me English grammar during our lesson, it was informative and I learned a lot." "The lesson was construtive." The word "constructive" means useful and structured. Therefore, the phrase "the lesson was constructive," would be a good thing to say if you felt like you received a lot of "constructive criticisim," or "helpful correction" during the lesson. Eg: Student: "Thank you for a constructive lesson. I really appreciated the fact that you corrected my grammar." "The information was useful," would be a good expression to use if you felt that you received useful or practical information during your lesson. Eg: Student: "Thank you for teaching me useful vocabulary during our lesson."
"The lesson was informative."(勉強になるレッスンでした) - "informative" は「思考力を刺激するような情報のあった」という意味です。ですから、"The lesson was informative" はレッスン中たくさんのことを学んだと感じているときに使えます。 例えば: Student: "Thank you for teaching me English grammar during our lesson, it was informative and I learned a lot." ↓ 生徒:レッスンで英文法を教えて頂きありがとうございました。すごく勉強になりました。 "The lesson was constructive."(建設的なレッスンでした) - "constructive" は「建設的で役に立った」という意味です。ですから、"The lesson was constructive." はレッスン中にたくさん建設的な批判を受けたり間違いを指摘してもらったときに使えます。 例えば: Student: "Thank you for a constructive lesson. I really appreciated the fact that you corrected my grammar." ↓ 生徒:建設的なレッスンをありがとうございました。文法の間違いを指摘して頂き感謝しています。 "The information was useful"(その情報は役に立ちました) - これは、レッスン中に役に立つ情報をもらったと感じているときに使えます。 例えば: Student: "Thank you for teaching me useful vocabulary during our lesson." ↓ 生徒:レッスン中便利な言葉を教えて頂きありがとうございました。
Toria DMM英会話講師
  • This lesson helped me so much.

直訳は、「このレッスンは私をとても助けてくれた」です。 日本語に訳すと、不自然に聞こえますが、英語では「レッスンがすごく役に立った」の意味でよく使う、自然な言い方です(*^-^*) 既にたくさんの回答が挙がっていますので、私はそれ以外の言い方で考えました。
  • Thank you so much teacher. I learned quite a lot during the lesson.

  • I learned so much during the lesson

When you want to explain that you learned a lot during a lesson, then you can say it in the following ways: -Thank you so much teacher. I learned quite a lot during the lesson. -I learned so much during the lesson
レッスンでたくさんのことを学んだと伝えたいなら、以下の表現が使えます: 【例文】 -Thank you so much teacher. I learned quite a lot during the lesson. [訳]先生ありがとうございます、今回のレッスンでたくさんのことを学びました -I learned so much during the lesson [訳]レッスンでたくさんのことを学びました
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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