世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/12/13 09:37
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  • Merry Christmas, this is for you!

  • Happy holidays, i hope you like it!

  • This is a small token of my appreciation

In the UK we tend to say 'merry christmas' rather than 'happy holidays' but someone would know what you mean when saying both By saying 'this is for you' they know you are giving it to them you could also say 'i hope you like it' BY saying 'this is a small token of my appreciation' this tells them you are thankful for their help
イギリスでは、  'happy holidays' よりも'merry christmas'と言う傾向にありますが、どちらも理解してもらえるでしょう。 'this is for you' (これはあなたへです。)は、相手にものをあげるときのフレーズで、 'i hope you like it'(気に入ってもらえるといいな。)という言葉も添えることができます。 'this is a small token of my appreciation'(これはほんのささやかな気持ちです。)は、相手に感謝の気持ちを表すフレーズです。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Happy holidays/Merry Christmas

  • This is a token of my appreciation.

  • Could you please pass these along to the other teachers?

クリスマスプレゼント等を渡す時は「Merry Christmas」や「Happy holidays」を言うのが基本かと思います。 感謝の気持ち(appreciation)を伝えるためのギフトなら「This is a token of my appreciation.」という言い方があります。もちろん、「Thanks for everything」(色々ありがとうございました)とかでもいいと思います。 もし他の先生に直接渡せなかった場合は「Could you please pass these along to the other teachers?」(他の先生方に渡してもらえますでしょうか?)で大丈夫だと思います。
Rose 日本語能力試験N1(一級)の英語講師・日英翻訳者
  • I brought a gift for you.

  • Merry Christmas!

  • This is a small thanks for being my teacher.

I brought a gift for you. - "brought"is the past tense of 'bring'. You brought the gift to give to your teacher so you can say this. You could also add "I hope you like it". Merry Christmas! - When giving a gift, you don't even need to explain that you are giving them a gift. You can just say "Merry Christmas", "Happy Holidays", or whatever holiday it is "Happy Easter" and give them the gift. They will know that it's for them. This is a small thanks for being my teacher. - When you are giving a present because you really liked them as your teacher, you can say this. Other variations include "this is to say thanks for being my teacher", "this is a small token of my appreciation", "thanks for being my teacher", "this for being such an awesome teacher", the list goes on.
I brought a gift for you.(プレゼントを持って来ました) "brought" は 'bring'(持って来る)の過去形です。先生に渡そうとプレゼントを持って来たわけなので、このように言えます。"I hope you like it"(気に入ってくれるといいですが)と加えてもいいです。 Merry Christmas!(メリークリスマス) 必ずしも「プレゼントです」と説明する必要はありません。"Merry Christmas" や "Happy Holidays"(楽しいホリデーシーズンを)、あるいはイースターなら "Happy Easter"(楽しいイースターを)などと言って、プレゼントを渡すこともできます。「私へのプレゼントだ」と相手に伝わります。 This is a small thanks for being my teacher.(これは先生への感謝の気持ちです) すごく好きな先生にプレゼントを渡すなら、このように言えます。他に、次のように言うこともできます。 "this is to say thanks for being my teacher"(これは先生への感謝の気持ちです) "this is a small token of my appreciation"(これは感謝の気持ちです) "thanks for being my teacher"(私の先生でいてくれてありがとうございます) "this for being such an awesome teacher"(これは先生への感謝の気持ちです)
Chelsi B DMM英会話講師
  • Merry Christmas, I hope that you like it!

Many times, when you give someone a gift, you say "I hope that you like it" so that they know that it is important for you what they think. I hope that this helps!
人にプレゼントを渡すときは、"I hope that you like it"(気に入ってくれるといいです)と言うことが多いです。このように言うと、相手が気に入るかどうかを大切に思っていることが伝わります。 参考になれば幸いです!
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • "Here is a little something I got for you."

  • (As you hand the gift over) "Just a small gesture to say thanks."

"Here is a little something I got for you." A friendly way to suggest you have purchased something or a gifting something to say thanks to another person. (As you hand the gift over) "Just a small gesture to say thanks." This is not a complete sentence but accompanied by body language, would be commonly used when handing a gift over to someone.
"Here is a little something I got for you." (あなたに大したものではないんですがどうぞ。) 相手に感謝の気持ちを込めてちょっとしたものを用意したことを伝えるフレーズです。   (As you hand the gift over) "Just a small gesture to say thanks." (ギフトを差し出しながら)(ありがとうの気持ちを込めてちょっとしたものです。) これは、完全な文ではありませんが、誰かにギフトを渡すときに使います。
Rada DMM英会話講師
  • Merry Christmas

  • Happy Christmas

  • I got you something!

These expressions are used when it is Christmas or close / on the Christmas period and you are giving someone a present, you would use these expressions. If it is not Christmas but still a public holiday you can use 'Happy holidays'. For someone's birthday you can use the expression 'Happy Birthday'.
これらの表現は、クリスマス/クリスマスシーズンに誰かにプレゼントを渡すときに使うことができます。 クリスマスでない祝祭日には、'Happy holidays' が使えます。 誕生日には、'Happy Birthday' という表現が使えます。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Merry Christmas!

  • A Christmas token of my appreciation!

You're unsure what to say to someone when you give them a Christmas gift - for example, your English teacher.Try one of the above suggested statements.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • This is for you.

  • Happy Holidays

You can use the following expressions : This is for you. Happy Holidays! I hope you like it! Here is something small for you! I got you something! This gift is for you! Merry Christmas! I got this for you.
次の表現が使えます。 This is for you.(これどうぞ) Happy Holidays!(ハッピーホリデー) I hope you like it!(気に入ってもらえるとうれしいです) Here is something small for you!(これつまらないものですが) I got you something!(プレゼントがあります) This gift is for you!(これあなたにプレゼントです) Merry Christmas! I got this for you.(メリークリスマス!これあなたに)
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • I have a gift for you! Merry Christmas!

  • Blessings to you from me! Happy holidays!

Use the sentences above when giving a Christmas gift to someone. You can add something more by thanking them for all they have done for you that year and how appreciative you are. Receiving gifts is always fun, especially when it is at the end of the year when everything slows down and you get real time to spend with friends and family. "I have a gift for you, I got this for you because I wanted to thank you for all you have done for me this year! I appreciate your support and great advice! Happy holidays!"
クリスマスプレゼントを渡すときには、上記の表現が使えます。 加えて、その年お世話になった感謝の気持ちを伝えてもいいでしょう。 人からプレゼントをもらうのは楽しいですね。家族や友達とゆっくり過ごせる年末にもらうプレゼントはまた特別です。 "I have a gift for you, I got this for you because I wanted to thank you for all you have done for me this year! I appreciate your support and great advice! Happy holidays!" (プレゼントがあります。これは今年1年お世話になった感謝の気持ちです。あなたのサポートとアドバイスに感謝しています。ハッピーホリデー)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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