Thank you for being born!
Thank you for coming into our lives!
We're so happy you're here!
You're our greatest treasure!
thank you for ... = 〜ありがとう
being born = 生まれてきて
coming into our lives = 私たちの人生に来てくれて
happy = 幸せ
greatest treasure = 1番の宝物
We are so grateful that you have come into our lives!
These are both excellent ways of expressing your happiness and gratitude to the baby that it has been born and is now a part of your life. "...welcome you into the world" is a way of saying that you are greeting the baby in a warm and welcoming way because it is now a part of this world. "Grateful" means thankful and lucky, showing gratitude that the baby was born. :)
I hope this was helpful. Congratulations on the baby!
「...welcome you into the world」は、この世界の一部となった赤ちゃんを暖かく歓迎する言い方です。
When someone you know or a family member has a baby it's very exciting and everyone is happy so you might want to tell them this you can simply say 'thanks for being born' if you want to express your happiness then you can say 'I am happy you are here!'
'Thanks for being born'(生まれてきてくれてありがとう)
'I am happy you are here!'(あなたが生まれてくれて幸せ)
I love you so much and I am so glad you were born!
I am so happy you are here.
It's so wonderful having you here.
Babies are such a wonderful blessing. Just telling them they are loved and amazing is a good way to
say it. I love you so much and I am so glad you were born! I am so happy you are here. It's wonderful having you here. You are an amazing addition to our family. Welcome to our family. We have been looking forward to having you join us!
I love you so much and I am so glad you were born!(愛しているよ。生まれてきてくれて本当にうれしい)
I am so happy you are here.(あなたが生まれてくれて本当にうれしい)
It's wonderful having you here.(あなたが生まれてくれて本当にうれしい)
You are an amazing addition to our family.(あなたが家族に加わってくれて本当にうれしい)
Welcome to our family.(家族になってくれてありがとう)
We have been looking forward to having you join us!(あなたが家族に加わってくれるのをずっと楽しみにしていたんだよ)
In order to thank a baby for being born into this world, you could say "I am grateful that you came into our lives" or "Thank you for coming into our lives". These sentences explain that you are so happy to have them and that your life is better as a result.
"I am grateful that you came into our lives"(生まれてきてくれてありがとう)
"Thank you for coming into our lives"(生まれてきてくれてありがとう)
Glad' means 'happy' or 'elated'. Saying 'I am so glad that you are here' means 'I am pleased that you are present in this place.' 'Grateful' means 'a feeling of reverence or quiet awe of the fact that something exists at all (since there's no reason it had to).'
「I am so glad that you are here」は「あなたがここにいてくれてうれしい」という意味です。
Well, if you want to say thanks to a baby for being born into this world, then in English this is not a logical thought process and would sound ridiculous if you actually said it! The baby actually took no part in its birth process as it could not control either its original conception or delivery into the world. You could thank the doctor for delivering the baby - or the mother or father for helping conceive the baby - but you would never thank the baby! Of course you may 'thank god' or 'good luck' as in the example sentences above - which is more acceptable in English.
・Thank you for coming into our lives.
come into (one's) life と言うと「人生に入ってくる」というニュアンスになります。
Thanks for coming into my life.
come into my life は「私の人生に現れる」というようなニュアンスの英語表現です。