Our product is fully developed and manufactured in house, as to retain control of quality and consistency
In house procurement.
In-house surveys are considered, generally, to be less reliable than outsourced surveys, as they have the tendency to produce skewed data due to the internal conflict of interest of a company.
「Our product is fully developed and manufactured in house,」ここの製品は完全独自調達です「 as to retain control of quality and consistency」QCをして品質の一貫性をもたせることができるからです
「In house procurement.」独自調達←対語→「Outsourced procurement」外部委託される調達
「In-house surveys are considered, generally, to be less reliable than outsourced surveys,」一般的に外部委託された調査は独自調査より効果的だっと思われています「 as they have the tendency to produce skewed data due to the internal conflict of interest of a company.」会社内のプレッシャーによってのデータが偏ってしまうか可能性が高いからです