I really important thing is not one that you want to get, but one that you don't want to lose.
The most precious things are not the ones you want to get, they're the ones you don't want to lose.
The most precious things are the ones you don't want to lose, rather than ones you want to get.
In reality, the most valuable things are not the ones that you want to obtain, but the ones that you don't want to lose.
"In reality, the most valuable things are not the ones that you want to obtain, but the ones that you don't want to lose."
"in reality"は「本当に」に相当し、"valuable"は「大切」という意味を持っています。
あと、"to obtain"は「手に入れる」で、"to lose"は「失う」に相当します。
Something that is precious is not something that you want to have, but something that you don't want to lose.
私が好きな言い方は Something that is precious is not something that you want to have, but something that you don't want to lose. です。Precious は「貴重」というニュアンスがあります。
Precious の代わりに dear も使えます。Dear は「心に近い」というニュアンスです。
そして、important も使えます。Important は「重要」というニュアンスで、比較的にあまり感情が入っているような言葉ではないです。
The most important thing is not what you want to get but what you don’t want to lose.
The most important thing is not what you want to get but what you don’t want to lose.
not ~ but - で「〜でなくーだ」という意味になります。
手に入れたい物 は what you want to get
失いたくない物 は what you don't want to lose
The most precious things in your life are not the ones you want to get but the ones you never want to let go.
The most important things in your life are not the ones you want to get but the ones you never want to let go.
"The most precious things in your life are not the ones you want to get but the ones you never want to let go."
"The most important things in your life are not the ones you want to get but the ones you never want to let go."
"not ... but ~"は、「...ではなく~」
"never ~"は、「決して~ない」
「大切な」は、"precious" / "important"
"let go"は、「手放す」という意味です。