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2019/01/04 11:16
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  • Even if it’s the same tea, its flavor is different depending on the season

Even if it’s the same tea 同じお茶でも 直訳すると、even if the same teaになりますが、英語でit’s を入れないといけません。 the flavor 感じる味 is different depending on the season 季節によって変化する ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • Depending on the season, the same tea can taste very different.

"Depending on" is a good phrase to talk about a temporary condition, like a season. The phrase "the same tea" makes it clear that you aren't talking about different types of tea. I hope that this helps! :)
"Depending on" は、季節など一時的な条件を表すときに便利です。 "The same tea" は、同じ種類のお茶について言っていることを明確にします。 参考になれば幸いです! :)
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • The green tea tastes different from season to season!

  • Tea is a seasonal beverage/drink, so, the taste changes!

  • The flavor of tea changes seasonally!

"The tea tastes different from season to season!" "Tea is a seasonal beverage/drink, so, the taste changes!" "The flavor of tea changes seasonally!" Tea is made from leaves which grow in soil, which means that the taste will be different if the tea is supposed to grow in the summer or hot season and it is was grown in winter, a cold season.
"The tea tastes different from season to season!"(お茶は季節によって味が変わります) "Tea is a seasonal beverage/drink, so, the taste changes!"(お茶は季節の飲み物なので、味が変わります) "The flavor of tea changes seasonally!"(お茶の味は季節によって変わります) お茶は土に育つ葉っぱから作られます。ですから、それが夏(暑い季節)に育ったものなのか冬(寒い季節)に育ったものなのかによって味が変わります。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • Even though it's the same tea, its flavour varies depending on the season

If you wish to contrast two things - or, in this case, two different aspects about one thing, then you may use the word 'though' or for added stress, 'even though'. A further variation is: 'although'. Eg 'Though the sky was cloudy, there were occasional beams of sunlight reflecting on the surface of the water.'
二つの事柄(あるいはこの場合のように、一つの事柄の二つの異なる側面)を対照させたいなら、'though' あるいはより強調した 'even though' が使えます。また、'although' という言い方もあります。 【例】 'Though the sky was cloudy, there were occasional beams of sunlight reflecting on the surface of the water.' (空は曇っていたが、時より太陽が顔を出し水面に反射していた)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The flavour varies depending on the season.

  • The tea could taste different depending on the time of year.

By saying: "The flavour varies depending on the season." you are explaining to the other person that the taste of he tea can be different depending on the time of year that the person is drinking it. Varies = changes. An alternative way of saying this could be: "The tea could taste different depending on the time of year." I hope this helps! :)
"The flavour varies depending on the season."(季節によって味が変わる) これは、お茶の味は飲む季節によって変化することがあると伝えています。 varies = changes(変わる) 次のように言うこともできます。 "The tea could taste different depending on the time of year."(お茶の味は季節によって変わることがあります) 参考になれば幸いです!
Rhi DMM英会話講師
  • Depending on the season, Tea will have a different taste

  • The taste of tea will change seasonally

"Depending on the season, Tea will have a different taste" 'Depending' on something is to determine or be something or It will in fact be something. "Seasonally" is used to describe when talking about the different seasons within a year.
"Depending on the season, Tea will have a different taste"(お茶は季節によって味が違います) 'Depending on' は「~によって決まる」の意味です。 "Seasonally"(季節によって)は一年の異なる季節について言う場合に使われます。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • The taste of tea often changes with the seasons.

In American English, this is a good way to express this idea. It means that as the seasons change so does the taste of the tea. Instead of 'taste' you could also use the word 'flavor'. 'Taste' and 'flavor' are very useful words and can be used in situations that are fairly far afield from their technical meanings. For instance, we often say that someone has 'good taste' if their preferences and predilections for something are refined and nuanced. We might say someone has 'flavor' if they have a good sense of style, or a soulful personality.
アメリカ英語ではこれはすごく良い言い方です。季節が変わるとお茶の味も変わるという意味です。 'taste' の代わりに 'flavor' という言葉も使えます。'taste' と 'flavor' は非常に便利な言葉で、これらは文字通りの意味とはかなりかけ離れた場面でも使われます。 例えば、人の好みが洗練されているとき、よく 'someone has good taste' という言い方をします。 また、服のセンスが良いことや感情豊かな性格であることは、'someone has flavor' と表すことがあります。
Thomas C DMM英会話講師
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