世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/01/05 13:19
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  • I don't know whether to call her by her maiden name or her current surname

  • I don't know if I'm suppose to use her former surname or her current surname

最初の例はそのまま「彼女を旧姓で呼んだらいいのか、今の姓で呼ぶのかわからない」の訳になります。ただ一つ注意する点は「maiden name」は「女性の結婚前の姓」の意なので他の理由で姓が変わったのなら二番目の例の様に「former surname」で「前の/過去の姓」と表現した方が良いかと。
  • What should I call you?

  • Which name would you prefer?

  • Which name would you like me to use?

When people get married and change their last names, we normally use the new last name, but if the person got divorced and you are not sure if they kept the husband's last name, then it gets a bit confusing. So, in my experience, just ask the person which name they would prefer. "What should I call you?" "Which name would you prefer?" "Which name would you like me to use?" "Which name would you like to be addressed as?"
たいていの人は結婚して名字が変わるとその新しい名前を名乗りますが、離婚をしたときには、名前を戻したのかどうかが分からず少し混乱することがあります。私の経験上その場合は、どちらで呼ばれたいのか本人に確認するのがベストです。 "What should I call you?"(何て呼んだらいいですか) "Which name would you prefer?"(どっちの名前がいいですか) "Which name would you like me to use?"(どっちの名前を使えばいいですか) "Which name would you like to be addressed as?"(どっちの名前で呼んだらいいですか)
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • I'm uncertain whether I should call her by her current or maiden name.

  • I'm hesitant as to whether I call her by her maiden name or current name.

  • Should I call her by her maiden name or her current name?

There are a few ways of saying you are not sure including: I am uncertain / I'm hesitant / I'm unsure Maiden name = the family name a woman has before she gets married and get's a new last name. Current name = the word "current"means now so it refers to the name she has now.
「分からない」の言い方はいくつかあります。 例えば: I am uncertain / I'm hesitant / I'm unsure Maiden name = 女性が結婚して名前が変わるまで持っている名前をいいます。 Current name = "current" は「今」という意味です。ですから、これは今現在の名前をいいます。
Chelsi B DMM英会話講師
  • Would you rather I call you by your maiden name rather than your married name?

  • Do you prefer to be known by your married or maiden name?

"Would you rather I call you.." is a polite way of asking if you should address someone a different way. In western culture, it's the norm for a married woman to be known by her married name. In some cases, for example in a business situation, a woman may prefer to keep her maiden name due to her business reputation in which case she would introduce herself in this way. I don't believe this question is really necessary and you should always assume a woman will be known by her married name unless she advises you differently.
"Would you rather I call you.."(...で呼んだ方がいいですか)は、丁寧な言い方です。別の名前で呼んだ方がいいか尋ねます。 欧米の文化では、普通結婚した女性は結婚後の姓で呼ばれます。時に、例えばビジネス上の都合で、「旧姓のまま」を望む女性もいます。その場合には自らそのように名乗るでしょう。 私はこの質問は必要ないのではないかと思います。相手が「旧姓で呼んでほしい」と断ってこない限り、結婚後の姓で呼んで問題ないと思います。
Mikey J DMM英会話講師
  • Should I call her by her maiden name or her married name?

  • I'm not certain if I should call her by her maiden name or her married name.

The two sentences you see provided above are terrific ways to express to your listener that you are not sure if you should call someone by their maiden name or their married name. In the second sentence you will see the word certain. This is another word for sure. This word is appropriate for both formal and informal settings. It would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
上記二つの例文は、「旧姓で呼ぶべきか、結婚後の姓で呼ぶべきか分からない」と伝えるおすすめの言い方です。 二つ目の例文には 'certain' という言葉が使われています。これは 'sure'(自信がある)の別の言い方です。'certain' はフォーマルな場面でもカジュアルな場面でも使われます。ぜひ語彙に加えておいてください。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like me to call you by your maiden name or your married name?

  • Do you know if she prefers to be known by her maiden name or married name?

"Would you like me to call you by your maiden name or married name?" This is an example for you to ask the female, But if you was asking someone else what the female likes to be called then you would say " Do you know if she prefers to be known by her maiden name or her married name?".
"Would you like me to call you by your maiden name or married name?"(旧姓か今の姓どちらで呼べばいいですか) これはその女性に直接尋ねる言い方です。その女性について別の人に尋ねるなら、次のように言えます。 "Do you know if she prefers to be known by her maiden name or her married name?"(彼女が旧姓で呼ばれたいと思っているか今のせいで呼ばれたいと思っているかわかりますか)
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • Please may I know how to refer to you as.

  • How would you like me to address you?

  • Which name would you like to be called?

These questions are all simple, the other person would not be offended when asked them. If you are close enough to the person to know that they have been married it is okay to make the mistake once. However this is only in British culture.
どれもシンプルな質問です。聞かれた相手が気を悪くすることはないと思います。 相手と親しい間柄で結婚したことを知っているなら、初め相手の望まない呼び方をしてしまっても問題ありません。ただし、これはイギリス文化に限ったことです。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • Should I call you by your maiden name or current name?

  • What name should I call you?

  • Which name do you prefer?

When a woman gets married she usually changes her surname (last name) to her husbands but if they got divorced they might still use the same name instead of their maiden name so it is maybe good to ask then which name they prefer you to use 'What name should I call you?' or 'which name do you prefer?
女性は結婚すると普通姓を夫のものに変えますが、離婚した場合は、旧姓に戻さないこともあります。ですから、どちらの名前を使ってほしいか確認した方がいいかもしれません。 'What name should I call you?'(何と呼べばいいですか) または、 'Which name do you prefer?(どちらの名前で呼んだらいいですか)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Should I call her Miss Smith or Mrs Bryant?

  • Does she prefer to be called Miss Smith or Mrs Bryant?

When talking about a certain person (female), you are not sure whether you should refer to her by her maiden name or her current name. You wish to clarify that point. Above are a couple of suggestions which may fit the bill. Probably, it is better to mirror the way that you were first introduced - if you were ever introduced...or if you will be introduced in future. Ex. A: 'This is Miss Smith.' YOU: 'Pleased to meet you, Miss Smith.'
ある特定の女性のことについて話すとき、旧姓で呼ぶか、現在の名前で呼ぶか迷うことがあり、はっきりさせたいのですね。これらの例はそのようなときにぴったりのフレーズです。 例: A: 'This is Miss Smith.' Aさん:こちらはスミスさんです。 YOU: 'Pleased to meet you, Miss Smith.' あなた:お会いできてうれしいです、スミスさん。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'm not sure if I should call her by her maiden name or her current name.

I'm not sure if I should call her by her maiden name or her current name. 彼女を旧姓で呼んだらいいのか、今の名前で呼ぶのかわかりません。 maiden name は「旧姓」という意味の英語表現です。 例: What is your maiden name? あなたの旧姓は何ですか? お役に立てれば嬉しいです。 またいつでもご質問ください。
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