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うちの猫はよくフンを踏んでしまう って英語でなんて言うの?

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2019/01/06 20:14
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  • My cat frequently steps in its own poop.

"Frequently" is another way to say often in all types of English. You can use "its" because in English, the gender of animals isn't as important as that of humans. I hope that this helps! :)
イギリス英語でもアメリカ英語でも、"frequently"は"often"(頻繁に)の別の言い方です。 英語では動物の性別は人間の性別ほどは重要ではないので、"its"(それの)が使えます。 参考になれば幸いです!
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • My cat is always stepping in his/ her own poop.

  • My cat often steps on his/her poop.

どちらも「うちの猫はよく自分のフンを踏む。」という意味です。 1) My cat is always stepping in his/ her own poop. 2) My cat often steps on his/her poop. 「踏む」は step in や step on と言います。 「糞」は poop または dung と言う人もいます。 ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • My cat often ends up stepping on its own faeces

この場合踏んでしまうは ends up stepping などの表現が良いです。 結果的にはと言った感じで ends up と主張してます。 糞 のフォーマルな単語 は faeces など。
  • My cat steps in its poop!

  • My cat always has poop on its paws!

  • My cat steps in its own faeces!

"My cat steps in its poop!" "My cat always has poop on its paws!" "My cat steps in its own faeces!" Both of the above sentences can explain that your cat is always stepping in its own poop/faeces/excrement. "faeces" and "excrement" are different words that you can use for poop
"My cat steps in its poop!"(私の猫は自分のふんを踏みます) "My cat always has poop on its paws!"(私の猫はいつも手にふんがついています) "My cat steps in its own faeces!"(私の猫は自分のふんを踏みます) 上記どの文を使っても、猫がいつも自分の "poop/faeces/excrement"(ふん)を踏んでしまうことを説明できます。 "faeces" と "excrement" は "poop"(ふん)の別の言い方です。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • My cat has a bad habit of stepping on its own poop.

If you would like to explain that your cat often steps on its own poop, you can explain it by saying: "My cat has a bad habit of stepping on its own poop." The word "habit" refers to the fact that it happens very often.
「うちの猫はよく自分の出したふんを踏んでしまう」は次のように言えます。 "My cat has a bad habit of stepping on its own poop." (うちの猫はよく自分の出したふんを踏んでしまう) "habit" はよく起こる事を表します。
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • My cat is always stepping on his/her own poop

  • My cats often steps on his own faeces

When talking about poop we can also use the word 'faeces' meaning the same thing and sound slightly more polite If your cat is doing something alot of the time then you can say 'always' or 'often' to step or stepping means to put your feet/paws into something
「ふん」は 'poop' の他に、'faeces' ともいいます。同じ意味ですが、'faeces' の方が丁寧な響きです。 「頻繁に~する」は 'always' や 'often' で表すことができます。 'to step' あるいは 'stepping' は「踏む」という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • My cat often walks through it's own poop

  • My cat is always stepping in his/her own poop

When talking about your cat, you can talk about the cat in the past, present or future. If the cat stepped in the poop in the past, you would say "my cat has stepped in her own poop". If the action is being performed in the present, then you can say "my cat is stepping in her own poop". If the action is happening in the future, you can say "my cat will always step in her own poop"
これは過去形か現在形かあるいは未来形で表すことができます。 猫が過去にふんを踏んだなら、"my cat has stepped in her own poop"(私の猫は自分のふんを踏んだことがある)と言えます。 それが今現在行われていることなら、"my cat is stepping in her own poop"(猫がふんを踏んでいる)と言えます。 それがこれから先に起こることなら、"my cat will always step in her own poop"(私の猫は自分のふんを踏んでしまうだろう)と言えます。
Estter DMM英会話講師
  • My cat is always stepping in its own poo

  • My cat is constantly stepping on its own crap/shit (informal)

You want to explain that your cat often steps in its own poop. The above suggestions may be appropriate
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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