世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/19 19:31
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  • Are you free today?

  • Do you have time today?

Are you free today? = 今日[暇](ですか? Do you have time today? = [今日](時間ありますか? free や have time は「空いている」「時間がある」のような意味で使われます。 もう一歩踏み込んで、「今日、私と~しませんか?」と言いたい時は Do you want to (have lunch) with me today? という言い方もあります。
  • Do you have any time after this?

  • Are you going to do something after this?

•[このあと時間ある?](といった直接的なストレートな表現ですね。 •このあとなんかすんのー?みたいな感じで軽く聞くかんじですね。予定なかったら... みたいな。。 PS:男性諸君頑張り所ですね。第一難関です。共に頑張りましょう。
  • Do you have any plans today?

  • Any plans today?

普通に言うならDo you have any plans today?が自然でいいと思います。 さらにカジュアルにいうなら Do youをけして Any plans today? 付け加えるなら Wanna hang out? 一緒になんかしない?
  • ① Are you doing anything today?

  • ② What are you up to today?

「① Are you doing anything today?」=今日予定ありますか? 誘い言葉として使える「今日空いてますか〜」はやっぱり、それに伴う声や身振りがないと伝えきれない部分があるように思います。実際、日本語でも文脈や当事者によって言葉以外のコミュニケーションが起きているため、同じように言い方を工夫して「友達としてでなく、恋愛の対象として聞いているのだ」という気持ちを伝える必要があると思います。 また、私がよく使う言葉の中では「② What are you up to today?」があります。「今日なにしてるの?」のすごいカジュアル版です。友達にも使えますし、その直後に誘いをかけることができます。 ジュリアン
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • Do you have any plans today?

  • Are you free today?

予定が空いてるかどうか尋ねる時の文です。相手に時間があるかどうか聞いた後に、ご飯に行きませんか?などと聞いてみましょう。 例えば 「How about lunch with me?」や 「Would you like to go out for lunch?」 といった表現があります。
Yuki JapanLanguageLovers主催者
  • I would ask what are your plans for today?

  • Does your schedule allow any time to do others things?

  • I would like to spend some time with you if its possible

We use this question when we want to know if a person has any free time in his or her normal schedule. A work colleague could ask the question in the work place if he needs help with something. A man would ask a woman this question if he wanted to spend time with her on a first date.
通常のスケジュールに彼・彼女は自由な時間はあるのかということを尋ねるときに使います。 職場の同僚が何かを手助けして欲しいことがある場合、これを尋ねてくるかもしれません。 男性は、初めてのデートを彼女としたいと思ったら、女性にこの質問をします。
Sven DMM英会話講師
  • Can we meet to talk today?

  • Are you free today?

  • Are you available to talk today?

These are friendly ways to as if you can talk.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • A) Would you like to meet up sometime ?

  • B) Are you free tomorrow?

Hello Yuki :-) I hope this helps! A) Would you like to meet up sometime ? -> In this sentence you are leaving the decision in her hands asking her if she would like to meet up sometime soon and then from her reply you will be able to set a date that suits you both! B) Are you free tomorrow? -> In this sentence you are asking the girl if she will be available. (Free)
Yukiさん、こんにちは、参考になるといいです! A) Would you like to meet up sometime ? -> この文では、「近いうちに会いませんか」と相手(女性)に判断を委ねています。返事をもらってから、都合のいい日を決めます。 B) Are you free tomorrow? -> この文では女性に、時間があるかどうか尋ねています。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • What would you say to a coffee in town?

  • How about me and you going for a walk?

Maybe it's better not to try to be too clever? Just ask her to do something with you without a time reference. You do not want her to be able to say, "No!" "What would you say to a coffee in town?" "Well, when were you thinking?" ", later, tomorrow? What's best for you?' "Mmmmm tomorrow evening." "Perfect. I'll pick you up at 6pm." "OK"
あんまりあれこれ考えないで、時間をいわずに一緒に何かしないか誘うのが良いと思います。Noっていう答えはききたくないですものね。 "What would you say to a coffee in town?" 街でコーヒーでも一杯どう? "Well, when were you thinking?" えーっと、いつのこと話してるの? ", later, tomorrow? What's best for you?' いつでもいいさ、今でも後とでも、明日でも、時間あるときなら。 "Mmmmm tomorrow evening." んーーー、明日の夜なら。 "Perfect. I'll pick you up at 6pm." じゃあ6時にピックアップするね。 "OK" わかった。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Are you free today?

  • Are you busy today?

You can ask : "Are you free today?" "Are you busy today?" "Can I see you today?" "Can we meet up today?" "Can I visit you today?" "I'd like to see you today."
以下のように誘えます : "Are you free today?" 今日暇? "Are you busy today?" 今日忙しい? "Can I see you today?" 今日あなたに会える? "Can we meet up today?" 今日会える? "Can I visit you today?" 今日会いに言っていい? "I'd like to see you today." 今日会いたいです。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • are you free?

  • what are you up to today?

It's a good idea to ask if she has plans before asking her out, that way you will know if she's actually busy if she says she is. To keep it casual you could say; what are you up to today? or are you free?
忙しいと言われたときに本当に忙しいのだとわかるので、彼女を誘う前に予定を聞くとよいでしょう。カジュアルにはこのように表現できます; what are you up to today? またはare you free?
Alistair W DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have time for an evening out today?

  • Are you available for a night to the movies today?

  • I am in the mood to eat out today. Will you please join me?

You can ask somebody if he/she is free to to join you for a night out to the movies, to eat out, or to an impromptu party. It really depends on if that person does not have any prior commitments. If he/she has prior commitments, the answer will be negative, but, if he/she does not have any prior commitments, the answer will be positive. So, you may ask: Do you have time for an evening out today? or Are you available for a night to the movies today? or I am in the mood to eat out today. Will you please join me?
誰かに今夜あなたと映画、食事や急にできたパーティーなどに一緒に行かないかだず寝ることが出来ます。 これは相手に先約があるかどうかによりますね。 相手に先約があれば、否定になりますが、なければ肯定になります。 ですので、次のように尋ねることが出来ます。 【例】 Do you have time for an evening out today? (今夜外食する時間ありますか?) Are you available for a night to the movies today? (今夜映画に行く時間ありますか?) I am in the mood to eat out today. Will you please join me? (今日は外食したい気分です。一緒に行きませんか?)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Do you have any spare time today?

  • What's on your agenda for today?

  • Can we hang out any time today?

Asking people on a date is a lot of pressure, especially because there is always the possibility of getteing rejected. Clearing the path by making sure they are free is a good start to the “date asking.” Asking what’s on their agenda/schedule for the day is a clever way to see if they have anything planned. Sometimes simply asking them if they want to hang/chill/kick it later is good too.
誰かをデートに誘うということはすぼ医プレッシャーですよね。 特にそれは断られるかもしれないという可能性があるからです。 “date asking”(デートに誘う)時には、相手がフリーかどうか確かめることはとてもいい始め方です。 相手の ”agenda/schedule”(予定)を尋ねることは、 その日に用事があるかどうかはっきりさせるのにとても賢い方法です。 時々単に相手に hang/chill/kick(一緒にリラックス) したいかどうか訪ねる事もいいですよね。
Dezzi DMM英会話講師
  • Are you free today?

  • Are you available today?

  • Do you have time today?

We can talk about if someone is, "free," or, "available," when talking about if someone, "has the time," to see us today or if they are available to see us to hangout or have a conversation in person together.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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