世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/01/10 01:14
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  • You are the sunshine of my life.

  • You guys are the light of my life.

英語の表現で”you are the sunshine of my life”とか”you are the light of my life”があります。[あなたたちのおかげで](私は元気で生きてるみたい。 あなたたち - you (people), you guys, all of you 日本語だと“私の[太陽](”を言うけど英語だったら“人生の太陽” Sunshine OF MY LIFE light OF MY LIFE My family are the light of my life. My friends are the sunshine of my life.
  • You are the sunshine of my life.

  • You are the center of my world..

  • You light up my world.

"You are the sunshine of my life," means you bring happiness, joy and warmth into my life. You make me happy. (It's also a lyric from a very popular Stevie Wonder song.) "You are the center of my world" - means you are the most important person in my life. My existence, my thoughts, my actions and my life all revolve around you. "You light up my world" means you bring happiness into my world. You make everything better.
"You are the sunshine of my life" は「あなたは私の[人生](に[幸せ](や喜びを与えてくれる」という意味です。"You make me happy."(あなたといると幸せ)ということ。(スティーヴィー・ワンダーの有名な歌の歌詞にもありますね) "You are the center of my world" は「あなたは私の人生で一番大切な人」という意味です。「私の考え、行動、存在はあなたを中心に回っている」ということ。 "You light up my world" は「あなたは私の人生に幸せを与えてくれる」という意味です。"You make everything better"(あなたといると全てが明るくなる)ということ。
Lizzo DMM英会話講師
  • You are my sunshine.

  • You are my light.

"You are my sunshine." is a saying that was make popular by a song that has been sung by many different artists. The lyrics include 'You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey'. By being someone's 'sunshine' you are the the bright, warm thing in their life, especially when things are grey or bad, you stand out. "You are my light." is a way of saying that someone is either the thing with the most 'light' as in the brightest or also someone that guides you, like a light source.
"You are my sunshine." は歌で有名になったフレーズです。 この歌詞に、 'You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey'(あなたは私の太陽。私のたった一つの太陽。空が灰色でもあなたがいれば私の心は明るい) とあります。この歌はたくさんの歌手に歌われています。 この 'sunshine' は、特につらいときに「人生を明るく照らしてくれる人」「暖かく包み込んでくれる人」を表します。 "You are my light." は「人生を明るく照らしてくれる人」または「(光で)人生を導いてくれる人」を指します。
Claire L DMM英会話講師
  • You light up my life.

  • You are my beacon.

To light up somebody's life is to provide happiness. Being somebody's beacon is providing them with guidance. I will always cherish love and respect you.
Leren DMM英会話講師
  • You are the light of my life

  • You are very special to me.

When you want to tell people (like your grandparents) that they are very important you; then you can use the following phrases: -You are the light of my life. I really appreciate you. -You are very special to me. -I am incredibly lucky to have you in my life. You are the sunshine of my life. -I cherish all that you are to me.
「あなたは私にとってとても大切な存在です」と(祖父母に)伝えたいということですね。次のように言えます。 -You are the light of my life. I really appreciate you.(あなたは私の人生を明るく照らしてくれています。とても感謝しています) -You are very special to me.(あなたは私にとって特別な存在です) -I am incredibly lucky to have you in my life. You are the sunshine of my life.(あなたが出会えてとても幸せです。あなたは私の太陽です) -I cherish all that you are to me.(あなたの全てに感謝しています)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • You both make my days brighter.

By saying the phrase "you both," it makes it clear that you are talking to both your grandmother and grandfather. If you "make someone's days brighter," you make them a lot better and happier. I hope that this helps. :)
"you both" と言うことで、祖母と祖父両方について言っていることが明確になります。 "make someone's days brighter" は「(人)の人生を明るく幸せにする」という意味です。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • "You are the sunshine of my life"

  • "You both are the lights of my life, thank you"

If your grandparents raised and loved you, and what they have done for you is very important to you, and you would like to express this, you could say either of these expressions: "You are the sunshine of my life" or "You both are the lights of my life, thank you". These expressions mean they make your life brighter, and therefore better and more enjoyable.
祖父母に育ててもらい、愛され、それについて感謝しているなら、次のように言えます。 "You are the sunshine of my life"(あなたは私の人生の太陽です) "You both are the lights of my life, thank you".(あなたたちは私の人生を明るく照らしてくれます。ありがとう) これらの表現は「あなたは私の人生をより明るくしてくれる」という意味です。つまり「私の人生をより良く、より楽しくしてくれる」ということ。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • You are the light of my life.

  • You guys are the sunshine in my life.

If someone means something very important to you and is very important in your life and you would like to tell them that, you can say something like "You are the light of my life." or "You guys are the sunshine in my life.".
「あなたは私にとってとても大切な存在です」は次のように言えます。 "You are the light of my life."(あなたは私の人生の光です) "You guys are the sunshine in my life."(あなたたちは私の人生の太陽です)
Kharina DMM英会話講師
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