By saying "How many do you want?" you are asking them to give you a number as a response.
Asking "How many would you like?" is a very similar way of asking the same thing, but comes across as a little more polite. A native English speaker would be most likely to use the first phrase with their child, and the second phrase with another adult or in a more formal setting.
"How many do you want?"(何個欲しい?)では、返答として数字を求めています。
"How many would you like?"もほぼ同じ意味ですが、少し丁寧です。ネイティブスピーカーは子どもに対してはたぶん一つ目のフレーズを使うと思います。そして、大人、あるいはよりフォーマルな場面では、二つ目のフレーズを使います。
Depending in which context, this phrase can be worded in a number of ways.
If you were to answer the phone saying, “what do you want?” this can be considered rude. Instead, you might say something like “Hello, how may I help you?”
If you were working in a supermarket or a store, you might say something like, “What would you like?” OR “May I help you find what you are looking for?”
Another scenario might be, someone has asked you to buy something for them from the store, you might ask them “What do you want from the store?” OR “what would you like from the store?” OR “What do you need me to get from the store?”
電話に出て、“What do you want?”(何の用?)と言うと失礼になることがあります。代わりに“Hello, how may I help you?”(もしもし、どのようなご用件でしょうか)のように言います。
“What would you like?”(何になさいますか)
“May I help you find what you are looking for?”(何をお探しでしょうか)
“What do you want from the store?”(お店で何を買ってきて欲しいのですか)
“What would you like from the store?”(お店で何を買ってきて欲しいのですか)
“What do you need me to get from the store?”(お店で何を買ってきて欲しいのですか)
To ask your child how many of something he/she wants, you can say, "How many would you like?". By using, "...would you like to have?", you are asking how many of something your child wants to have at some point in the future (whether it is the immediate future or later on).
You can also ask, " How many ______ do you want?", or, "How many ______ would you like?" These two questions ask for the same answer and can be used interchangeably in the same situations. They are more specific than the first question because you can add the name of the object in the blanks. "How many books do you want?", is an example of this. Finally, asking, "...would you like?", sounds slightly more polite than asking, " you want?".
子供に何個欲しいかを聞くには、 "How many would you like?"(いくつ欲しいの?)と言うことができます。"...would you like to have?"は、子供が何個欲しいかを聞いています。(その時でも、後でも)
" How many ______ do you want?"や "How many ______ would you like?"(~がいくつ欲しいの?)は、どちらも同じように使うことができます。何が欲しいのかその物の名前を付け加えているので、より特定した質問になっています。
"How many books do you want?"
"...would you like?"は、" you want?"よりも丁寧な表現です。
Hold a few in your hand while asking your child: "Would this be enough for you?"
How many/much would you like to have?
Hold a few in your hand while asking your child: "Would this
be enough for you?"
Would this be enough for you is a means of finding out
whether you are taking an amount that would satisfy your
How many/much would you like to have?
Many refers to items that can be counted like sweets, pencils,
Much refers to things that are not normally counted: juice, ice
cream, potato chips, etc.
"Would this be enough for you?"(これで足りる?)
"Would this be enough for you?" は、それで十分かどうかを確認する言い方です。
"How many/much would you like to have?"(どのくらい欲しい?)
"many" は、'sweets'(お菓子)、'pencils'(鉛筆)、'cookies'(クッキー)など数えられるものについて使います。
"much" は 'juice'(ジュース)、'ice cream'(アイスクリーム)、'potato chips'(ポテトチップス)など数えられないものについて使われます。
When you want to ask about a countable quantity, the correct phrase is "how many." The second way of asking is more formal but both of them are easy ways to ask the quantity that your child wants. I hope that this helps. :)
When you want to ask your child how much/many of a thing they would like when they want something; then you may ask it in the following ways:
-How many of these do you want?
-How much of it do you want?
-How many of these do you want?(これ何個欲しい?)
-How much of it do you want?(どれくらい欲しい?)
When your child says he/she wants something, you want to ask how many he/she wants. You use one of the above suggestions, varying depending on whether the item that is wanted is a countable or uncountable noun.
・「How many do you want?」
(例文)How many do you want?// I want three.
(例文)How many apples do you want?// I want two please.