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2016/04/04 21:13
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  • You don't have to force yourself to drink water, just make sure to stay hydrated.

無理してまで飲むことはないですよ。ただ、脱水にはならないようにね。 stay hydrated; 脱水にならないように水分は補給してね これだけでこういう意味があるのは便利ですね。 make sure to; ...するよう気を付けてね。 参考になればm(_)m
  • There is no need to drink too much water. Just drink when you’re thirsty.

  • There is no need to drink an excessive amount of water, just drink as much as you feel you need to.

There is no need to: 〜することなんてないよ。〜する必要ないよ。 という意味のフレーズを使って訳しました。 Some people say that there is no need to lowering the voting age. 「投票できる年齢を引き下げる必要なんてないと唱える人もいる」
  • Only drink when you are thisrty.

  • You do not need to drink all the time

  • Don't force yourself to drink water

If you force yourself to do something it means you are doing it even if you don't want to. e.g. force yourself to drink water even though you are not thirsty. Only drink when you are thirsty - don't drink when you are not. You do not need to drink all the time - only when you are thirsty. Don't force yourself to drink water - only when you are thirsty. Most of these phrases are interchangeable Hope this helps Jane :)
force yourself to do something とは、やりたくないことを無理やりすることです。 例 force yourself to drink water even though you are not thirsty.(のどが渇いていないのにもかかわらず、むりやり水を飲む。) Only drink when you are thirsty. - のどが渇いていなければ飲んではいけません。 You do not need to drink all the time. - のどが渇いているときだけ飲んでください。 Don't force yourself to drink water. - のどが渇いているときだけ飲んでください。 これらのフレーズはどれも、ほとんど置き換え可能です。 参考になれば幸いです。
Jane G DMM英会話講師
  • 1. Don't drink so much water. You'll get water poisoning!

  • 2. Don't gulp it down so often! Just drink when you have to.

1. Water poisoning = Water intoxication, or hyperhydration, is a potentially fatal disturbance in brain functions that results when the normal balance of electrolytes in the body is pushed outside safe limits by overhydration (excessive water intake). 2. To gulp down = If you gulp down food or drink, you quickly eat or drink it all by swallowing large quantities of it at once.
Water poisoning=水の中毒または過水症は、体内の電解質の正常なバランスが、過剰水分(過度の水分摂取)によって限界を超えたときに生じる、脳機能に潜在的でかつ致命的な影響を与えうる障害である。 To gulp down= 大量の飲み物をすぐに飲んだり飲み込んだりすること、
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • You must only drink water when you are thirsty.

  • Do not drink to much water, only drink it when you are thirsty.

  • You do not need to drink water all of the time. Only when you are thirsty.

"You must only drink water when you are thirsty." Explains to the person that they must only drink water when they are thirsty. "Do not drink to much water." tells them not to consume to much. "Only drink it when you are thirsty." Explains they should only drink it when they are thirsty. "You do not need to drink water all the time." Explains they do not need to drink large amounts of water.
"You must only drink water when you are thirsty." Explains to the person that they must only drink water when they are thirsty. 「喉が乾いた時だけお水を飲むようにしましょう。」 喉が渇いた時だけ水を飲むことを説明している。 "Do not drink to much water." tells them not to consume to much. "Only drink it when you are thirsty." Explains they should only drink it when they are thirsty. 「お水を飲み過ぎないように。」 Only drink it when you are thirsty→喉が渇いた時にだけ飲む。 "You do not need to drink water all the time." Explains they do not need to drink large amounts of water. 「いつもお水を飲む必要はない。」 大量のお水を飲む必要はない。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • You do not need to drink water frequently, drink it only when you feel thirsty.

  • You only need to drink water when you are thirsty and not all the time.

The adverb 'frequently' used in the first line has several meanings, but, in this context, it means 'occurring or done many times at short intervals'. In this case, you are advising him/her not to drink water many times at short intervals, and that he/she should drink it only when he/she feels thirsty. So, you may say: You do not need to drink water frequently, drink it only when you feel thirsty. or You may replace 'frequently' with 'all the time' and say: You only need to drink water when you are thirsty and not all the time.
最初の行の'frequently'という副詞はいくつかの意味がありますが、この文では、短い間隔で何回も起こる又は行うという意味です。 この場合、短い間隔で何度も水を飲まず、喉が乾いた時だけ水を飲むようにアドバイスしています。ですからこう言うことが出来ます。 例文 You do not need to drink water frequently, drink it only when you feel thirsty. 頻繁に水を飲む必要はなく、喉が乾いた時だけ飲みなさい。 又は 'frequently' を'all the time' に変えてこう言います。 例文 You only need to drink water when you are thirsty and not all the time. いつもでなく、喉が乾いた時だけ水を飲めば良い。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • You don't need to force yourself to drink so much water.

  • You don't have to drink so much, just wait 'til you're actually thirsty.

to force yourself (to do something) - this means to stress yourself out or pressure yourself to do something. 'til - this is a short form of 'until' and it is more familiar/spoken language actually - you can use this word to add emphasis; or to say that you are "really" or "truly" something/ that you are not lying e.g. No, I'm not faking it. I'm actually sad over this. These are real tears, ok!
to force yourself (to do something) - ストレスを感じさせる又は自分にプレッシャーをかけて物事をするということです。 'til - 'until'の短縮形で 話し言葉でよく使われます。 actually -強調する時にこの語を使うことができます。又嘘をついていないと言うために"really" 又は "truly"~と言います。 例文 No, I'm not faking it. 悲しいフリをしているのではないのです。 I'm actually sad over this. 本当にこのことが悲しいのです。 These are real tears, ok! これらは本当の涙だからね。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Don't overdo it, drink as much as your body needs.

  • Everything in moderation, only drink when you are parched.

  • Drink to quench your thirst, not to force yourself.

Parched: dry, thirsty Overdo: when you are overdoing something it means that you are being excessive, too much. Quench: the relief felt when drinking liquids after feeling very thirsty. " Moderation: in balance, just right "Let's go get some drinks, I need to quench my thirst" "We shouldn't overdo anything in life, everything should be balanced.
Parched: 喉がかわいた Overdo: しすぎること Quench: とても喉が渇いた後に飲み物を飲んで、癒されること Moderation: ちょうどいいこと、バランスがとれていること "Let's go get some drinks, I need to quench my thirst" (飲みに行こうよ。喉を潤わさないと!) "We shouldn't overdo anything in life, everything should be balanced." (何事もやりすぎはよくないよ。バランスがとれてないと。)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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