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2019/01/17 16:23
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  • The school year starts in April

  • The school year starts from April

When something begins from is also called to 'start from' so you could say 'the school year starts from April' although 'the school year starts in April' these would both explain the same thing
 begins fromは、 'start from' と言うこともできます。 'the school year starts from April' (学年度は4月から始まる)ということもでき、'the school year starts in April' と同じ意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • A school year in many countries starts from April.

A school year in many countries starts from April. 「多くの国で、学校は四月から始まる。」 1年は1月から始まるので、より具体的にしました。fiscal year(財務年度)も4月から始まるケースが多いですね。
Able English Studies カナダ(バンクーバー)のTOEIC専門学校
  • The new school year starts in April.

  • The new work year begins in April.

Talking about the school year, we would say, "The new school year starts in April." New - something that has not been done before. (This is a brand new school year!) Start - to begin something. (The race starts in 5 minutes.) To talk about the new work year or the fiscal year, we would say"The new work year begins in April." fiscal year - the year as divided or arranged for accounting and tax purposes. (The fiscal year begins in April.) Begin - to start (You may begin the test now.)
"The new school year starts in April."は、(学校の)1年は4月に始まるという意味です。 New - 新しい 例:(This is a brand new school year!)(新学年です。) Start - 何かを始めること 例: (The race starts in 5 minutes.)(レースは5分後に始まります。)   新しい仕事の年や、会計年度のことを話すときは、"The new work year begins in April."(新しい仕事の年度は、4月に始まります。)のように言うことができます。   fiscal year - 会計や税金の目的で区切られた年度 例:(The fiscal year begins in April.)(会計年度は4月に始まります。) Begin - 始まる 例:(You may begin the test now.)(それではテストを始めていいです。)
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • The Japanese working year starts in April (for tax purposes)

  • The Japanese academic year starts in April

When talking about the school/work year in Japan, you want to explain that it starts in April. The above example statements may fit this scenario.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • "In Japan, the school year starts in April."

  • "Students go back to school in April."

  • "We all go back to work in April and are ready for the new year ahead."

"In Japan, the school year starts in April" clearly tells us who the subject is (school students) and what is happening (they go back to school) and when (April). "Students go back to school in April" is an abbreviated version of the above example sentence. It also relies on the readers/listeners knowledge (perhaps from context) to know that we are referring to a new school year. A common phrase used in media/marketing for this time of the year is "Back to School". Sales use this tagline to promote this time of the year and prepare for the student's return after a long break. "We all go back to work in April and are ready for the new year ahead" shows a little more detail when describing a work year, or even fiscal year, for employees and when this new cycle takes place (April).
"In Japan, the school year starts in April" (日本では、4月に学校が始まる。) これは、学校が4月から始まることを表すフレーズです。   "Students go back to school in April" (4月に学校が始まる。) これは、上の例の短い例文です。また新学期が4月にスタートすることを伝えます。メディアやマーケティングなどでは、この時期のことを "Back to School"と言います。お店などはこの時期に、このキャッチフレーズを使って、新学期の準備の宣伝をします。   "We all go back to work in April and are ready for the new year ahead" (4月に仕事に戻り、新年度の準備ができている。) これは、仕事の年度や会計年度のことを表すフレーズです。4月に新しい年度がスタートします。
Rada DMM英会話講師
  • The school year starts in April.

  • In Japan, We go back work.

Any of the above would be a simple way of talking about when the school/work year starts.
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • School opens for the year in April.

  • In April school opens for the year.

  • The school year begins in April.

To explain that school opens in April for the start of the year you can use the sentences above. Schools start at different points in the year all over the world as well as holidays. In South Africa, the school year begins in January. "School opens in the next few weeks, that's in April." "In Japan school starts in April whereas in South Africa it starts in January."
「学年は4月に始まる」と説明したいなら、上記の文が使えます。 国によって学年の始まる時期や休みのタイミングは異なります。 南アフリカでは、学年は1月に始まります。 "School opens in the next few weeks, that's in April."(4月に学校が始まります、あと数週間です) "In Japan school starts in April whereas in South Africa it starts in January."(日本では4月に学校が始まりますが、南アフリカでは1月に始まります)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • The start of the academic year is in Aprll.

  • The Japanese school year begins in April.

"The start of the academic year is in Aprll." 'Academic year' is an alternative way of saying 'school year, and can also refer to other academic settings, such as a university. "The Japanese school year starts in April." In this example 'begin' is being used as a verb, as opposed to its form as a noun, which is 'beginning'.
"The start of the academic year is in Aprll." (新学年は4月に始まる。) 'Academic year' とは、 'school year'(学期、学年度)と同じ意味で使われます。大学のような学業を学ぶ場で使われます。 "The Japanese school year starts in April." (日本の学年度は4月に始まります。)  'begin' は、動詞として使われ、名詞は 'beginning'になります。
Ross H DMM英会話講師
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