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2019/01/21 00:52
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  • The Backstreet Boys were on TV the other day

ライブで来日してるみたいですね。 この前 は the other day って表現が良いと思います。 先日と言った意味です。 「この前バックストリート・ボーイズをテレビで見たよ」 "I saw The Backstreet Boys on TV the other day" など
  • "The Backstreet Boys were on TV the other day."

  • "I saw the Backstreet Boys on television the other day."

In order to tell a friend that the Backstreet Boys appeared on television the other day, you can simply say "I saw the Backstreet Boys on television the other day" or "The Backstreet Boys were on TV the other day". Both these sentences are simply but effective, they both explain clearly to your friend what you witnessed and when. Either of these sentences communicate the point needed.
「この間バックストリート・ボーイズがテレビに出ていた」は、次のように言えます。 "I saw the Backstreet Boys on television the other day"(この間バックストリート・ボーイズがテレビに出ていました) "The Backstreet Boys were on TV the other day"(この間バックストリート・ボーイズがテレビに出ていました) どちらの文もシンプルかつ効果的です。何を見て、またそれがいつだったのかを明確に伝えています。どちらの文も要点を押さえています。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • I saw the Backstreet Boys on TV the other day!

  • The Backstreet Boys was on TV a few days ago!

"I saw the Backstreet Boys on TV the other day!" The "other day" can refer to two or as much as seven days before. Which means if you saw them seven days ago, you don't have to use, "last week". "The Backstreet Boys was on TV a few days ago!" "A few" refers to a small number of days.
"I saw the Backstreet Boys on TV the other day!"(この前Backstreetboysがテレビに出てたよ) "the other day" は二日から七日くらい前でも使えます。ですから、もし7日前に見たとしても、"last week"(先週)を使わなくても良いということです。 ---- "The Backstreet Boys was on TV a few days ago!"(数日前にBackstreetboysがテレビに出てたよ) "A few days" は、少ない日数をいいます。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • The Backstreet Boys made a television appearance recently

If you want to tell a friend that The Backstreet Boys were on TV the other day, just use the above exampled sentence!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The Backstreet Boys were on TV the other day.

  • I saw the Backstreet Boys on TV the other day.

I would say: "The Backstreet Boys were on TV the other day." or "I saw the Backstreet Boys on TV the other day." Both of these are direct ways of letting the other person know that you saw the band on TV recently. I hope this helps! :)
私なら次のように言います。 "The Backstreet Boys were on TV the other day."(この前バックストリート・ボーイズがテレビに出ていたよ) または、 "I saw the Backstreet Boys on TV the other day."(この前バックストリート・ボーイズがテレビに出ていたよ) どちらの文も、この間バックストリート・ボーイズがテレビに出ていたと単刀直入に伝えています。 参考になれば幸いです!
Rhi DMM英会話講師
  • Did you know that the Backstreet Boys were on TV the other day?

It is possible that your friend already knows that the Backstreet Boys were on TV so this is a way to both ask if they know and show that you do know about it. This will show interest in their opinion. I hope that this helps. :)
その友達が既にバックストリート・ボーイズがテレビに出たことを知っている可能性もありますね。 この質問では、バックストリート・ボーイズがテレビに出たことを話し手は知っています。その上で、それについて知っているかどうかを相手に尋ねています。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • The other day I caught the Backstreet Boys on TV.

In American English, this is a standard way to express this idea. The 'other day' simply means 'a few days ago' or 'a couple of days ago' but does not usually refer to 'yesterday', in which case we would simply use the word 'yesterday'. In addition, 'other day' cannot be used to refer to 'a few weeks ago' since it would be too far in the past for the phrase 'the other day' to fit. 'Caught' in this case simply means 'to see by happenstance'. I hope that this is useful to you.
これはアメリカ英語ではスタンダードな言い方です。 'the other day' は、「数日前」あるいは「2、3日前」という意味ですが、普通「昨日」は指しません。「昨日」の場合はシンプルに 'yesterday' を使います。 加えて、'the other day' は数週間前を指すこともありません。数週間前は 'the other day' にしては遠すぎます。 'caught' はこの場合「偶然見る」という意味です。 参考になれば幸いです。
Thomas C DMM英会話講師
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