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こんにちは。 海外のお友達が、来日時にスノボしよう!と誘ってくれました。 しかし怪我のトラウマがありますので、断りたいのです。どの様に伝えればよいのでしょうか? また、普通に遊ぶことは可能なので、スノボは無理だけど会いたい!と伝えたいです。
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2019/01/27 18:39
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  • I'll pass on going snowboarding. I had a bad injury a few years ago and have been staying away.

"I'll pass on going snowboarding. I had a bad injury a few years ago and have been staying away." 「スノボに行くのはパスするね。数年前に怪我してからは避けてるんだ」 "I'm not too keen on snowboarding to be honest. I still have some bad memories from when I got injured." 「正直言うとスノボにはあまり行きたくないな。まだ怪我した時を思い出しちゃうんだ」 * pass on: パスする、辞退する * going snowboarding: スノーボードに行く * injury: 怪我 * a few years ago: 数年前 * staying away: 避ける * be keen on: 〜〜したいと思う * to be honest: 正直な所、正直に言うと * have memories: 記憶がある、思い出がある * get injured: 怪我をする ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • I had a bad fall snowboarding a few years ago so I'm scared of going now.

  • I hurt myself pretty badly snowboarding a few years ago so I'm a bit traumatized by the whole thing.

1) I had a bad fall snowboarding a few years ago so I'm scared of going now. 「数年前にスノーボードしててひどく転んじゃって、スノボに行くのが怖いんだよ。」 I'm scared of going で「行くのが怖い」=「トラウマで行けない」というニュアンスになります。 2) I hurt myself pretty badly snowboarding a few years ago so I'm a bit traumatized by the whole thing. 「数年前にスノーボードで怪我しちゃってちょっとトラウマになってしまってて。 I'm a bit traumatized で「ちょっとトラウマになっている」 I can't snowboard but maybe we could hang out in town. 「スノボはできないけど街で遊べるよ。」 I can't snowboard but maybe we could do something else. 「スノボはできないけど何か他のことなら大丈夫だよ。」 ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • Sorry, I can't go with you, I injured myself snowboarding a few years ago and I am still afraid of trying again!

  • Sorry, I can't go with you, I have an old snowboarding injury and I am ready to try again!

"Sorry, I can't go with you, I injured myself snowboarding a few years ago!" "Sorry, I can't go with you, I have an old snowboarding injury!" The above expressions/sentences explain that you can't go on snowboarding because you hurt yourself a few years ago doing this extreme sports activity and that you have not gotten past your fear and you are not ready to try again just yet.
"Sorry, I can't go with you, I injured myself snowboarding a few years ago!"(ごめんなさい、行けません。数年前にスノーボードでけがをしたので) "Sorry, I can't go with you, I have an old snowboarding injury!"(ごめんなさい、行けません。昔スノーボードでけがをしたので) 上記はどちらも、数年前にスノーボードでけがをしてまだその怖さを乗り越えられていないのでこのスポーツはできないと説明するときに使えます。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you but I would rather not participate. Some years ago I had a snowboarding accident so I'm not comfortable.

  • No thank you, after a snowboarding accident some years back I'm staying on the safe side of things.

  • I'm not yet over the accident I experienced a few years ago, I would rather pass, thanks.

Snowboarding can be lots of fun! If friends invite you over for some snowboarding fun and you don't want to go because of an accident you experienced a few years ago, use the sentences above. 'I'd rather pass' means that you would rather not participate. 'Staying on the safe side' means you would rather do what is safest, in this case, the safest option is to not go at all. "I really would rather not go, thank you for the invite!"I would rather not go, thanks."
スノーボードは楽しいですね。 友達にスノーボードに誘われたけど、数年前にけがをしたのでそれを断りたいということなら、上記の文が使えます。 'I'd rather pass' は「参加したくない」という意味です。 'Staying on the safe side' は「最も安全な選択をする」という意味です。この場合、最も安全な選択とはそもそも行かないことです。 "I really would rather not go, thank you for the invite!"(やめておきます。誘ってくれてありがとう) "I would rather not go, thanks."(やめておきます)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry I can't go, but I don't want to risking injuring myself again.

  • Sorry, I won't be able to go. My injuries haven't fully recovered from the last time I went snowboarding.

Sorry, I can't go, but I don't want to risk injuring myself again. / Sorry, I won't be able to go. My injuries haven't fully recovered from the last time I went snowboarding. - These sentences can be used to express that you are unable to attend your friend's invitation for snowboarding because you injured yourself a few years ago and haven't fully recovered from that incident.
Sorry, I can't go, but I don't want to risk injuring myself again. (ごめんなさい、行けません。またけがをしたくはないので) Sorry, I won't be able to go. My injuries haven't fully recovered from the last time I went snowboarding. (ごめんなさい、行けません。前にスノーボードをした時のけががまだ完全には治っていないので) これらの文は、「数年前にけがをしてそれがまだ完全には治っていないので行けない」と、スノーボードの誘いを断るときに使うことができます。
Dyami DMM英会話講師
  • I cannot snowboard because i had a terrible injury a few years ago.

  • I'm sorry, but after the horrible snowboarding injury i had a couple years ago, i don't think i want to snowboard again.

  • I can't snowboard as i had a bad snowboarding accident a couple years back.

When trying to tell someone that you do not want to snowboard because of an old injury, you may say something like "I am sorry however ever since my terrible snowboarding accident a couple years ago, i have not snowboarded." or "I cannot snowboard because i had a terrible injury a few years ago.". Both of these sentences are polite ways of telling someone you do not wish to snowboard.
「以前けがをしたので、スノーボードをしたくない」なら、次のように言えます。 "I am sorry however ever since my terrible snowboarding accident a couple years ago, I have not snowboarded." (ごめんなさい。数年前にスノーボードでひどい事故をして以来、スノーボードはしていないんです) "I cannot snowboard because I had a terrible injury a few years ago." (数年前にひどいけがをしてしまって、スノーボードはできないんです) これらはどちらも「スノーボードはしたくない」の丁寧な言い方です。
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • "Sorry, I can't snowboard because I had a bad injury a few years ago and I'm still scared"

  • "I'll have to say no to the invite to go snowboarding as I had a bad injury from it a few years ago"

  • "I hurt myself from snowboarding a few years back, so will unfortunately have to decline"

If you were invited to go snowboarding, but have to say no due to a previous bad injury a few years ago, you could say any of the following: "Sorry, I can't snowboard because I had a bad injury a few years ago and I'm still scared", "I'll have to say no to the invite to go snowboarding as I had a bad injury from it a few years ago" or "I hurt myself from snowboarding a few years back, so will unfortunately have to decline".
スノーボードに誘われたけど、数年前にひどいけがをしたので断りたいということなら、次のように言えます。 "Sorry, I can't snowboard because I had a bad injury a few years ago and I'm still scared"(ごめんなさい。数年前にスノーボードでひどいけがをしてまだ怖いので、できないんです) "I'll have to say no to the invite to go snowboarding as I had a bad injury from it a few years ago"(スノーボードには行けません。数年前にひどいけがをしたんです) "I hurt myself from snowboarding a few years back, so will unfortunately have to decline".(数年前にスノーボードでけがをしたので、申し訳ないですが、行けません)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • My apologies, I can't go snowboarding because of a bad injury I had a few years ago. I'm still scared.

  • Snowboarding intimidates me because of a bad injury I had a few years ago, so I can't go with you. I'm sorry.

The two sentences you see provided above are great ways to express to your listener that you cannot go snowboarding because of a bad injury you had a few years ago which still scares you. In the second sentence you will see the word intimidate. This means to be scared because of what something can do to us. This word is appropriate for both formal and informal settings, it would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
上記二つの例文は、「数年前に大けがをしてまだ怖いのでスノーボードには行けない」と伝えるおすすめの言い方です。 二つ目の例文には 'intimidate' という語が使われています。これは、危害を加えられるのではないかと恐れることをいいます。この単語はフォーマルな場面でもカジュアルな場面でも使うことができます。ぜひ語彙に加えておいてください。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry, I can't snowboard as I had a bad injury a few years ago and i'm still scared

  • Sorry I had a bad injury snowboarding and i'm afraid to go now

If you are not happy or anxious about doing something then you can say you are 'scared' or 'afraid' to do it by saying sorry you are apologising to them, by adding 'I had a bad injury' you are explainnig what happened to you
「したくないこと」や「すると不安を感じること」は 'scared'(怖い)または 'afraid'(同)で表すことができます。 'sorry' は謝るときの言い方です。 'I had a bad injury'(ひどいけがをした)は、何があったかを説明します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I'd love to go but unfortunately I still suffer from the effects of an earlier snowboarding injury

  • Sorry, I had a bad snowboarding injury a few years ago and cannot risk having another one

When invited to go snowboarding, you want to apologize and say that you can't go, because you had a bad injury from snowboarding a few years ago. The above suggestions are appropriate for this situation and may be useful.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I can't go snowboarding. Once I got injured while snowboarding, and so I'm scared.

  • I can't go snowboarding. Once I got injured while snowboarding, and I'm kind of traumatized by that experience.

おっしゃられている内容は、以下のようにも表現できると思いました(*^_^*) I can't go snowboarding. Once I got injured while snowboarding, and so I'm scared. 「スノボーには行けないんだ。一度スノボー中にケガしたことがあって、それで怖いんだ」 または、 I can't go snowboarding. Once I got injured while snowboarding, and I'm kind of traumatized by that experience. 「スノボーには行けないんだ。一度スノボー中にケガしたことがあって、その経験でトラウマになったみたいな感じなんだ」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
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