When animal shelters cannot find homes for cats they have to put them to sleep.
When animal shelters can't find someone to take their cats they have to euthanize them.
1) When animal shelters cannot find homes for cats they have to put them to sleep.
2) When animal shelters can't find someone to take their cats they have to euthanize them.
put ...to sleep
"Animal euthanasia"
"Animal put down"
In South Africa, we have many stray cats and dogs because people do not want to spay or neuter their pets, if they did, it will prevent the animals of reproducing. Many of these animals get picked up by an animal shelter, who cares for them for a while if they can't find homes for these animals, then they have no choice but to put them down. Another way of saying that is called animal euthanasia. Animals that are sick or can't be saved from diseases are also put down.
"spay" for female animals, their ovaries are removed
"castrate" for male animals, their testicles are removed
In Western cultures, we're very sensitive about animals since most people are animal lovers. As a result, when talking about kill shelters, we use phrase such as "put them down" or "put them to sleep" which aren't as direct and doesn't cause bad feelings. I hope that this helps. :)
欧米は動物好きの人が多いので、その文化も動物に対してすごく敏感です。殺処分について言う場合、"put them down" や "put them to sleep" など遠回しな表現が使われます。
When animal shelters cannot find homes for the cats and dogs they are put down.
If no home is found for animals in shelters they are usually put to sleep.
When we use the term 'put to sleep' and 'put down' this means that the animals are killed but in a humane way by injection.
-When animal shelters cannot find homes for the cats and dogs they are put down.
-If no home is found for animals in shelters they are usually put to sleep.
put to sleep' または 'put down' は「動物を注射で安楽死させる」という意味です。
-When animal shelters cannot find homes for the cats and dogs they are put down.(保護施設が飼い主を見つけられなかった犬猫は安楽死させられる)
-If no home is found for animals in shelters they are usually put to sleep.
Unfortunately, dogs and cats that remain unhomed have to be put down
Dogs and cats for which no home is found are euthanased
When animal shelters cannot find homes for cats they have to kill them. You may explain this point by using one of the abovementioned statements.
To be put down/to euthanase = to kill someone/something humanely
To be put down/to euthanase = 人・動物を苦痛を与えずに死なせる
When animal shelters cannot place cats, they have to be put down.
Cats are put down if they cannot find a home for them.
The two sentences you see provided above are great ways to express to your listener that cats have to be killed if an animal shelter cannot find a home for them. In each sentence you will see the term put down. This means to kill an animal. This is a term that is commonly used to describe this situation, it would make a good addition to your vocabulary.
When animal shelters cannot find homes for cats they put them to sleep
Animial shelters have to euthanise cats if they can't find them homes
Animal shelters can have alot of animals so they might not have any more room for more so they might have to kill them we used the words 'euthanize' or 'put to sleep' this usually involves giving them an injection to make them die peacefully
'euthanize' または 'put to sleep' は普通注射によって、安楽死させることをいいます。
If shelter is not found for the cats they have to be put down.
When the shelter cannot home cats they are then unfortunately euthanized
"If shelter is not found for the cats they have to be put down." the term "Put down" is referred as to when an animal is given an injection which will then kill it.
"Euthanized" is also another term for being 'Put down' but this term can be used when it happens to humans.
"If shelter is not found for the cats they have to be put down."(保護するところの見つからなかった猫は殺処分される)
"Put down"(安楽死させる)は動物が注射を打たれて殺されることをいいます。
"Euthanized" は 'Put down' の別の言い方ですが、"Euthanized" は人間についても使われます。