「知らない人」を一つの単語で言いますと「Stranger」と言います。もう少し丁寧に言いますと「Not acquainted」となります。また、一番カジュアルで会話っぽい言い方は「Don't know them」
あれ[知り合い](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/40234/)? → Someone you know?
→ No, he/she's a stranger
→ No, we're not acquainted
→ No, I don't know him/her
→ There were a lot of strangers at the party
→ There were a lot of people I was not acquainted with at the party
→ There were a lot of people I didn't know at the party
→ Don't follow strangers.
→ Don't follow people you aren't acquainted with.
→ Don't follow people you don't know.
学校の時、“Dont talk to strangers” - ”知らない人と話せないで“いつも注意してる。
I went to a party but it was all people I didn’t know so I soon went home
★ 訳
★ 解説
I have never seen her/him. の主語を言っていないバージョンで、よく wish や hope を使った文でも主語が I のときには省略されることがあります。
Wish you were here!「君がここにいいたらいいのに!」
Hope you will get better soon.「すぐによくなるといいね」
「知らない人」は英語で「a stranger」と言います。「A stranger」は元々「strange」という言葉来ました。「Strange」は「変」や「可笑しい」の意味で「~er」は「~人」です。例えば、
Do you know him?
No, he's a stranger.
又は「I do not know him/ her」も言えます。これは上記と同じ意味ですが、返事の場合だけ使います。例えば、
Are you her friend?
No, I do not know her.
知らない人はstrangerと一言に言います。他に直接的に訳すこともできます。例えば、「a person I don't know」です。
例:あれ知り合い?Is that someone you know? / Do you know them?
例:いや、知らない人だ。No, I don't know them. / Nope, that's a stranger.
例:Children shouldn't talk to strangers. 子供は知らない人と話してあかん。
「知らない人」という言い方は英語で「Stranger」と言いますA strangerというのは会ったことのない人、見覚えのない人について表す言葉です。
There was a stranger walking outside the house = 家の前知らない人がうろうろしていた
会話の中では「Never met him/her」の方が使えます。
Q: Do you know him? =知り合いですか?
A: No, I've never met him before =いいえ、知らない人です。
never met him の代わりに Never seen him も使えます。意味は「見たことがない人」です。
If we see people on the street and we don't know them, these people are known as strangers. We are always told by our parents that we shouldn't talk to strangers. If we are very young and a stranger approaches us, we should be very careful about how they act.
"A stranger spoke to me today on the bus. He was very harmless and friendly"
"A person I have never met said hello to me today. I thought maybe they knew me"