世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/04/12 00:51
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  • It started to rain all suddenly

  • It started to rain all of a sudden

  • Rain started to fall suddenly

”It started to rain all suddenly" と言えば、ほぼ直訳で伝わります。 ここでは、”all" を入れないパターンも考えられますが、この単語を差し込むことによって「[突然](」という言葉を[強調](し、びっくりしたと言いたい時の強調する表現になりますね。 また、”suddenly" という副詞は、”all of a sudden" という表現で言うこともできちゃいますね。どちらも大して意味に影響はありません。 最後の英訳例は、主語を入れ替えた別のパターンの言い方になるだけですが、どんな表現でも十人十色ですので一つの必ず正しい決まった言い方というのはありませんので、こういったパターンの表現もまた紹介しておきますね。 どれもほぼ直訳的で簡単な単語を使った表現ですので、パターンさえ覚えちゃえばすぐにまた使えるようになると思います。 がんばってくださいね~!!
Hara Ken English teacher
  • I got caught in a sudden rain.

I got caught in a sudden rain. [突然](雨に降られました。 "get caught"はそのまま訳せば「捕まる」ですが、 「[巻き込まれる](」「襲われる」というような意味あいで広く使える表現です! sudden rain:突然の雨 got caught in:巻き込まれた
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • It suddenly started to rain.

  • It started raining from nowhere.

It suddenly started to rain. - Suddenly means quickly and unexpectedly. For example: "George II died suddenly." It started raining out of nowhere.- from nowhere means there were not even any signs to indicate that it will rain. For example: "They came from nowhere to win in the last three strokes of the race."
It suddenly started to rain. - Suddenly means quickly and unexpectedly. 突然雨が降り始めた。 - Suddenlyは素早く予期せぬを意味します。 例:「George II died suddenly.」 ジョージ2世は突然亡くなった。 It started raining out of nowhere. - from nowhere means there were not even any signs to indicate that it will rain. どこからともなく雨が降り始めた - from no where は雨が降る兆候もなく雨が降ることを意味します。 例: 「They came from nowhere to win in the last three strokes of the race.」 彼らはどこからともなく現れて、最後の3レースに勝ちました。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • All of a sudden the heavens opened

The heavens opened is an idiom used to describe a sudden and unexpected burst of rain. 'I was taking a walk when the heavens opened and it started pouring with rain. I got absolutely soaked to the bone.' 'The match had just begun when the heavens opened and play was suspended.' Soaked to the bone [or skin] is an idiom that is used when someone gets extremely wet.
The heavens openedとは、イディオムで突然の大雨のことを指します。 例: 'I was taking a walk when the heavens opened and it started pouring with rain. I got absolutely soaked to the bone.' 歩いていたら突然大雨が降ってきて、びしょ濡れになっちゃったよ。 'The match had just begun when the heavens opened and play was suspended.' 試合は始まったばかりなのに大雨が降ったせいで試合は延期になった。 Soaked to the bone [or skin] は、びしょ濡れになったを表すイディオムです。
Caryn DMM英会話講師
  • It suddenly started raining

  • It started raining out of nowhere

It suddenly started raining =突然雨が降り出した suddenly =突然、急に It started raining out of nowhere =急に雨が降 り始めた out of nowhere =どこからともなく、きゅうに
  • We had a sudden down-pour.

  • We got caught out in the rain.

We had a sudden down-pour. - Common within British English. The word down-pour means rain and normally when it is all of a sudden and not expected. We got caught out in the rain. Very basic however it does the job, and tells the person that you wasn't expecting rain but got wet.
We had a sudden down-pour. - イギリス英語における一般的な表現です。 「down-pour」という語は通常予期せぬ突然の雨を意味します。 We got caught out in the rain. 非常に基本的ですが、それはしっかりと機能し、相手にあなたは雨が降ると予想していなかったが濡れてしまったと伝えることができます。
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • Out of nowhere, the heavens opened

  • I got caught in a shower of rain

  • I got soaked in sudden rain

There are many ways to express that you got caught in raid. Especially if the rain is sudden! We can say -suddenly, I got caught in rain -out of nowhere it started raining/the heavens opened -I got caught in rain -i was outside and all of a sudden it started raining -all of a sudden, it started pouring down Here are some other ways to express different types of rain -light rain -drizzle/drizzling -heavy rain -storm
Lewis M English teacher
  • It began to rain once I got outside.

  • The rain started when I got outside

  • When I was inside it was clear but when I wind outside it started to rain.

To express that it starts to rain when you go outside you can say that, "It began to rain once I got outside." or "The rain started when I got outside." You can use the verb "begin" or "start" to say when the beginning is.
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • very hard rain

  • storm, gale, squall, shower

examples : "when I went out today I got caught in a rain shower" or "I have to go out in the storm!". or "its blowing a gale outside". This is a phrase to describe really bad weather. or "it's really squally rain outside".
例文 "when I went out today I got caught in a rain shower" 今日外出している時に、にわか雨にあった "I have to go out in the storm!". 嵐の中外出しなければいけない "it's blowing a gale outside". 外は強風が吹いている このフレーズは天気が本当に悪いことを説明しています 例文 "It's really squally rain outside". 外はスコールのような雨だ
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • All of a sudden it started to rain.

  • The rain came out of nowhere.

You are outside and all of a sudden it begins to rain, then you can use one of these two sentences. For example. Are you okay? Yeah. You are soaking. I know, all of a sudden it started to rain. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • The rain started pouring out of nowhere.

  • It suddenly started to rain.

  • The rain surprised me when it arrived as I was sitting outside.

Use any of the sentences above to explain that the rain was unexpected. Rain can fall when we least expect it. It can be a great and happy surprise if it has been very hot and dry, or it can be a huge inconvenience if you had plans that involve the outdoors. Rain is great for the environment, it helps to clean and refresh the air as well as the grounds. Rain feeds the plants and trees as well as many other types of animal life. Rain can also be dangerous as it can cause flooding and many people can lose their homes and infrastructure can be ruined. Infrastructure: buildings, roads, power supplies, etc that help make a city
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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