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2019/02/06 12:37
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  • Entrepreneur

  • Businesswoman/Businessman

People who start their own businesses are called "entrepreneurs" but you can also use the words "businesswoman" or "businessman" Last month I was just a regular person without a job but now I am an "entrepreneur." I am so excited to start my business and be called a "businesswoman."
自ら事業を興す人のことは "entrepreneur" といいます。他に "businesswoman" や "businessman" という言葉も使うことができます。 Last month I was just a regular person without a job but now I am an "entrepreneur." (先月までは無職の普通の人だったけど、今は起業家です) I am so excited to start my business and be called a "businesswoman." (自分のビジネスを始めて「実業家」になるのが楽しみです)
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • entrepreneur

ご質問ありがとうございます。 英語で起業家のことをentrepreneurと言います。 例: I attended a meeting for entrepreneurs. (起業家たちの集まりに参加しました。) -attended(attend参加するの過去形) -a meeting for (〜のための会議・集まり) How can I become a entrepreneur?(どうやったら起業家になれますか?) お役に立てれば幸いです。
Amy K DMM英会話講師
  • entrepreneur

起業家は英語で entrepreneur と言います。スペルは難しいですが、発音は「アントルプルヌール」です。なので、「起業家の集まりに行ってきました。」と言いたいなら I went to a gathering(集まり)of entrepreneurs と言えます。起業することを分野として entrepreneurism と言います。大学の頃に entrepreneurism を専攻していた知り合いがいました。この場合、My major(専攻)is entrepreneurism と言えます。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • entrepreneur

「起業家」はentrepreneur と言うことができます。 例文 I want to be an entrepreneur. 起業家になりたいんだよね。 entrepreneurの発音記号は ɑ̀ːntrəprənə́ːr のようになり、アクセントが難しい点に注意してスピーキングで使っていきましょう。 Nice questionでした!その調子で頑張っていきましょう! Fuji
Fuji スパルタ英語講師
  • Entrepreneur

  • Business owner

  • self employed

"Entrepreneur" and "Business owner" are often used to describe someone who has started their own business, self employed describes that you are your own boss and that you yourself own your company.
"Entrepreneur" と "Business owner" は、自ら事業を興した人を表すときによく使われます。 "Self employed" は、自営業を営んでいて自らが会社の所有者であることを表します。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Entrepreneur

  • Businessman

A person who starts their own business is known as an "entrepreneur". The person can also be known as a businessman. "I always wanted to be an entrepreneur when I was younger." "My father is a wealthy businessman."
自ら事業を興す人は "entrepreneur"(起業家)と呼ばれます。他に、"businessman"(実業家)という言い方もあります。 "I always wanted to be an entrepreneur when I was younger."(若い頃は起業家に憧れていた) "My father is a wealthy businessman."(父はお金持ちの実業家です)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • Entreprenur

  • Businessman/woman

An entrepreneur is the term given to a person who sets up a business in order to make a success and money hopefully you can also use the term 'businessman' or 'businesswoman' as well to describe this
entrepreneur' は新しく事業を興す人をいいます。 'businessman' または 'businesswoman' でも、これを表すことができます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Entrepreneur

I am an entrepreneur. An entrepreneur is a person who invented a product or service and starts their own business selling that product or service.
I am an entrepreneur. (私は起業家です。) entrepreneur は、商品やサービスを開発して、それを販売するビジネスを立ち上げる人のことを言います。
Sarah Hu DMM英会話講師
  • businessman

  • entrepreneur

if you would like to know what to call someone who starts up businesses, you can call them either an "entrepreneur" or a "businessman". This is what you call someone with ambition to start a business or multiple businesses in the hopes of gaining high profits in the long run.
ビジネスを始める人のことを、"entrepreneur" や"businessman"と言います。 これは、長期的に高い利益を生むことを思いながら、1つ、またはいくつかのビジネスを始める志を持った人のことです。  
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Entrepreneur

  • Business person

A person that starts a business/businesses can be referred to as an "entrepreneur"or a "business person" and sometimes "an owner (of the business". You may use these terms in the following ways: -Jake is a budding entrepreneur. He just opened a coffee shop around the corner. -Jake is a serious business person. He owns several coffee shops in the city. -Jake is the owner of the coffee shop close to the train station.
ビジネスを始める人を、 "entrepreneur"や "business person" また、時には"an owner (of the business)"と言います。 以下のようにこれらの言葉を使うことができます。 -Jake is a budding entrepreneur. He just opened a coffee shop around the corner. (ジェイクは新進気鋭のビジネスマンだ。彼は、その角のあたりにコーヒーショップを開店したばかりだ。) -Jake is a serious business person. He owns several coffee shops in the city. (ジェイクは真面目なビジネスマンだ。彼は、都市にいくつかコーヒーショップを所有している。) -Jake is the owner of the coffee shop close to the train station. (ジェイクは、電車の駅の近くのコーヒーショップのオーナーだ。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Entrepreneur

  • Business owner

An entrepreneur ( en truh pren er ) is someone who creatively starts a new business or company. This can be something like creating a company, or coming up with a new product to sell in the market. We can also use the term, business owner, as this refers to someone who simply owns the business, and in some cases, is an entrepreneur as well. Example sentences : - He is the business owner of many companies. - She is an entrepreneur.
An entrepreneurは、新しいビジネスや企業を立ち上げた人のことを表します。会社を立ち上げたり、市場で売る新しい製品の開発のようなことを指します。 また、business ownerという言葉を使うこともできます。これは、ビジネスを所有する人、場合によっては起業家も指します。 例文: - He is the business owner of many companies. (彼は、多くの会社の起業家だ。) - She is an entrepreneur. (彼女は起業家だ。)
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • An entrepreneur

「起業家」が英語で「An entrepreneur」と言います。 例文: 私は起業家になりたいです。 ー I want to be an entrepreneur 彼は発明家であり、また起業家です。 ー He is an inventor, and an entrepreneur 起業及び若手起業家の支援 ー Supporting start-ups and young entrepreneurs 参考になれば嬉しいです。
  • small business owner

In the United States, when someone starts their own company, we like to identify them as a "small business owner."There is a large preference for small business and small business owners. I hope that this helps. :)
アメリカでは「自分の会社を始めた人」はしばしば "small business owner"(小企業経営者)と呼ばれます。 アメリカには、"small business"(小企業)や "small business owner"(小企業経営者)を目指す人は多いです。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • entrepreneur

1.) entrepreneur (起業家) 「起業家」は英語でentrepreneurと訳せます。Entrepreneurは新しいビジネスを作る人という意味があります。 例えば、 A gathering of entrepreneurs was happening. (起業家の集まりに行ってきました)
  • Business owner

  • Entrepreneur

'Business owner' means; - Someone that has raised the funds to start up their own company/business/organization. Entrepreneur means; - A person that see's an opportunity in the market and uses that opportunity to make money and satisfy a need. Examples in sentences; - I did not enjoy working for other people so I decided that I would like to be a business owner. - Bill Gates is an entrepreneur and investor.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • How do you say "Entrepreneur" in English?

Entrepreneur: A person who loves to think of ways to make money, someone who takes financial risks in order to make money, starting new businesses, running businesses. Examples: He is a successful entrepreneur, he makes a lot of money running all of his businesses. She got tired of working her regular job, so she decided to quit and become an Entrepreneur.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Enterpriser

  • Entrepreneur

An enterpriser or entrepreneur is someone who starts up a business from scratch. The phrase", "from scratch"' means from the very beginning. This type of person is very daring and courageous and is not afraid of failure. They are risk-takers who will put all their efforts into cultivating/ acquiring the correct business connections in the hope that their new business venture will be a huge success.
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • Entrepreneur

  • Business Owner

  • Businessman/Businesswoman

An entrepreneur is someone who owns and runs their own business. An entrepreneur is generally someone who has started their business from nothing and uses different business strategies to build it. They build their small businesses by designing, launching and managing all aspects of their business. Entrepreneurs are typically known for their business initiative and their willingness to try things in business that others may not be comfortable in doing. They tend to be diligent, hard working, focused and goal oriented.
entrepreneur'(起業家)とは、自分自身の事業を営んでいる人をいいます。たいていは、ゼロから事業を立ち上げてさまざまなビジネス戦略を駆使しそれを構築していきます。'entrepreneur' は、小規模の事業を設計し、立ち上げ、そして経営します。 'entrepreneur' は一般的に、他の人がしたがらないようなことに挑戦する意欲と独創力で知られます。勤勉で明確な目標を持っていることが多いです。
Gabrielle U DMM英会話講師
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