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2019/02/13 09:18
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  • funeral

  • funeral service

・"funeral" 説明:普通の言い方です。 例文:"We had a funeral for my grandfather."=「祖父の葬儀があった。」 例文:"I attended my grandfather's funeral."=「祖父の葬儀に出席しました。」 ・"funeral service" 説明:これは"funeral"と同じですが、"service"があるともっと正式な感じです。 例文:"We had a funeral service for my grandfather."=「祖父の葬儀があった。」 例文:"I attended my grandfather's funeral service."=「祖父の葬儀に出席しました。」
Michael H DMM英会話講師
  • funeral service

  • memorial service

  • viewing

Funeral Service: This is a ceremony held to honor a deceased person. The deceased person's body is present at this ceremony. e.g. There will be an open casket at the funeral service for my grandmother. Memorial Service: This is a ceremony held to honor a deceased person. The deceased person's body is not present at this ceremony. e.g. I would like to find a beautiful picture of my loved one to display at their memorial service so people will remember what they looked like when they were younger. Viewing: This refers to the time that the family and friends come to see the deceased after they have been prepared by a funeral home. e.g. The viewing will be held for two hours before the funeral begins.
Funeral Service: これは、亡くなった人を追悼するために開かれる式のことです。亡くなった人の遺体は、その式場にあります。 例:There will be an open casket at the funeral service for my grandmother. (祖母の葬儀で棺桶が開かれます。) Memorial Service: これは、亡くなった人を追悼するための式です。亡くなった人の遺体は式場にはありません。 例:I would like to find a beautiful picture of my loved one to display at their memorial service so people will remember what they looked like when they were younger. (葬儀に飾る大事な人のきれいな写真を見つけたい。そしたら、若かったころはどんなだったかを思い出すだろうから。) Viewing: これは、葬儀の前に家族や友人が来てなくなった人と過ごす時間のことです。 例:The viewing will be held for two hours before the funeral begins. (弔問客との対面は、葬儀が始まる前の2時間行われる。)
Staci DMM英会話講師
  • funeral

In both American and British English, we call a gathering to remember someone who has passed away a "funeral." This is the general term whether the person is being buried or if they have been cremated. For example: More than 50 people attended her funeral. It is customary to wear black at American funerals. I hope that this helps. :)
アメリカ英語でもイギリス英語でも、故人をしのぶための儀式は "funeral" と呼ばれます。これは火葬の場合にも埋葬の場合にも使われる、一般的な言葉です。 例えば: More than 50 people attended her funeral.(彼女の葬儀には50人以上が参列した) It is customary to wear black at American funerals.(アメリカでは普通葬儀では黒い服を身につける) 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Funeral

  • cremation

A funeral is a ceremony that shows respect to an individual that has recently passed away in death. This allows the family, friends and work colleges to mourn the death of the individual.
funeral (葬式)とは、亡くなった人を敬うための式です。家族や友人、同僚がその人を追悼するものです。
Yazzyd DMM英会話講師
  • A funeral

  • the funeral procession passed the house my grandmother had lived in.

  • the coffin was carried by myself and my friends to the funeral undertaker's car.

When my grandmother died we attended her funeral at the local church. Funerals can be held at a church or crematorium or even a local hall. Usually it is a religious service but not always. In Ireland we have a 'wake' after the funeral, everyone attending the funeral goes to another venue after the burial or cremation and eats and drinks to commemorate the life of the deceased
When my grandmother died we attended her funeral at the local church.(祖母が亡くなったとき地元の教会で開かれた葬式に参加しました) "funeral"(葬式)は、教会や火葬場、地元の公会堂などで開かれます。 これはたいていは礼拝ですが、例外もあります。 アイルランドでは葬式の後に「通夜(wake)」があります。埋葬あるいは火葬後、葬式に参加した人たちが集まり故人との思い出を語りながら飲み明かします。
Derek Nl DMM英会話講師
  • Funeral.

  • Wake.

The usual name for a gathering of people to pay respects and honor as well as celebrate someone who has died is called a "funeral". Sometimes, it is common in some cultures to hold a "wake" before the funeral service. The funeral service usually takes place in a church or place of worship associated with the religion of the person who has died. The wake takes place before this at the person's home, where people can come and pay respects; the body is usually present. It is a more private gathering of closer relations.
故人に敬意を表し弔うための儀式は普通 "funeral"(葬式)と呼ばれます。文化によって葬式の前に通夜(wake)が行われることもあります。 葬式が行われる場所は、故人の信仰した宗教により異なります。例えば、キリスト教徒ならば教会で行われます。 通夜(wake)は葬式の前に故人の自宅で行われます。普通そこには故人の遺体も置かれます。通夜は親しい人たちによるより私的な集まりです。
Claire L DMM英会話講師
  • Funeral

  • Memorial service

A funeral service is when friends and family gather for the process that leads to the burial of the deceased person. A memorial service is usually a ceremony held to celebrate one's life by friends, colleagues and family. You may use these terms inthe following ways: -I cried at my grandfather's funeral because I realized I would never get to see him again. -I need to attend my colleague's memorial service on Wednesday because I will not be able to go to their funeral.
"A funeral service" は友人や家族が集まって行う儀式で、遺体を埋葬するまでのプロセスを指します。 "A memorial service" は、友人や同僚、家族が集まって行う、故人を偲ぶための儀式をいいます。 これらの表現は次のように使うことができます。 -I cried at my grandfather's funeral because I realized I would never get to see him again. (祖父の葬儀で、もう二度と会うことができないと思ったら、涙を抑えきれませんでした) -I need to attend my colleague's memorial service on Wednesday because I will not be able to go to their funeral. (金曜日は同僚の告別式に行かないといけません。葬儀には行けないので)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Funeral

  • Funeral Service

「葬儀」は英語で funeral もしくは funeral service と言います。お葬式も funeral です。 The funeral will be at 10am. 葬儀は午前10時に行われます。 I’d like to attend the funeral (service). お葬式に参列したいと思います。 What kind of clothes should I wear to a Japanese person’s funeral? 日本の方の葬儀に参列する時、どんな服装がいいですか。
  • A funeral

  • A wake

  • A burial.

'A funeral' is a service that is held shortly after someone has died/passed away. It is usually attended by family members and friends. It is the last time the family and friends will have the opportunity to pay their respects to the dead person.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • Funeral

  • Removal service

A funeral is a service that is held when someone dies. It is usually a very sad occasion, especially if the death was tragic or maybe the person died very young. In Ireland, a removal service is when the body of the deceased person is taken from their home and brought to a place called a funeral home. Here the body is presented inside a coffin and family and friends come to pay their final respects to the dead person. After this, the coffin is closed and it is carried by six men to the local church for the funeral service. Normally, the funeral service takes place the next day and afterwards, the coffin is brought to the cemetery in what is a called a hearse and the body is then buried. After the burial. we celebrate the life of the dead person sharing stories, eating food and having some drinks. "I have to go to my grandmother's funeral tomorrow, so I can't meet you" "The removal service for my grandfather will take place tonight at seven o'clock"
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • "Funeral service"

In English, this ceremony is most commonly referred to as a "Funeral" or a "Funeral Service". A Funeral is held when someone has passed away. Example sentences: I am very sad to be attending a funeral today. The Funeral was very sad but it was nice to celebrate the life of the deceased.
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • How do you say: funeral in English?

A funeral is a ceremony held after someones passing to mourn, remember and celebrate that persons life. Examples: "She went to the funeral last week to pay her respects to her late friend." "I went to the funeral last week, it was really sad".
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Funeral service

  • Memorial service

  • Cremation

When someone unfortunately dies, they will have a funeral or a memorial service to peacefully send the body to rest. Some people have different preferences but you can either be buried in the ground or be cremated which is where the body will be burned and into ash so then the ash can be scattered or kept in a jar for someone to keep. The time frame can be different in England, if the funeral cannot take place as soon as, it is possible to keep the body in a morgue until the funeral can be organised. Normally a funeral happens between a few days after the body has passed up to around 2 weeks.
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • Funeral

  • Memorial service

  • Wake

A funeral or memorial service is the typical ceremony that people have when a loved one has passed away. These two words can be used interchangeably and a native speaker will understand what is happening. A wake is apart of a funeral service most of the time. It is when loved ones can come together to either see the body for the last time ( we call this an open-casket, or closed-casket if the coffin is closed and you can't see the person ) and also speak about good memories about the person.
"funeral"(葬式)または "memorial service"(葬式)は、愛する人が亡くなったときに行う「一般的な儀式」を指します。この二つは置き換えて使えます。ネイティブスピーカーにも伝わりますよ。 葬式の際には "wake"(通夜)が行われることが多いです。"wake" は故人と*対面する最後の機会で(*これは "open-casket"(ふたの開いたひつぎ)と呼ばれます。ひつぎが閉まっていて顔が見られないときは "closed-casket" です)、故人との思い出を語り合ったりします。
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • funeral

  • funeral service

こんにちは。                              葬儀は「funeral」といいます。 フューネラルのような発音です。発音のボタンを押してぜひ聞いてみてください。 「funeral service」も同じく葬儀や告別式を意味します。 葬式をとり行うことは「hold a funeral」といいます。しいです。 ◆葬儀関連の単語 ・葬儀、葬式:funeral/funeral service ・葬式を行う:hold a funeral ・献花:flower offering ・火葬:cremation ・土葬:burial ・墓:grave 参考になれば嬉しいです。
  • funeral

「funeral」と表すことができます。 発音は「フューニュラル」に近いです。 下記は例文ですのでぜひ参考にしてください: I attended a funeral yesterday. 私は昨日、葬儀に出席しました。 There was a funeral yesterday. 昨日、葬儀がありました。
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