世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/04/16 19:21
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  • How much is this?

  • How much does this cost?

①は、「これは[いくらですか](」という意味です。 例: A: How much is this? これはいくらですか? B: It's two dollars. 2ドルです。 ②は、「これはいくらかかりますか?」という意味です。 例: A: How much does this cost? これはいくらかかりますか? B: It's two dollars. 2ドルです。
  • How much would it be?

How much だけですと「[いくら?](」「なんぼ?」のようにぶっきらぼうな感じが します。 そこで、敢えて丁寧に would を使い「おいくらですか?」と言うのもよいと思います。
Yuuko Kono 仕事の英語パーソナルトレーナー
  • How much does this cost?

  • How much would this be?

  • What is the price of this item?

When asking a store clerk a question, it is always a good idea to remember politeness. Simply add the sentence "Could I ask you something, please?" before you ask your question. For example: You: "Excuse me, sir, could I ask you something please?" Clerk:" Certainly! How may I help you today?" You:" I want to know the price of this item. How much is it?" Clerk. "It costs 20 dollars". You: "Thank you!" Clerk:" Don't mention it! I am happy to assist you anytime!" _____________________ 'How much does this cost?' is probably the most commonly used question when inquiring item prices.
例:How much does this cost? 「おいくらですか?」 例:How much would this be? 「おいくらですか?」 例:What is the price of this item? 「おいくらですか?」 店員さんに質問するときは、礼儀正しくすることはいいことです。 "Could I ask you something, please?"を質問の前にはさみましょう。 例: You: "Excuse me, sir, could I ask you something please?" 「すみません。聞いてもいいですか?」 Clerk:" Certainly! How may I help you today?" 「もちろんです!どうされました?」 You:" I want to know the price of this item. How much is it?" 「これの値段が知りたいんです。おいくらですか?」 Clerk. "It costs 20 dollars". 「それは20ドルですよ。」 You: "Thank you!" 「ありがとう!」 Clerk:" Don't mention it! I am happy to assist you anytime!" 「いいんですよ。いつでも聞いてください!」
Anders DMM英会話講師
  • How much for this?

  • What does this cost?

These are short simple questions to learn the price when shopping. If you asked those questions directly, it could come across rude. If the store clerk is not busy, to be polite, just add: 'Excuse me....' "Could I please ask..." "I have a quick question." "I was wondering..." or even just "Question:" If the store clerk is very busy he probably won't mind the first short quick question without the polite introductions. Tip: If the price is not marked above or below the item on the shelf, try picking it up and looking on the bottom.
値段を知るためのシンプルな質問です。 もし値段を直接聞いてしまうと、無礼な印象を与えてしまうかもしれません。もし店員さんがあまり忙しくないならば、丁寧にこう付け加えて訊いてみましょう。 'Excuse me....' (すみません....) "Could I please ask..." (質問させていただいてもよろしいでしょうか?) "I have a quick question." (ちょっと質問があります。) "I was wondering..." (疑問に思っているのですが...) もし店員さんがとても忙しそうで、丁寧な言葉遣いを気にしないだろうと言うときは、 "Question:" (質問です。) だけでも大丈夫です。 値段が商品のどこにも書いていない時は、商品を手に取って底を見てみましょう。
Aaron CC DMM英会話講師
  • How much does this cost?

  • What is the price of ...?

There are so many ways you can ask the price of something. In some shops the price will be on the item or they have self service where you can scan the price yourself. You can always check the price first yourself before asking the shop assistant.
例:How much does this cost? 「いくらかかりますか?」 例:What is the price of ...? 「...はいくらですか?」 英語では値段を聞く表現は沢山あります。あるお店では、値段が書いたタグがついており、自分で精算するところもあります。 そのようなところでは、店員さんに聞く前に自分で値段をチェックできますね。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • How much does this cost?

  • What's the price?

  • Could you tell me the price, please?

"How much does this cost?" and "What's the price?" are both appropriate for casual conversation. "Could you tell me the price, please?" is more appropriate for formal situations.
"How much does this cost?" "What's the price?" という2つの例文について これらはカジュアルな場面に適切な表現です。 "Could you tell me the price, please?"という例文について こちらはよりフォーマルな場面に適切な表現です。
Kim Z DMM英会話講師
  • Can you tell me how much this is?

  • What is the retail price of this item?

If you can't find the price tag of the item you can either look for a price checker to tell you the price or ask the salesperson to tell you. You can ask by saying, "How much is this?" or "What is the retail price of this item?" Then they will gladly tell you how much the item costs.
もし、値段のタグが見つからなければ、 プライスチェッカーを探す、 あるいは、店員さんに聞くことができます。 "How much is this?" (これはいくらですか?) や "What is the retail price of this item?" (この商品の小売り値はいくらですか?) と尋ねることができます。 そうすると、いくらか教えてくれます。
Aba DMM英会話講師
  • How much is this?

  • How much is it?

  • How much does this cost?

こんにちは。 「これはいくらですか?」は ・How much is this? ・How much is it? ・How much does this cost? をよく使います。 料金について具体的に言いたい場合は以下のように言います。 ・How much is that apple? 「あのりんごはいくらですか?」 ・What is the admission fee? 「入場料はいくらですか?」 参考になれば嬉しいです。
  • How much does this item cost?

  • What's the price of this item?

If you are at a shop and would like to know how much something costs, any of the following sentences would be appropriate. 1. How much does this item cost?   2. What's the price of this item?    The words "cost" and "price" means the same thing. The cost or price of an items means the amount of money that you have to pay in order to get that item.
お店で商品の値段が知りたいときは、以下の表現が使えます: 1. How much does this item cost?  この商品はいくらですか? 2. What's the price of this item?  この商品はいくらですか? "cost"と"price"は同じ意味です。どちらも商品の値段を表します。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Can you tell me the price please?

  • How much is this?

  • How much does this cost?

Can you tell me the price please? How much is this? How much does this cost? Are questions which can be asked to establish how much an item costs to purchase.
●Can you tell me the price please? ●How much is this? ●How much does this cost? 上記例文はどれも「こちらの商品はいくらですか?」と尋ねるときの文章です。
Kelly J DMM英会話講師
  • How much is this?

  • How much is this item?

  • Can you tell me the price of this item please?

The three questions you see provided above are terrific ways to ask an employee at a store how much something is. In the third question you will see the noun price. This means the cost or how much something is. This word is appropriate for both formal and informal settings, it would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
上記例文はどれも「商品がいくらか」について尋ねるときに使える文章です。 三つ目の例文に”Price"という言葉がありますが、これは「価格」という意味です。フォーマルな場面でもカジュアルな場面でも使える言葉なので、あなたのボキャブラリーに追加すると良いと思います。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me, How much is this?

  • Sorry, How much for this?

These expressions are used to ask someone how much an item is. "Excuse me" and "sorry" are used to get the attention of the seller politely, these are used to be polite and formal and are very widely used.
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • How much is this?

  • How much does this cost?

  • What is the price of this?

こんにちは。 「これいくらですか?」は英語で下記のような言い方ができます: ・How much is this? 「これはいくらですか?」 ・How much does this cost? 「これはいくらかかりますか?」 ・What is the price of this? 「これの値段はいくらですか?」 price は「値段」という意味です。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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