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検討している案件について取引先からの回答を急いでもらいたい 時
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2015/11/20 20:28
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  • We would be grateful if you could reply as soon as possible.

  • We would appreciate to hear from you as soon as possible.

急ぎであれば As this matter is urgent,を文の頭に付けます。 返事をくれる感謝を込め、grateful, appreciate などの言葉をいれると丁寧な言い回しになります。
  • Your immediate response is highly appreciated.

  • I would appreciate if you could reply as soon as possible. Thank you.

Your immediate response is highly appreciated. 早急に返答いただけると大変ありがたいです。 I would appreciate if you could reply as soon as possible. Thank you. あなたができるだけ早くお返事くださると助かります。 また、質問の主旨からすこし離れますが、取引先ではなく部下やチームメンバーなどに返信を催促したい時は、 "I wonder if the email I sent on 日付 ever reached you. If you have already received it, please respond right away." 〜に出したEメールは届いていますか。もし届いていましたら、早急に返信して下さい。
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • ① It would be greatly appreciated if you could let us know as soon as possible.

取引相手に案件について早く解決してもらいたい時は、「① It would be greatly appreciated if you could let us know as soon as possible.」を推奨します。 ECCとかの学校は、「英語ではできるだけ特定する必要がある」と言いますが、実際は「できるだけ早く」(ASAP)はかなり頻繁にビジネスで使われます。 ジュリアン
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • Please get back to me as soon as you can. (informal)

  • Please inform me as soon as you come to a decision (formal)

  • Your early response would be very much appreciated (formal)

Any one of the above expressions will suffice.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • We look forward to hearing from you soon.

お返事をお待ちしておりますの定型文ですが、 これも使える表現だと思います。 具体的に早く返事が欲しいニュアンスは 他の先生方が既に書かれている表現がいいと思いますが、 それらの表現をつかって、 何度かメールしても それでもまだ返事がもらえないときの まだですか~を伝えるバリエーションとして(笑)
Ranken 経済英語スクール代表・経営コンサルタント・システムエンジニア
  • It will be highly appreciated if you make a decision immediately.

  • This decision is very urgent and would be appreciate it if you can treat this as a matter of urgency.

  • I hope you can reach a decision quickly.

1."It will be highly appreciated if you make a decision immediately."2."This decision is very urgent and would be appreciate it if you can treat this as a matter of urgency." 3."I hope you can reach a decision quickly. " All the sentences can be used in this situation. Formal or informal. All are clearly indicating that the decision needs to be made as soon as possible and that it is very urgent.
1."It will be highly appreciated if you make a decision immediately."(すぐに判断していただけたら大変うれしく思います)2."This decision is very urgent and would be appreciate it if you can treat this as a matter of urgency."(この判断は急を要するものなので、緊急の案件としてご対応いただければ有難く存じます) 3."I hope you can reach a decision quickly. "(迅速にご対応いただきたく存じます) どの例文もこの状況で使えます。フォーマルでもカジュアルでも。どの例文も非常に急を要するもので、できるだけ早く判断が必要であることをはっきりと伝えるものです。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I would really appreciate your response.

  • Your response will be highly appreciated.

*I would really appreciate your response./ Your response will be highly appreciated.- Any of the sentences can be used in a business situation. However you may also want to avoid pressuring them as it may put them off.
I would really appreciate your response. Your response will be highly appreciated. どちらの文もビジネスの環境で使われることができます。 あんまり強調すると相手に嫌な気持ちにさせてしまうことがあるので、気をつけましょう。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I would much appreciate it if you could let me know your decision as soon as possible please.

  • if you could let me know your final decision as soon as possible, I would greatly appreciate it.

If you would like to tell someone that you would appreciate a response from them as soon as possible, you can say something like "I would much appreciate it if you could let me know your decision as soon as possible please." or "if you could let me know your final decision as soon as possible, I would greatly appreciate it.".
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I would greatly appreciate it if you could let me know your decision at your soonest possible convenience. Thank you.

ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 上の文脈を英語で表現するには、下記の言い方ではいかがでしょうか。 I would greatly appreciate it if you could let me know your decision at your soonest possible convenience. Thank you. --- 感謝する= --- let me know = 知らせる --- as soon as possible (できるだけ早く)の少し丁寧な言いかたです。 ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
  • It would be appreciated if you could make a decision as soon as possible.

  • Your timely response is greatly appreciated.

When asking for something, it is always best to be kind. You will get a better response from your co workers when you approach a situation with kindness. So the two phrases that are kind but straightforward are "It would be appreciated if you could make a decision as soon as possible." or "Your timely response is greatly appreciated."
Madison T DMM英会話講師
  • I would really highly appreciate if you could get back to me as soon as possible please.

  • I would be extremely grateful if you could respond at your earliest convenience.

  • Could you get back to me as soon as possible please.

The first two sentences are very formal and you would say this in an email to someone in a formal situation. The last sentence is an informal sentence, more casually asking someone to get back to you. Using words like 'highly' or 'extremely' this will let the person know how important it is to get a response
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • I would really appreciate it if you could let me know your reply as soon as possible.

We all have deadlines and if we are relying on one person to finish a task that has a deadline, then we must do what we can do make sure that this person does his part of the task. We don't want to appear rude so we must word it in a polite manner if we are contacting the person by email. This example is quite a polite way of asking a colleague for a quick reply.
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
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