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2019/03/10 01:34
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  • That's a toughy.

  • That's a tricky question.

  • That's a difficult question.

All of these answers are suitable when someone has asked you a difficult question.
'Toughy' is a casual way of saying 'tough' or difficult/hard. 'Tricky' has the same meaning as these words.


'toughy' は、'tough' あるいは 'difficult/hard' のカジュアルな言い方です。「難しい」という意味です。'tricky' もこれらの単語と同じ意味です。

Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • That's a hard question.

  • That's a tough question.

That's a hard question.


Your questions are (always) tough.
You always ask me hard questions.

  • That's quite the conundrum you have for me there!

  • Give me a moment to gather my thoughts, that's a perplexing one.

"That's quite the conundrum you have for me there!"

In this expression, the word "conundrum" is a synonym for difficult. When you say, "you have for me there", you're making reference to the question the person just asked you.

"Give me a moment to gather my thoughts, that's a perplexing one."

In this expression, when you say "Give me a moment to gather my thoughts" you're indicating to the person that you need time to think about the answer. In this sentence, the word "perplexing" is making a reference to the complicated or confusing question the person just asked.

"That's quite the conundrum you have for me there!"

 "conundrum" はdifficult(難しい)の類義語です。 "you have for me there"は、自分にした質問を引き合いに出しているということです。
"Give me a moment to gather my thoughts, that's a perplexing one."
  "Give me a moment to gather my thoughts" とは、答えを考える時間が欲しいということです。 "perplexing"は、複雑な、混乱するようなという意味です。

Ruben DMM英会話講師
  • That's a tricky one

  • I'll have to think about that one

  • Wow! That's quite a hard question to answer

"That's a tricky one" - tricky is another word for difficult, and you can refer to the question as "one", simply replacing the word question.
"I'll have to think about that one" - as it is difficult it may require you to think more about it. Saying this phrase means the other person knows you are thinking carefully about what they have asked and allows you more time to formulate your answer.
"Wow! That's quite a hard question to answer" - you may say wow! as you did not expect such a difficult question.

"That's a tricky one"(それは難しい質問ですね)
- "tricky" は "difficult"(難しい)の別の言い方です。また、"question" は "one" という言葉に置き換えられます。

"I'll have to think about that one"(それはちょっと考えさせてください)
- 難しいわけなので、少し考える時間が必要かもしれません。このように言うと、相手にそれについて真剣に考えていることが伝わり、時間を稼ぐことができます。

"Wow! That's quite a hard question to answer"(いやぁ、それは難しい質問ですね)
- そのような難しい質問を予期していなかったわけなので、"wow!" と言えます。

Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • That's a very loaded question.

  • That's a very complex question.


"That's a very loaded question."

"That's a very complex question."






  • Thats a difficult question.

  • The question is tough

Both answers are giving the same thing. The adjectives in this sentence can be replaced with others to give a similar or the same meaning. For example difficult can be replaced with demanding.

Thats a demanding question.

the same can be done for the next example sentence/phrase.

The question is laborious


この文の形容詞は他の同じあるいは類似の意味の形容詞と置き換えることができます。例えば、"difficult" を "demanding" と置き換えることができます。


Thats a demanding question.(それは難しい質問です)


The question is laborious (この質問は難しいです)

Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • Hmmmmm...I don't know...

  • Hard to say...

In American English these are both useful transitions into a possible attempt at an answer or response to a difficult question. Silence is also an acceptable response to a difficult question, as it can give us the space for a creative answer to rise from the part of ourselves that is far more intelligent that the thing that talks all the time. Silence is the only universal language, and it is the only language that never stops speaking. There is a phrase in English: 'Silence is golden.'




英語には 'Silence is golden'(沈黙は金)というフレーズがあります。

Thomas C DMM英会話講師
  • That's a difficult question.

  • That's a bit hard to answer.

  • That's a tough question.

Tough' and 'hard' describe when something is difficult to deal with so this will explain to your teacher that the question is too difficult for you to answer.

-That's a difficult question.
-That's a bit hard to answer.
-That's a tough question.

Tough' と 'Hard' は「扱いづらいもの」を表します。これで、「難しくて答えられない質問」を表すことができます。

-That's a difficult question.
-That's a bit hard to answer.
-That's a tough question.

Lisa C DMM英会話講師
  • That's a tough question.

  • That is a hard one.

  • That's difficult.

"That's a tough question." is a very simple and straight forward way of expressing that you find the question difficult to answer. The word 'tough' in this context means that is is hard to answer in the same way you would describe any action as 'tough' if it is not easy.
"That is a hard one." This expression works as the more simpler version of the previous phrase. In this case 'hard' and 'tough' can be interchangeable as both express the difficulty, not ease of the action of answering the question.
When asked a question, it is not necessary to always refer to the question with the word 'question' when expressing you are finding it difficult to answer.
In the same way, you can use "That's difficult." Another word like 'tough' and 'hard' and is a very simple comment but clearly expresses that you find the question difficult to answer.

"That's a tough question." は「それは難しい質問だ」のシンプルでストレートな言い方です。'tough' は「難しい」という意味です。ここでは「答えるのが難しい」と言っています。

"That is a hard one." これは一つ目の文のよりシンプルな言い方です。この場合、'hard' と 'tough' は同じ意味です。どちらも、その質問に答える「難しさ」を表します。

「それは難しい質問だ」と言うとき、必ずしも「質問」を 'question' で受ける必要はありません。

同様に、"That's difficult."(それは難しいですね)も使うことができます。シンプルですが、「それは難しい質問だ」と明確に伝わります。'difficult' は 'tough' または 'hard' の別の言い方です。

Claire L DMM英会話講師
  • That's a hard question you've just asked me.

Hard question is another way of saying difficult question, Here is an example
"She has a hard decision to make".

Hard question' は 'Difficult question'(難しい質問)の別の言い方です。
"She has a hard decision to make".

Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • That's a difficult question

  • That's a hard question

  • That's a tough question

When something is not easy to do then you would say it's 'difficult' 'hard' or 'tough'
so you would explain the questions being not easy as
'that's a hard/difficult/tough question'

何かが難しいことは、'difficult' や 'hard' 'tough' で表すことができます。

'that's a hard/difficult/tough question'(それは難しい質問ですね)

Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Answering that question is not exactly straightforward

  • That's an awkward question to respond to

  • That's a difficult question you've asked me

When someone asks me a difficult question, you would like to mention that the question is difficult to answer. There are a couple of suggestions above.


Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • That's a tough one.

  • Give me a moment.

In the answer 'that's a tough one', the word 'one' of course refers to the question. There is no real need to say 'question' again as it's obvious that's what you're talking about.
'Tough' means 'difficult' in this context, and you could choose to replace it with another adjective if you wished. Difficult, challenging or hard would be some examples you might choose.
'Give me a moment' is asking your listener to wait for a short while for your answer. The implication is that you need a moment to think about the answer because the question is difficult and your listener deserves a considered response. You could replace 'moment' with 'time to think about that', 'a minute' or something else you prefer. You could also add 'please' if you wished.

回答の 'that's a tough one'の中の、 'one'はもちろん the question(質問)を指します。何のことを話しているのかわかっているので、 'question'と繰り返して言う必要はありません。 

'Tough'は、この場合「難しい」という意味です。他の形容詞に置き換えることもできます。 Difficult, challenging, hardは、どれも難しいという意味の言葉なのでこれらを使うといいでしょう。 

'Give me a moment'は、相手に答えるのに少し時間が欲しいとお願いする文です。質問が難しいので考える時間が必要ということです。'moment' を 'time to think about that'(考える時間), 'a minute'(1分、少し)などほかの言葉を使うこともできます。  'please'(~してください)をつけることもできます。

Andrea Jane DMM英会話講師
  • Your question is hard to answer.

  • This is a tough one to crack.

The responses suggest that one is asked questions that are not easy to answer.


Kweena DMM英会話講師
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