I was inspired to see so many successful women in the field.
"I was inspired to see so many successful women in the field."
* be inspired: 感激する、感動する、インスパイアされる
* successful: 成功した、活躍している
* in the field: 〜〜業界で、第一線で
「感動した」は他にも be moved, be touched, be impressed などがあります。
I was really impressed by the fact that a lot of women were playing an active role there.
It was amazing to see so many women playing an active part in the business.
There were so many successful women there, it was incredible.
“I was really impressed by the fact that a lot of women were playing an active role there”は「活躍している女性はとても多くて本当に感動しました」という意味です。
“To be impressed”: 活躍する、感心を受ける
“To play an active role”: 活躍する、重要な役割を果たす
回答2の“It was amazing to see so many women playing an active part in the business”は「[その仕事で]活躍している女性がとても多くて、素晴らしかった」という意味です。
回答3の“There were so many successful women there, it was incredible”の場合は「成功している女性が多くて、すごかった」という意味になります。
I was moved that women were playing an active role in the workforce.
I was inspired seeing so many successful women.
「感動した」の主語は「私」なので、「I was moved/I was inspired」と言えます。
「活躍」は「play an active role」でいいんですけど、場所や環境のことを考えると、職場で女性が優秀ということに感動したので、「successful women」「women were playing an active role in the workforce」として訳しました。