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最近知り合った女性を食事に誘いたいのですが、 紳士的な言い方を知りたいです。
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2016/04/22 14:54
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  • Would you like to go to dinner/lunch?

  • Would you like to go out sometime?

「食事」は"meal"と言ったりしますが、この場合はdinnerやlunchと特定した言い方が自然だと思います。 Would you like to go to lunch/ dinner? もし何をするか決まっていないけど、とにかく[誘いたい時](は"go out"(=[出かける](を使い、 Would you like to go out? と言います。 もし、日時が決まっているなら、"tomorrow"や"Next Saturday" を最後に付け加えます。もし決まっていなく、「いつか」という意味を込めたい場合は"sometime"をつけてください。 例: Would you like to go to dinner tomorrow? 明日、夜ご飯一緒に行きませんか? Would you like to ... は「〜しませんか」と言えます。
  • Would you like to join me for lunch/supper/a meal?

  • May I take you out on a date?

  • How about we go for lunch, on me?

1. *Would you like to - allowing for refusal is always polite. *join me - you can use this if you dont want to directly call it a date. 2. *I believe it's more common to say "can I take you out", but it's more accurate to say "May i" *Can - used to express that ability to do something *May - asking for permission (polite). 3. *Go for lunch - this is informal. *On me - this means that you will pay for the meal. Another option is "my treat".
1. *Would you like to - 相手が拒否できるようにすることは、いつでもよいマナーです。 *join me - [デート](と直接呼びたくない場合はこの表現を使うことができます。 2. *"can I take you out"(誘ってもいいかな?)と言うのがより一般的だと思いますが、"May i"と言うのがより正確です。 *Can - 何かをする能力を表して使われる *May - 許可を求める(丁寧). 3. *Go for lunch - カジュアルな表現です. *On me - あなたが[食事代](を支払うという意味です。"my treat"と言うこともできます。.
Roscoe DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like to go out for coffee?

  • How does dinner/lunch at .... sound?

Coffee is a good place to start. By sound it means is this a good idea.
コーヒーショップは最初には良い場所です。 「By sound it 」は、よい考えだということを意味します。
JimmyK DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like to go out sometime?

  • Would you like to join me for lunch/supper/a meal?

Go out means to leave a room or building, especially in order to do something for entertainment. Whereas the second sentence which is a very straigh way to invite someone's to go and having lunch.
Go out' は「外に(特に遊びに)出掛ける」という意味です。 二つ目の例は、単刀直入です。相手を昼食に誘っています。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • Why not come and have lunch with me?

  • Let's try that new restaurant nearby? Do you fancy that?

  • How about having lunch together? I hate eating alone.

Why not...? This is a rhetorical question and you would not expect a direct answer to this! If your friend starts giving you a list of reasons why they should not have lunch with you, that would be terrible! This question would normally be answered something like: "Oh, that's a good idea! Let's do it!" Do you fancy......? = Would you like...? A "Do you fancy going to the cinema?" B "Yes, I'd love to!" How about...? = Would you like...? A "How about eating out tonight?" B "Sorry, I have to get home for my dog. He'll be needing a walk."
Why not...? これは婉曲的な尋ね方で、理由を本当に求めているわけではありません。もし友達がいきたくない理由を箇条書きにでもしたらそれは大変ですからね。こういった質問の回答例としては"Oh, that's a good idea! Let's do it!"などでしょうか。 Do you fancy......? = Would you like...? (しませんか?したい?) A "Do you fancy going to the cinema?" 映画館いかない? B "Yes, I'd love to!" ええね! How about...? = Would you like...? A "How about eating out tonight?" B "Sorry, I have to get home for my dog. He'll be needing a walk."
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Could I take you for a meal/lunch/super?

  • Would you like to go for a meal/lunch/supper sometime?

Could I take you. means to take them out to eat. Would you like to go? asks them politely if they would like to go with you.
"Could I take you 食事に誘うということです。 Would you like to go? あなたと出かけたいかどうかを丁寧に尋ねています。"
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • A) Would you like to grab some dinner with me ?

  • B) Will you please join me for dinner tonight?

Hello Konan :-) I hope this helps! A) Would you like to grab some dinner with me ? - *Grab - have (Dinner with me) B) Will you please join me for dinner tonight? - Direct question.
こんにちは Konanさん :-) 回答が回答がお役に立てば幸いです! A) Would you like to grab some dinner with me ? (私と夕食に行きませんか?)- *Grab - (私と夕食を)とる B) Will you please join me for dinner tonight? (今夜私と夕食をとりませんか?)- 直接的な質問
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like to join me for dinner?

1. Would you like to join me for dinner? 「一緒にお食事(夕食)はいかがでしょうか?」 dinner は「夕食」という意味の英語表現です。 Would you like to join me は「一緒にいかがですか?」のようなニュアンスです。 例: Would you like to join me for lunch? ランチ一緒にいかがですか?
  • Would you like to join me for lunch/dinner?

  • May I take you out on a date?

こんにちは。 様々な言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記のような表現はいかがでしょうか: ・Would you like to join me for lunch/dinner? 一緒にランチ/夕食はいかがですか? ・May I take you out on a date? デートに連れて行ってもいいですか? take on a date で「デートに連れて行く」という表現もあります。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Would you like to join me for lunch/dinner?

Would you like to join me for lunch/dinner? 私と一緒にランチ/ディナーしませんか? 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 join me for ... で「〜を一緒に」のようなニュアンスです。 例: Please join me for dinner. ぜひ一緒にディナーを食べましょう。 お役に立てればうれしいです。
  • Hey, when can I take you on a date?

  • Hey, will you go out with me sometime for dinner or lunch?

  • I would like to take you on a date if you don't mind.

▪ Hey, when can I take you on a date? ▪ Hey, will you go out with me sometime for dinner or lunch? ▪ I would like to take you on a date if you don't mind. Any of the above sentences can be used. They are all clear and polite. All sentences indicate that you would like to take him/her on a date or take him/her out for dinner/lunch.
▪ Hey, when can I take you on a date? ▪ Hey, will you go out with me sometime for dinner or lunch? ▪ I would like to take you on a date if you don't mind. 上記のすべての文章は使えます。 それらはすべて明確で丁寧です。 すべての文章はあなたが彼・彼女をデートに誘ったり、ディナーやランチに連れ出したいということを暗示しています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
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