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2019/04/14 14:23
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  • Natto will help make your blood flow smoothly

  • by eating Natto, this will make your blood flow smoothly

"Natto will help make your blood flow smoothly" To 'Help make' is the phrase used to describe something that will help/assist something to be make/made/become run or flow smoother/easier. "by eating Natto, this will make your blood flow smoothly" For something to 'flow', this is used to describe a liquid,gas,fluid etc.. to run/move with ease.
"Natto will help make your blood flow smoothly"(納豆は血液をサラサラにする) 'Help make' は、何かをサラサラにするものを説明します。 "By eating Natto, this will make your blood flow smoothly"(納豆を食べると、血液がサラサラになる) 'Flow' は、液体や気体が「流れる」ことをいいます。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Natto will help your blood flow (more) smoothly.

  • Natto will make your blood flow (more) smoothly.

ご質問ありがとうございます。 「納豆」=そのまま「natto」 「血液」=「blood」 「サラサラ」=「smoothly」 「にする」=「make」 合わせて「Natto will help your blood flow smoothly.」となります。 「flow」は「流れる」という意味があります。体中で血液が流れるので、納豆はもっとすらすらと血液を流すニュアンスはこの表現に入っています。 「flow」の後で「more」=「もっと、前より」を付けても付けなくても良いです。 「help」や「make」もどっちでも良いです。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • Natto helps your blood circulation better.

  • Natto will help your blood flow more smoothly.

  • Natto is a great food to eat because it helps with your blood flow.

*Natto helps your blood circulation better. *Natto will help your blood flow more smoothly. *Natto is a great food to eat because it helps with your blood flow. You can use any of the sentences given to explain to the listener that if you eat Natto, it will help your blood flow. *blood circulation - how your blood flows through your body to deliver nutrients to your body. You can also use words like assist or benefit. *Natto assists with the blood flow in your system. *Natto can benefit your system.
*Natto helps your blood circulation better.(納豆は血液をさらさらにします) *Natto will help your blood flow more smoothly.(納豆は血液をさらさらにします) *Natto is a great food to eat because it helps with your blood flow.(納豆はすごく健康にいいです、血液をさらさらにします) 「納豆を食べると血液がさらさらになる」と言いたいなら、上記どの文も使えます。 *blood circulation - 全身に栄養を届ける血液の流れ "assist" や "benefit" などの語も使えます。 *Natto assists with the blood flow in your system.(納豆は血液の流れを良くします) *Natto can benefit your system.(納豆は体にいいです)
Anqia DMM英会話講師
  • Nato helps your bloodflow

  • Natto is good for your blood flow

If you want to explain that eating natto (a Japanese food) will make your blood flow more smoothly, the you may try one of the above suggestions.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Gets your blood flowing

  • Helps with your blood flow

Natto "Gets your blood flowing" or "helps with your blood flow" means that it is good for you health wise and that having a good blood flow is good for you.
Natto "Gets your blood flowing" または "helps with your blood flow" は、納豆は健康によく、血液の流れを良くするという意味です。
Andrew P DMM英会話講師
  • Eating natto more often will help with your blood flow.

If you wanted to explain to someone that eating natto (a Japanese food) will make your blood flow more smoothly then you could say "Eating natto more often will help with your blood flow" , Eating something more often means eating it more times than what they already do.
「納豆を食べると血液がさらさらになる」と説明したいなら、次のように言えます。 "Eating natto more often will help with your blood flow"(納豆を食べると血液がさらさらになる) 'Eating something more' は「より頻繁に食べる」を表すことが多いです。
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • Natto will make your blood flow smoothly

  • Natto helps your blood flow

These two sentences explain what you want to say smoothly means in a nice calm way, if you blood flows smoothly then you are seen to be healthy and calm
これら二つの文はあなたの言おうとしていることを伝えています。 'smoothly' は「平穏に」という意味です。 'your blood flows smoothly'(血液がスムーズに流れる)は、健康であることや冷静であることを表します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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