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2019/05/08 14:14
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  • unbelievably tasty

「美味しい」はtasty以外に、deliciousでもgoodでもいいです。 Unbelievably の説明。 Believe → 信じる believable → 信じられる unbelievable → 信じられない unbelievable は形容詞で、unbelievably はその副詞です。 例 この食べ物信じられないくらい美味しい! This food is unbelievably good!
  • "It's unbelievably good"

  • "I honestly can not believe just how good this food is"

  • "This food is too good to be true"

If you were explaining that a food you like is unbelievably good, you could say any of the following: "It's unbelievably good", "I honestly can not believe just how good this food is" or "This food is too good to be true".
好きな食べ物について「信じられないくらいおいしい」と説明したいなら、次のように言えます。 "It's unbelievably good"(信じられないくらいおいしい) "I honestly can not believe just how good this food is"(この料理は信じられないくらいおいしい) "This food is too good to be true"(この料理は信じられないくらいおいしい)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • It is to die for.

  • It is the best thing since sliced bread.

  • It is the best thing ever.

It is to die for. It is the best thing since sliced bread. It is the best thing ever. The second, 'It is the best thing since sliced bread,' is an idiom, so watch how you use it as not all will get it. All of them work though, and they certainly will explain your position and love for the food. I hope this help. Have a great day. Will
It is to die for.(死ぬほどおいしい) It is the best thing since sliced bread.(スライスした食パン以来の傑作だ) It is the best thing ever.(今までで一番おいしい) 二つ目の 'It is the best thing since sliced bread' はイディオムです。なので、みんなに伝わるわけではありません。ですから、使い方に注意が必要です。 ただ、これらの表現は全てこの場面で使えます、あなたの気持ちを表現できます。 参考になれば幸いです。 良い一日を。 ウィル
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • This is tasty!

  • It's so yummy!

  • It's mind-blowingly delicious!

"tasty" is a way to say you like how a food tastes. "yummy" is a fun way to express one's appreciation of the food. It's casual and can usually be used when speaking with a child or a young person. "mind-blowingly delicious" is a fun, exaggerated way to express one's extreme love for an item of food. "The food is so good it blows my mind."
"tasty" は「美味しい」という意味です。 "yummy" は「美味しい」の楽しい言い方です。これはとてもカジュアルで、たいていは子どもや若い人との会話で使われます。 "mind-blowingly delicious" は「美味しい」の大げさな言い方です。 "The food is so good it blows my mind."(ビックリするぐらい美味しい)
Lizzo DMM英会話講師
  • I can't believe how good that was!

  • That was amazing!

  • Unbelievable!

"I can't believe..." followed by your opinion statement is a great way to describe your feelings about the food."Amazing" expresses a feeling of experiencing something that is hard to fathom.You can also say "Unbelievable!" in an enthusiastic manner to express your feelings.
"I can't believe..." (~が信じられない)は、その食べ物をどう思うかを伝えるのにぴったりのフレーズです。 "Amazing"(素晴らしい) は、図り知れないことを経験したときに使う言葉です。また、"Unbelievable!"(信じられない!)も感情を強調して伝える方法です。
Justin H DMM英会話講師
  • Unbelievably

  • incredibly delicious

Some of the examples are: It is incredibly delicious.The food is tastes remarkably delicious. The food was extremely delicious, I couldn't believe it. The food astonishingly tastes good. The food was awesome, I couldn't believe it.
例: It is incredibly delicious. (ものすごくおいしい。) The food is tastes remarkably delicious. (食べ物がものすごくおいしい。) The food was extremely delicious, I couldn't believe it. (食べ物がとてもおいしくて、信じられなかった。) The food astonishingly tastes good. (食べ物がとてもおいしい。) The food was awesome, I couldn't believe it. (食べ物がおいしくて、信じられなかった。)
Willet DMM英会話講師
  • This food is out of this world!

  • This food tastes amazing!

If you have just eaten something that tastes really good and you would like to express how good it tastes, you can say something like "This food is out of this world!" or "This food tastes amazing!". Both of these are easy ways to let someone know you love the food!
おいしい料理を食べて、どれほどおいしかったかを伝えるには以下のように言うことができます。 "This food is out of this world!" (この食べ物、この世のものとは思えない!) "This food tastes amazing!" (この食べ物すごくおいしい!) どちらもあなたがその食べ物がすごく気に入ったことを伝える表現です。 
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • This food is scrumptious

  • This food is out of this world

  • This meat is succulent

Scrumptious means - very tasty and delicious e.g. Vanilla ice cream and strawberries are scrumptious on a hot day. out of this world - it means it is amazing, the best thing ever. You can use it to describe many things, not just food. e.g. This chocolate is out of this world. I love this singer, his voice is out of this world. succulent - this is usually used to describe meat. It means it is NOT dry. It is juicy and full of flavour. Kobe beef is very succulent. Hope this helps :)
"Scrumptious" は「とてもおいしい」という意味です。 例: Vanilla ice cream and strawberries are scrumptious on a hot day.(暑い日に食べるバニラアイスとイチゴは最高においしい) "Out of this world" は「素晴らしい/最高のもの」という意味です。これは食べ物に限らずさまざまなものについて使えます。 例: This chocolate is out of this world.(このチョコレートは最高においしい) I love this singer, his voice is out of this world.(この歌手が大好きです、声が素晴らしい) "Succulent" は、普通肉について使います。「ジューシーで風味がある」という意味です。 例: Kobe beef is very succulent. (神戸牛はジューシーでおいしいです) 参考になれば幸いです。
Jane G DMM英会話講師
  • Mouthwatering

  • Unbelievably good

  • Delectable

When you want to explain that you like a certain food item a lot; then you may use the following phrases: -Mouthwatering [-this means it makes your mouth water/salivate.] -Unbelievably good -Delectable [- this means the same thing as delicious] You may use the above phrases/words in the following ways: -The steak was mouthwatering. I really enjoyed it when I started eating it. -The sushi was unbelievably good. -The chocolate cake was delectable. I cannot believe I baked it myself.
とても気に入った料理について言うなら、次の表現が使えます。 -Mouthwatering(おいしそうな)※ これは「よだれを出させる」という意味です。 -Unbelievably good(信じられないくらいおいしい) -Delectable(おいしい)※ これは "delicious" と同じ意味です。 これらの語句は文の中では次のように使うことができます。 -The steak was mouthwatering. I really enjoyed it when I started eating it.(ステーキがおいしかったです) -The sushi was unbelievably good.(寿司が信じられないくらいおいしかった) -The chocolate cake was delectable. I cannot believe I baked it myself.(チョコレートケーキはおいしかった。自分で作ったなんて信じられない)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I can't believe how good that was.

  • It was unbelievably good.

The first example sentence is more of a phrase that expresses the doubt you have towards how good something was. Its more or less the same as using the word, "unbelievably," since you are saying, "I can't believe." The second example is directly using the word, "unbelievably," within the sentence. Notice when we use the sentence in this way, we are dropping the subject, "I," and replacing it with the subject pronoun, "it," which refers to the food itself.
一つ目の例は慣用句に近いです。ここでは「味」を疑っています。"I can't believe"(信じられない)と伝えていて、"unbelievably"(信じられない)を使うのとだいたい同じ意味を表します。 二つ目の文では、ストレートに "unbelievably" を使っています。文の構造が変わるのに伴って、主語が "I" から "it" に取って代わっています。この "it" は「食べ物」を指します。
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • My meal was totally delicious!

  • That was one of the best meals I've ever had!

  • That steak was lip smacking!

When you want to let someone know how good your food was, you can say adjectives with a bit of enthusiasm which will indicate to the person your with how you feel about what you just ate. 'Lip smacking' is an informal adjective you could use with friends to let them know how good your food was. 'That was one of the best meals I've ever had!' This is a good sentence to let someone know you definitely enjoyed your meal.
食べ物について「すごくおいしかった」と伝えたいなら、形容詞に気持ちを込めて言うのがポイントです。 'Lip smacking' は、「すごくおいしかった」と伝えるカジュアルな形容詞です。 'That was one of the best meals I've ever had!'(これは今まで食べた料理で一番おいしい) も、すごくいい言い方です。「とてもおいしかった」と伝えます。
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • This is insanely good!

  • I can't believe how good this is!

If something is "insanely good" then it is better than you would imagine. You can also simply say that you can't believe how good something is. I hope that this helps. :)
"insanely good" は「想像を超えるおいしさ」を表します。 "I can't believe how good this is!"(これは信じられないくらいおいしい)というシンプルな言い方もできます。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • That dish is incredibly tasty!

  • The food they serve there is unimaginably good!

  • The restaurant food is absolutely superb!

When describing a food you like, you would like to describe that it's 'incredibly good'. In that case, you may choose one of the above example comments. All of those sentences are superlative descriptions.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • life-changing

  • a masterpiece

  • unforgettable

That meal was life-changing! This hamburger is a masterpiece. The dessert was unforgettable. These words can be used to describe things other than food also.'Life-changing' is a bit exaggerated (common in the US), but the idea is that the meal was so good it actually changed your life. A 'masterpiece' is a piece of art or craft so excellent and perfect it can be held up as an example that others can strive for.Mona Lisa is a portrait masterpiece.
That meal was life-changing!(あの食事は、人生が変わった) This hamburger is a masterpiece.(このハンバーガーは全品だ) The dessert was unforgettable.(あのデザートは忘れられない) これらの語は食べ物以外にも使われます。 'Life-changing' は少し大げさですが(アメリカではよく使われる)、要は「人生が変わるほどのおいしさだった」ということです。 'Masterpiece' は、人の手本になるような芸術や工芸の傑作をいいます。モナリザは肖像画の 'Masterpiece' です。
Aaron CC DMM英会話講師
  • A taste/slice of heaven!

  • Amazeballs!

  • Scrumptious.

"A taste/slice of heaven!" - Quite a dated expression which is brilliant for describing food, especially sweets. "The cheesecake we had at the party was a little slice of heaven!. "Amazeballs!" - A newly coined term used by the Linkster Generation which is referred to something as being incredibly good, normally food but not always. "Have you tried the sweet and sour chicken? It's amazeballs!" "Have you heard her sing? She's amazeballs!". "Scrumptious." - A great word for young kids. If you can roll the "r" when you pronounce this word, it adds to emphasize how good the food is. "It's scrumptious, isn't it?"
"A taste/slice of heaven!"(天にも昇るおいしさ) これは食べ物、特に甘いものについて使われます。かなり古い表現です。 例: "The cheesecake we had at the party was a little slice of heaven!"(パーティーで食べたチーズケーキは絶品でした) "Amazeballs!"(素晴らしい) これは「素晴らしい」という意味の新しい言葉です。食べ物について使うことが多いですが、それ以外のものにも使われます。若者言葉です。 例: "Have you tried the sweet and sour chicken? It's amazeballs!"(甘酢チキン食べたことある?めっちゃおいしいよ) "Have you heard her sing? She's amazeballs!"(彼女の歌聞いたことある?素晴らしいよ) "Scrumptious."(すごくおいしい) これは子どもにピッタリの言葉です。"r" の音を強調して言うと、よりおいしさが伝わります。 "It's scrumptious, isn't it?"(めっちゃおいしいね)
Jacques DMM英会話講師
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