世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/06/01 16:47
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  • For unknown reasons

Native speakers will say like this: “for unknown reasons”. There are lots of other ways to say it, but this one is the most accurate and most commonly used. Here is an example on how to use this in a conversation: A: Hey Bob, my PC is shutting down for unknown reasons, can you help me out? B: Yes, sure. Bring the PC to my shop tomorrow after 11am and I will have a look at it. A: Great, thanks! See you tomorrow. B: No problem, see you.
ネイティブスピーカーは次のように言います。 “for unknown reasons”([原因](不明で) unknown = 不明な reason(s) = 理由 他にもいろいろな言い方ができますが、これが最も正確で一般的です。 以下、これを使った会話例です。 A: Hey Bob, my PC is shutting down for unknown reasons, can you help me out?(ボブ、パソコンが勝手にシャットダウンしてしまうんだ、ちょっと見てくれる?) B: Yes, sure. Bring the PC to my shop tomorrow after 11am and I will have a look at it.([もちろん](。あしたの午前11時以降に店にパソコンを持って来て。見てあげるから) A: Great, thanks! See you tomorrow.(よかった、ありがとう。じゃあ、あした) B: No problem, see you.(いえいえ。あしたね)
Ned DMM英会話講師
  • for some unknown reason

[理由がわからない](と言う事なので、unknown reason を使いました。 お役に立ちましたか?^_^
  • I don't know why.

  • I'm not sure why

  • Beats me.

These phrases are very informal in the way that they present themselves. The first and second both can be used in any sentence. I dont know why my computer keeps shutting down. I'm not sure why my computer keeps shutting down. The final phrase is used particularly in America more and is used more so when replying to a question. For example: "Why does your computer keep shutting down?" "Beats me!" Beats me means I dont know the reason for the thing that is happening.
これらは非常にカジュアルなフレーズです。 一つ目と二つ目はさまざまな文で使うことができます。 I dont know why my computer keeps shutting down. I'm not sure why my computer keeps shutting down. (どうしてパソコンがシャットダウンしてしまうのか分からない) 最後のフレーズは特にアメリカで、質問に対する返答として使われることが多いです。 "Why does your computer keep shutting down?"(何でパソコンがシャットダウンしちゃうの) "Beats me!"(さあ) "Beats me" は「私には理由は分からない」という意味です。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • For an unknown reason.

When you don't know the reason/cause of something, it is common to say: "For an unknown reason."
理由/原因が分からないときは、よく次のように言います。 "For an unknown reason."(理由は分からないが/原因不明で)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • for some reason

  • for an unknown reason

  • for reasons unknown to me

There are three, simple ways to say this. One of the most common ways is to say, 'For some reason...' because the phrase 'some reason' refers to some mystery as to why something is happening. Example: "For some reason, my computer keeps shutting down on its own." The next common phrase is, 'for an unknown reason'. This simply states that you do not know why something is happening. Example: "My computer keeps shutting down for an unknown reason." Another phrase you will sometimes hear is, 'for reasons unknown to me'. This sounds formal and means that you do not know the reason why something is happening. You can also use this phrase when someone else might know the reason, but you do not. Example: "For reasons unknown to me, my computer kept shutting down. However, my friend believes it's because of a virus." (This means that you do not know why it is happening, but your friend might know the reason.)
シンプルな言い方が三つあります。 最も一般的な言い方は 'For some reason...' です。'some reason' は「不可解な出来事」を表します。 例: "For some reason, my computer keeps shutting down on its own." (どういうわけか最近パソコンが勝手にシャットダウンする) 'For an unknown reason' も一般的なフレーズです。これは単に「理由が分からない」と伝えます。 例: "My computer keeps shutting down for an unknown reason." (なぜか最近パソコンが勝手にシャットダウンする) 'For reasons unknown to me' というフレーズも時々使われます。これはフォーマルな言い方で、「理由が分からない」という意味です。このフレーズは、理由を「自分は知らないけど他の人は知っている可能性があるとき」にも使われます。 例: "For reasons unknown to me, my computer kept shutting down. However, my friend believes it's because of a virus." (パソコンが頻繁にシャットダウンして、理由が分からなかったのですが、友達に見てもらったら原因はウイルスだそうです) ※ これは「自分は原因が分からないけど友達は知っている可能性がある」ということ。
Miranda DMM英語講師
  • My PC keeps randomly shutting down.

  • For some weird/odd reason, my PC shuts down on its own.

  • My PC is on the fritz and shuts itself down for no reason. Who knows why?

These are all very casual, informal ways to explain this phenomenon. The expression I use the most is "random," meaning that there's no particular reason or timing involved in the event. I also often say, "for some weird (or odd) reason," or "who knows why?" with a shrug of the shoulders. Another way to say that something isn't working properly and you don't quite know why is that it is "on the fritz." None of these expressions would perhaps appear in an essay, but they're common in everyday life.
3例とも、この現象を説明しています、非常にカジュアルな言い方です。 私が一番よく使う表現は "random" です。"random" は「特に理由もなく」「偶発的に」という意味です。 "for some weird (または odd) reason" もよく使います、あるいは肩をすくめて "Who knows why?"(どうしてだろう)。 「原因不明の故障」は "on the fritz"(故障した)でも表すことができます。 これらの表現は論文などで使われることはありませんが、日常会話では一般的です。
Amy H English teacher
  • For an unknown reason

  • For some reason

  • For reasons unknown

If something is happening and we are not sure why, we can say it is happening 'for an unknown reason' or that it is happening 'for reasons unknown'. Both of these expressions mean the same thing and show that we are not sure of the reasons that something is occurring. It is also common to use the expression 'for some reason'. For example, 'My computer keeps shutting down for some reason'. Saying this expresses that you know there is a reason that the computer is shutting down, but you do not know what that reason is.
「原因が分からない」は、'for an unknown reason' や 'for reasons unknown' で表すことができます。どちらの表現も同じ意味で、「原因が分からない」と伝えます。 'for some reason' もよく使われます。 例えば: 'My computer keeps shutting down for some reason'(パソコンがなぜか最近勝手にシャットダウンしてしまう) この表現は「理由があることは分かるがその理由が何かは分からない」と表します。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • For an unknown reason

  • For no apparent reason

  • For whatever reason

Please note that the expression "for whatever reason" is rather informal, while "an unknown reason" and "no apparent reason" can be used both in a formal and informal setting. "For an unknown reason" means that you don't know the reason. "For no apparent reason" means that the reason is not obvious and cannot be easily understood. "For whatever reason" means that you don't know the reason but also implies that you do not care about the cause.
"For whatever reason" はかなりカジュアルな言い方です。 一方、"For an unknown reason" と "For no apparent reason" はフォーマルな場面でもカジュアルな場面でも使うことができます。 "For an unknown reason" は「理由を知らない」という意味です。 "For no apparent reason" は「理由が明確でない、はっきりしない」という意味です。 "For whatever reason" も「理由が分からない」という意味ですが、これには「理由に関心がない」というニュアンスがあります。
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • I have no understanding of why it is doing this!

  • This is baffling/ I am baffled by this.

  • I have no clue why this is happening.

Use the sentences above to express that something is happening and you are not sure why. To 'have a clue' means to have some kind of understanding, if you have no clue, that means you are unsure of what is happening. Baffling: very hard to understand Baffled: confused, perplexed "I have no understanding of why this is happening." "I am so lost, I have no idea what is happening!"
「原因が分からない」と言うなら、上記の文が使えます。 'have a clue' は「分かる」という意味です。 'have no clue' で「分からない」という意味になります。 Baffling: 非常に分かりにくい Baffled: 困惑した/当惑した "I have no understanding of why this is happening."(原因が分からない) "I am so lost, I have no idea what is happening!"(参りました、何が起きているのか全く分からない)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • For some reason.

  • I am not sure why.

  • God knows.

The first two will work perfectly well for you in any unfortunate situation you find yourself in. The last one is more informal, and perhaps considered slang, however, in the UK at least, it is a very common expression.
一つ目と二つ目の例は、どんな状況でも使えます。 最後の例はとてもカジュアルで、あるいはスラングと見なされるかもしれません。ただ、少なくてもイギリスではとても一般的な表現です。
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • I don't understand why my PC keeps shutting down

  • I'm not sure why my PC keeps shutting down

  • It's a mystery to me why my PC keeps shutting down

You want to know what you call it when you don't know the reason/cause of something? For example when you don't know why my PC keeps shutting down on its own. Above are some suggestions.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'm not sure why.....

  • I'm clueless as to why.....

  • I'm confused as to why.....

If you are unsure about the reason why something keeps happening you ccan use any of the following expressions:- 1. I'm not sure why...... Example: I'm not sure why my computer keeps shutting down. 2. I'm cluseless as to why..... Example: I'm clueless as to why my lights were disconnected, when I paid the bill. 3. I'm confused as to why.... Example: I'm confused as to why I can't unlock the safe with the right combination. Hope this helps!
それがなぜ起こるのかのよく分からないときは、次の表現が使えます。 1. I'm not sure why......(......の理由がよく分からない) 例: I'm not sure why my computer keeps shutting down. (何でパソコンがシャットダウンしてしまうのか分からない) 2. I'm clueless as to why.....(......の理由が分からない) 例: I'm clueless as to why my lights were disconnected, when I paid the bill. (料金を払っているのに何で電気を切られたのか分からない) 3. I'm confused as to why....(......の理由がよく分からない) 例: I'm confused as to why I can't unlock the safe with the right combination. (ダイヤル番号は正しいのになぜか金庫が開かない) 参考になれば幸いです!
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I don't know the reason for the situation

  • It happened for an unknown to me reason

Try to give a little bit of a context for the situation and add some info about the particular situation, so people will understand you better.
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • for unknown reasons

英会話講師のKOGACHIです(^^)/ おっしゃられている内容は、 for unknown reasons「分からない理由で」のように表現することが出来ます。 例) My computer is shutting down for unknown reasons. 「私のコンピューターは原因不明のシャットダウンをする」 以上ですm(_)m 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(#^^#) お困りの時は、いつでも気軽にご質問ください(^0^)/ ★★どうぞよろしくお願いもうしあげます★★ see you soon♪
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