世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/06/02 12:25
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  • dinner

  • supper

In English, there are two words that are used to refer to the evening meal: 'dinner' and 'supper'. The word 'dinner' seems to be the most common, but it is common to hear 'supper' in certain regions. For example, some people in the southern region of the U.S. use the word 'supper' more. Here are some example sentences for both words: "My boyfriend and I went out to dinner last night." "We are having spaghetti for dinner tonight." "Leonardo da Vinci painted 'The Last Supper'." (not 'The Last Dinner') "I usually eat supper around 6:30pm."
英語には「夕食」の言い方が二通りあります。'dinner' と 'supper' です。'dinner' が最も一般的だと思いますが、地域によって 'supper' も一般的です。 例えばアメリカの南部では、'supper' をより多く使う人もいます。 以下は、この二つの語を使った例文です。 "My boyfriend and I went out to dinner last night."(昨日の夜は彼氏と夕食を食べに行きました) "We are having spaghetti for dinner tonight."(今夜の夕食はスパゲッティだよ) "Dinner is ready!"(夕食の準備できたよ!) "Leonardo da Vinci painted 'The Last Supper'."(レオナルド・ダ・ビンチは「最後の晩餐」を描きました) ※ 'The Last Dinner' とは言わない。 "I usually eat supper around 6:30pm."(私はたいてい6時半に夕食を食べます)
Miranda DMM英語講師
  • Evening meal

  • dining

Evening meal is another word for the meal you eat at night. When using dining, it's usually used when you are going out for dinner, example: I will be dining out tonight.
「夕食」は 'Evening meal' ともいいます。 'Dining' は普通、夕食を外で食べるときに使います。 例えば: I will be dining out tonight.(今日の夜は外で食べます)
Berta DMM英会話講師
  • Tea

The words dinner and tea are almost the same thing in the UK. Often you may hear the older generation of English speaking saying to "Eat your tea." Tea is also a hot drink that a person can have and it is also another name for dinner. It is not used among the millennials as much; however in rural parts of Britain you can still find the phrase used.
"dinner" と "tea" はイギリスではほぼ同じものを指します。年配の人はよく "Eat your tea."(夕食を食べなさい)と言います。 "tea" は「お茶」とともに「夕食」も指します。若い人はそれほど使いませんが、イギリスの田舎ではまだ耳にすることがあります。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • dinner

  • supper

「晩御飯」は dinner や supper と言います。 ですが、住んでいる場所によっては dinner は lunch(お昼ご飯)のことを意味することもあるので「晩御飯」= supper が主流のエリアもあります。 ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • Dinner

  • Supper

The meal that you eat at night can be called: "Dinner" "Supper"
晩に食べる食事は、"Dinner" または "Supper" といいます。
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • I eat my dinner at 6:00 pm.

  • I have supper at 6:30 pm.

  • Dinner is at 8:00 pm.

In American English, often the words, "dinner" and "supper" are used interchangeably. However, when the event is formal, this is when sometimes, "dinner" is used more often, such as a state dinner or a banquet. We can refer to something simple such as a hamburger and french fries as dinner, or we can refer to a fancy event where people wear formal clothing as "a dinner." It all depends on context. But the one thing in common is that these words are used for meals eaten at night.
アメリカ英語では、しばしば "dinner" と "supper" は同じ意味で使われます。 ただ、正式なイベント(晩餐会や宴会など)には "dinner" がよく使われます。 ハンバーガーとフライドポテトのような簡単な食事も "dinner" と言えます。 正装して参加する晩餐会は "a dinner" と表せます。 文脈次第ということです。ただ、一つ共通するのは "dinner" と "supper" どちらも夜に取る食事を指すということ。
Amy H English teacher
  • Dinner

  • Supper

  • The evening meal

The meal that you eat at night is usually called 'dinner' or 'supper' or 'the evening meal' - and occasionally 'tea' in the UK. "We always have dinner at 7pm'
「夕食」は普通 'dinner' 'supper' または 'the evening meal' と呼ばれます。イギリスではたまに 'tea' と呼ばれることもあります。 "We always have dinner at 7pm' (私たちはいつも7時に夕食を食べます)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • dinner

  • supper

The meal eaten at night is called either "dinner" or in parts of the US "supper". Example: "I eat dinner around 7 o'clock with my family." "I love eating supper with my family."
晩に食べる食事は "dinner" といいます。アメリカの一部では "supper" とも呼ばれます。 例: "I eat dinner around 7 o'clock with my family."(私は7時くらいに家族と夕食を食べます) "I love eating supper with my family."(家族と夕食を食べるのが好きです)
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Dinner

  • Supper

"Dinner" is the most common word in American English to call the meal you eat at night. Dinner is usually in the evening; some other words like "early dinner" dinner" are is a phrases often used to refer to the meal either happening earlier in the evening or maybe late in the afternoon than usually expected. "late dinner" is a phrase we often use if you are eating the meal later than usual. In other countries, such as the United Kingdom, "dinner" could be used to also speak about a meal eaten in the afternoon or during the day as well. "Supper" is not uncommon in the American English and has the same meaning as "dinner".
アメリカ英語では "Dinner" が「夕食」の一般語です。"Dinner" は普通夕食を指します。"Early dinner" は「早めの夕食」を指すときによく使われます。 "Late dinner" は「遅めの夕食」を指します。 イギリスなどでは、"Dinner" は昼食を指す場合もあります。 "Supper" はアメリカ英語でも使われ、"Dinner" と同じ意味を持ちます。
Claire L DMM英会話講師
  • Dinner

  • Supper

The last meal that you eat at night is called :- 1. Dinner 2. Supper Example 1: What's for dinner tonight? I'm starving! Example 2: Please come home early for supper tonight.
夜に食べる食事は次のように言えます。 1. Dinner(晩御飯) 2. Supper(晩御飯) 例:What's for dinner tonight? I'm starving!(今日の晩御飯は何?おなかペコペコ) 例:Please come home early for supper tonight.(今夜は晩御飯を一緒に食べられるように早めに帰ってきて)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Dinner

  • Supper

  • Tea

Dinner' is the term we would use most frequently to refer to our evening meal. 'Supper' is a term used to refer to our evening meal or a meal that we might have later, before going to bed. In the UK, the term 'tea' is also used to refer to the meal we have in the evening. Sometimes, we have a meal in the afternoon which would be referred to as 'afternoon tea'.
Dinner' は「夕食」の最も一般的な言い方です。 'Supper' は「夕食」または、夕食の後夜遅い時間に食べる軽食をいいます。 イギリスでは、'tea' も「夕食」の意味で使われます。また、時々午後に食事を取ることもありますが、これは 'afternoon tea'(午後の紅茶)と呼ばれます。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • Supper.

  • Last meal of the day.

  • Night time meal.

The traditional word to use for the meal we have at night is dinner. We can also use other words to describe this meal, like the ones above. "For my night time meals, I like to have something filling or else I wake up feeling hungry in the middle of my sleep."
「夕食」は一般的には 'dinner' といいますが、上記のように表すこともできます。 "For my night time meals, I like to have something filling or else I wake up feeling hungry in the middle of my sleep." (夕食にはお腹にたまるものを食べます。でないと、夜中に空腹で目が覚めてしまうので)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • A dinner

  • A supper

  • A tea

"A tea" means a warm beverage, however in England (especially in the north) it also means the main meal of the night. "A supper" means a meal, typically a light one, in the evening
"A tea" は「お茶」という意味ですが、イングランド(特に北部)では「夕食」も表します。 "A supper" は普通、夜に食べる軽食を指します。
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • dinner

  • supper

You can say "dinner" or "supper." Dinner and supper are meals that gets eaten in the evening (the last meal for the day). Breakfast you would eat in the morning. Lunch you would eat in the afternoon. Examples : Where would you like to go for dinner? Let's have supper at home. I am tired of having dinner at a restaurant. We are invited for supper at my parents house. I would like to have steak for dinner.
"dinner" または "supper" と言えます。 "dinner" または "supper" は晩に食べる食事(一日の最後の食事)をいいます。 「朝食」は "Breakfast"、「昼食」は "Lunch" といいます。 例 : Where would you like to go for dinner?(夕食はどこで食べたいですか) Let's have supper at home.(夕食は家で食べましょう) I am tired of having dinner at a restaurant.(レストランで夕食を食べるのには飽きました) We are invited for supper at my parents house.(実家で夕食を食べることになっています) I would like to have steak for dinner.(夕食にはステーキが食べたい)
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Dinner

  • Supper

  • Tea

"Dinner" is more commonly used around the world. You have 3 meals a day generally; breakfast, lunch, dinner. For example, "What did you have for dinner last night?" "We decided to go out for dinner and tried this new Italian restaurant." "Supper" is quite an old word & it can be your main evening meal, or a snack after the main meal. "Cheese & Crackers for supper?". "Tea" is strictly British which may sound a bit strange. Although tea is normally something that you drink it can also refer to an evening meal. "Can we have fish & chips for tea?".
"dinner" は世界中で一般的に使われている言い方です。 普通は1日に3食食べますね。 "breakfast"(朝食) "lunch"(昼食) "dinner"(夕食) 例: "What did you have for dinner last night?"(昨日の夕食に何を食べましたか) "We decided to go out for dinner and tried this new Italian restaurant."(夕食を外で食べることにして、この新しいイタリアンレストランに行ってみました) "supper" はかなり古い言葉です。"supper" は、夜に取る主要な食事、または主要な食事の後に取る軽い食事をいいます。 例: "Cheese & Crackers for supper?"(夕食にチーズ・アンド・クラッカーでも食べる?) "tea" はイギリス英語です(少し変な感じがするかもしれませんが)。"tea" は普通は飲み物を指しますが、夕食も表します。 例: "Can we have fish & chips for tea?"(夕食にフィッシュ・アンド・チップスを食べませんか)
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • Dinner

  • Evening meal

The most common way is to say "dinner" but "evening meal" can be used too, although, not as often.For example - Kids! Dinner is ready and your dad and I are waiting for you. Come quickly!
最も一般的な言い方は "dinner" ですが、"evening meal" も使えます。 例: Kids! Dinner is ready and your dad and I are waiting for you. Come quickly!(みんな、夕食の支度ができたよ。パパも待っているから、早くおいで)
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • "Dinner"

  • "Evening meal"

  • "Supper"

The meal that you eat at night in English is most commonly called one of the following: "Dinner", "Evening meal" or "Supper". Example sentences: I cannot wait to eat my dinner this evening. I'm excited for my evening meal.
夕御飯は一般的に "Dinner" "Evening meal" または "Supper" と呼ばれます。 例文: I cannot wait to eat my dinner this evening.(夕御飯が待ちきれない) I'm excited for my evening meal.(夕御飯が楽しみ)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • dinner

こんにちは。 「晩御飯」は英語で dinner と言えます。 朝食:breakfast 昼食:lunch 夕食:dinner 下記は例文ですのでぜひ参考にしてください。 What did you eat for dinner today? 今日の晩御飯は何を食べましたか? ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Dinner

  • Supper

The meal one usually has at night or in the evening is called "dinner" or "supper". You may use these terms in the following ways: -I am having my friends over for dinner on Friday. I'm excited because I love entertaining. -I usually have supper at 7pm.
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • dinner

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「dinner」 =晩御飯 (例文)I had curry for dinner. (訳)晩御飯はカレーを食べました。 (例文)What's for dinner? (訳)晩御飯なに? 単語: breakfast 朝ごはん lunchお昼ご飯 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。 Coco
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