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2016/05/08 01:22
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  • Sports improve your health both mentally and physically, and what's more, it's good for anti aging!

Improveの代わりにBenefitを使っても良いと思います。 直訳で スポーツは肉体的にも精神的にも身体に良い、おまけに老師予防に効果がある。
  • Sports are good for mental and physical health, and they can help to keep us youthful.

  • Practicing sports helps to keep our body strong and healthy, and our mind sharp and fresh.

  • Regular exercise makes us more dynamic and helps us to have more energy.

There are many proven health benefits of playing sports on a regular basis, both for our body and mind. Exercising the muscles helps our body to circulate nutrients and get rid of toxins. It keeps our muscles strong and helps us to lose excess fat. It reduces the risk of many diseases. Exercise is known to reduce anxiety, stress and depression. It helps us sleep better. A good workout can clear a lot of mental and emotional junk out of our system and leave us feeling fresh and clear. Being active makes our mind more active and positive.
定期的にスポーツをすることは、肉体的にも精神的にもさまざまなメリットがあることが証明されています。 筋肉を動かすことで体内を栄養が循環し、毒素を排出できます。筋肉を強く保ち、余分な脂肪を落とすこともできます。たくさんの病気のリスクも低下します。 運動は不安やストレスの解消、鬱(うつ)にも効果があるとされています。睡眠の改善にもつながります。良い運動は心にたまったゴミを取り除き、スッキリすがすがしい気持ちにさせてくれます。体がアクティブになると心もアクティブに、ポジティブになります。
Tim C DMM英会話講師
  • Sports are good for both your mind and your body, and they can prevent aging.

  • Sports are good for both your mind and body, and they have an anti-aging effect.

「スポーツは精神的にも肉体的にも良く、老化防止にも効果がある。」という文章と英語で表すと「Sports are good for both your mind and body, and they can prevent aging.」または「Sports are good for both your mind and body, and they have an anti-aging effect.」という文章を使っても良いと考えました。「〜に良い」は「good for ~」という意味があります。例えば、「Vegetables are good for the body.」(「野菜は体に良いです。」)。「老化」は「aging」という意味があります。「防止」は「prevent」という言葉になって、「効果」は「effect」になります。
  • "Sports improve your health both mentally and physically, and they have a positive effect on anti-aging"

  • "Sports are good for all aspects of life, including the body, the mind and anti-aging"

In order to explain that sports are a good way to remain healthy in many aspects of your life, you can state, "Sports are good for all aspects of life, including the body, the mind and anti-aging". This illustrates that you believe sports are good for all sorts of areas of your life and you have listed these areas.
スポーツは生活のいろいろな面にプラスになると伝えたいなら、次のように言えます。 "Sports are good for all aspects of life, including the body, the mind and anti-aging" 「スポーツは体・心・アンチエイジングなど生活のあらゆる面にプラスになります」 ここでは、スポーツは生活のあらゆる面にプラスになると伝えて、その「面」を列挙しています。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Sports are good for the body and mind as well as preventing aging

  • Sports can improve your health and also be anti aging

When talking about your body and mind being good this is also called your 'health' anti aging is when you try and prevent aging To improve something means to make it better
心や体の「健康」は 'health' という言葉で表せます。 'anti aging' は「アンチエイジングの」「老化防止の」という意味です。 'to improve' は「改善する」という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Sports are equally good for the body and the mind. They also fight against aging.

  • Sports can help use physically and mentally. Another added bonus is that they help fight aging.

The two sentences you see provided above are great ways to express to your listener that sports are good for the body and the mind. They are also good for preventing aging. In the first sentence you will see the word equally. This means to the same extent. This is a word that is appropriate for both formal and informal settings. It would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
上記二つの例文は、スポーツは体と心に良く老化防止にもなると伝える素晴らしい言い方です。 一つ目の例文には "equally" という単語が使われています。これは「〔程度が〕同じように」という意味です。この単語はフォーマルな場面でもインフォーマルな場面でも使うことができます。ぜひ語彙に加えておいてください。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Sports help you mentally and physically especially when it comes to aging.

  • Sports can help you mentally, physically and prevents aging.

  • Sports are good for your mind, body and prevents aging.

Hi! All of these phrases tells them that sports is good for your body, mind and prevents aging. If you use mentally and physically instead of mind and body then it will be used in a more proper way and it will show you really understand english. To say it prevents english is an extra thing to add so I would say that at the end as a bonus. Hope this helps!
こんにちは! 上記3例どれを使っても、スポーツは体と心、それに老化防止に効果があると伝えることができます。 "mind and body" の代わりに "mentally and physically" を使うと、よりフォーマルな言い方になり、相手に「英語の分かる人だな」と思ってもらえます。 「老化防止になる」というのは追加情報なので、私ならおまけとして文の最後に置きます。 参考になれば幸いです!
Janinne E DMM英会話講師
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