世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/06/11 19:29
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  • My (smart)phone was broken.

  • My (smart)phone didn't work.

[スマートフォン](は、"smartphone"ですが、会話の中で特にスマートフォンであることを強調しなくても良いのであれば、ただの"phone"で良いでしょう。 「[壊れていた](」は was broken。 例えばこんな風に使えます。 ■"Sorry that I couldn't reply (earlier). My phone was broken." (ごめん、(もっと早く)返信できなくて。電話が壊れていたの。) 回答2は、「電話が動かなかった」という表現。 例えば、 ■"Sorry that I couldn't reply (earlier). I don't know why but my phone got some problem and didn't work properly for a while." (ごめん、(もっと早く)返信できなくて。よくわからないけど、電話の調子がおかしくて、しばらくちゃんと動かなかったんだ。) got some problem で、「何らかの問題が起きて」 didn't work properly で、「適切に動かなかった」 for a while で、「しばらくの間」 という意味になります。 ご参考になれば幸いです!
Sophie Sg DMM英会話プロ翻訳家
  • Sorry I couldn't respond in time, my smartphone was broken.

  • I apologize for the late response, my smartphone broke.

  • Thank you for being patient with me, I am responding late because smartphone was not working.

If you had troubles with your phone and could not respond to messages and calls, use the sentences above to let someone know. "Sorry, I know I was supposed to call you last night but my smartphone broke." "Sorry, my smartphone stopped working and I couldn't get back in touch." It is also good manners to thank someone for being patient with you.
携帯に問題があって、メッセージや電話の返事ができなかったときには、これらの例のように相手に伝えるといいでしょう。   "Sorry, I know I was supposed to call you last night but my smartphone broke." (すみません、昨夜電話を[するつもり](だったんだけど、[携帯](が壊れたんです。) "Sorry, my smartphone stopped working and I couldn't get back in touch." (すみません、携帯が動かなくなって、連絡がとれませんでした。)   辛抱強く待っていてくれたことに感謝の気持ちを伝えるとさらにいいでしょう。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • "My phone was broken"

  • "I am really sorry for not replying, my phone was broken but it is now fixed"

If you wanted to explain to someone that you wasn't able to reply to their message for a while due to your smart phone being broken, you could either say "My phone was broken" or "I am really sorry for not replying, my phone was broken but it is now fixed". Both of these explanations politely make the person aware that you did not reply for a reason.
「スマートフォンが故障してしばらく返信できなかった」は次のように言えます "My phone was broken"(携帯が故障していた) "I am really sorry for not replying, my phone was broken but it is now fixed"(返信できずごめんなさい。携帯が故障していましたが、もう直りました) どちらも丁寧な言い方です。返信できなかった理由を伝えています。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • My cell phone was broken.

  • My smartphone broke.

  • My phone broke.

In this case, you want to keep the sentence simple. You would simply say. I broke my phone. Or My cell was broken, so I couldn't call you back.
これはシンプルに言った方がいいです。 例えば、 "I broke my phone."(携帯を壊してしまった) あるいは、 My cell was broken, so I couldn't call you back.(携帯が故障していたので連絡できませんでした)
Parker DMM英会話講師
  • Apologies for the late reply, I broke my phone before having a chance to get back to you.

  • I am so sorry for not replying sooner, but unfortunately I broke my phone.

"Apologies for the late reply, I broke my phone before having a chance to get back to you." In this context, you are being polite before addressing the reason for your late reply. "I am so sorry for not replying sooner, but unfortunately I broke my phone." In this context, you are expressing sincerity for keeping the person who got in touch with you waiting.
"Apologies for the late reply, I broke my phone before having a chance to get back to you."(返信遅れてしまい申し訳ありません。携帯が故障してしまって連絡できませんでした) ここでは、まず丁寧に相手に謝って、それから返信が遅れた理由を伝えています。 "I am so sorry for not replying sooner, but unfortunately I broke my phone."(返信遅れてしまい申し訳ありません。携帯が故障してしまって) ここでは、相手を待たせてしまったことについて誠実に謝罪しています。
Chinique DMM英会話講師
  • My phone was broken

  • I couldn't use my phone, it was down.

You can use either of the two statements 1. My phone was broken. In this sentence you are clearly stating why you were unable to return the call 2. My phone was down This is an informal way to say that your phone was not working.
どちらの文も使うことができます。 1. My phone was broken.(携帯が壊れていました) →返信できなかった理由を明確に伝えています。 2. My phone was down(携帯が壊れていました) →これは「電話が壊れていた」のカジュアルな言い方です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • My phone is broken, so I will not be able to reply for a while.

  • I will not be able to reply for a while because my phone is broken.

"My phone is broken" is a very common phrase to use when your smartphone is broken, such as when the screen is very cracked or the phone crashes when used.
"My phone is broken" は、非常に一般的なフレーズです。これは、「画面が割れている」「使うとクラッシュしてしまう」などスマートフォンが故障しているときに使うことができます。
Sarah Hu DMM英会話講師
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