Although it is important, it is difficult to differentiate our product from a competing one..
「差別化する」は英語では differentiate 〜「〜を差別化する」という他動詞を使います。
英訳例のように、「我々の商品を差別化する」ですと differentiate our product となり、それを「競合商品と」差別化するのであれば from a competing one となります。competing は「競合する」という意味です。ここで one が使われているのは、すでに product という単語を先に使っているので、繰り返しを避けるためです。
この動詞 differentiate は形容詞の different と同語源です。この形容詞は前置詞 from とセットで使われることがよくあるので、動詞にしても同じ前置詞が使われています。
A is different from B. 「AはBと違う」
全体の構造を単純に表すと「差別化することが難しい」で、To differentiate ... is difficult. ですが、多くの場合は不定詞を主語にする場合は仮主語の it を文頭に置いて、真主語を文末に置きます。It is difficult to differentiate...
なお、although は「〜ではあるが」という譲歩を表します。
差別化というのは differentiation あるいは、differentiatingを用います。
It's vital to be diffrent from our competitors' products, but its differentiation is a bit difficult.
(vital は、きわめて重要という意味ですので、essential,あるいはcrucial, またはvery important, などでもかまいません。)
It's important to set your product apart from the competitors, but that's difficult to do.
It's important to single out your product from the competitors, but that's hard to do.
The two sentences you see provided above are terrific ways to express to your listener that it is important to differentiate your product from your competitor's products, although this is difficult to do. In the first sentence you will notice the phrase set something apart. This means to separate something or someone. In the second sentence you will notice the phrase single out. This also means to separate someone or something.
"It's hard to tell it apart from others." Used in a more informal scenario to indicate that one thing is very similar to another or others and hard to differentiate.
"The difference is hardly noticeable." can be used formally or informally to say that if there are any differences between two things, it's hard to see them.
"There is hardly any difference." used to mean that there is very little difference between two things worth mentioning.
"It's hard to tell it apart from others."
"The difference is hardly noticeable."
"There is hardly any difference."
Although it's not easy, product differentiation is extremely important if you want to gain competitive advantage.
If you want to gain competitive advantage, implement product differentiation although it's a difficult process.
Due to the cut throat competition in business, innovation plays a key role. A business has to gain competitive advantage and one of the things a it has to do is to differentiate it's products. By implementing product differentiation, which means making it's products look, taste, feel or packaged differently from it's competitors' products, it can gain competitive advantage. However, differentiation is not easy. It is a difficult process because it requires innovation.
So, you may say:
Although it's not easy, product differentiation is extremely important if you want to gain competitive advantage.
If you want to gain competitive advantage, implement product differentiation although it's a difficult process.
実業界の競争はし烈なので、イノベーションが鍵になります。会社は競争優位を得なければならず、その方法の一つが製品の差別化です。product differentiation(製品の差別化)とは、自社製品の見た目、味、感触またはパッケージをライバル企業の製品と違うものにすることをいいます。product differentiationを行うことで、競争優位を得ることができます。しかし、differentiation(差別化)は簡単ではありません。 イノベーションが求められるので難しいプロセスになります。
Although it's not easy, product differentiation is extremely important if you want to gain competitive advantage.
If you want to gain competitive advantage, implement product differentiation although it's a difficult process.
The most difficult part is distinguishing the difference between two similar products
How is your product different from other products?
It's hard to tell the difference between two products that are very similar, but not the same. If the products are not the exact same, there must be a difference. It is difficult to see the difference sometimes, but clever person can discern it. What makes your product different from others? You must distinguish the difference. You must show the customers how your product is different. To distinguish, to discern, to differentiate.
To distinguish(見分ける), to discern(識別する), to differentiate(区別する)
It's hard to differentiate your product with others
It's hard to tell the difference between your product and others
It;s hard to tell the difference between your product and competitors products
It's hard' means its not an easy thing to do
'Differentiate' means to tell the difference between 2 or more things
So you could say ' it's hard to tell the difference between your product and your competitors'
「It's hard」は「難しい」という意味です。
'It's hard to tell the difference between your product and your competitors'.'