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2019/06/19 00:44
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  • I was putting my son / daughter / child to bed, but in the end we drifted off together.

  • In the process of trying to help my son / daughter / child to fall asleep I too succumbed to slumber.

  • I wanted to be with my son / daughter / child to help them get to sleep, but eventually we both dozed off together.

The first suggestion uses the phrase 'in the end', to mean the result / outcome; and also uses past tense phrasal verb 'drifted off', which suggests a gentle, gradual (slow) process. The second suggestion uses some quite difficult / advanced words: 'Succumbed' meaning basically to surrender, or to not resist, and 'Slumber' meaning sleep ... this is quite a poetic way to express this! The third suggestion is basically the same as the first, but instead of using 'drifted off, using 'dozed off'; again being another way to suggest a gentle, gradual (slow) process, but 'doze' is more specifically referring to sleep than 'drift' (which can be used in other ways) *IE* The boat was not tied or anchored, so drifted out to sea on the tide
最初の例の 'in the end'は、結局という意味です。また、 'drifted off'は、ゆるやかに進むことという意味です 2つ目の例は、少し難しい上級者向けの言葉、 'Succumbed'(負ける、我慢できない)と  'Slumber' (寝る)があります。これはとても詩的な表現です。 3つ目は、基本的に最初と同じですが、  'drifted off'の代わりに、 'dozed off'を使っています。これも寝落ちするという意味で、 'doze'は、 'drift'よりも特に寝るという意味になります。 例: The boat was not tied or anchored, so drifted out to sea on the tide (ボートがくくりつけられていなかったので、海へ流れて行ってしまった。)
Alisdair DMM英会話講師
  • I was putting my kid to sleep and I fell asleep as well.

  • I meant to lay down with my son until he went to sleep but I dozed off too.

1) I was putting my kid to sleep and I fell asleep as well. 「子供を寝かしつけていたら、私も寝てしまった。」 「子供を寝かしつける」は put my kid to sleep と言います。 fall asleep で「寝入る・眠り込む」 2) I meant to lay down with my son until he went to sleep but I dozed off too. 「息子に添い寝していたら私も寝てしまった。」 lay down with ... で「…添い寝する」 doze off で「うとうとと眠り込む」 ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • I fell asleep while putting my child to sleep.

  • I meant to put my son/daughter to sleep but I ended up falling asleep as well.

If there is a situation where you fell asleep trying to put your son or daughte to sleep, you can express this by saying:- 1. I fell asleep while putting my child to sleep. 2.I meant to put my son/daughter to sleep but I ended up falling asleep as well. Sometimes this happens to parents due to exhaustion, they end up falling asleep when attempting to put their children to sleep.The expression "end up" or "ended up" means that what happened in the end was not the intention from the beginning.
「子どもを寝かしつけようと思ったら自分まで寝てしまった」は、次のように言えます。 1. I fell asleep while putting my child to sleep.(子どもを寝かしつけていたら自分まで寝てしまった) 2. I meant to put my son/daughter to sleep but I ended up falling asleep as well.(息子/娘を寝かしつけるつもりが自分まで寝てしまった) これは疲れているとき時々ありますね、子どもを寝かしつけようと思ったら自分まで寝てしまうという。"end up" または "ended up" は「結局(当初の意図に反して)~になる」という意味です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I was putting my child to sleep and I also fell asleep.

  • While I was putting my child to sleep, I fell asleep as well

When you want to explain that you were putting your child to sleep and you also fell asleep; then you may express this in the following ways: -I was putting my child to sleep and I also fell asleep. -While I was putting my child to sleep, I fell asleep as well
これらは、子供を寝かしつけていて、自分が寝てしまったことを伝えるフレーズです。 -I was putting my child to sleep and I also fell asleep. (子供を寝かしつけていて、私も寝てしまった。) -While I was putting my child to sleep, I fell asleep as well. (子供を寝かしつけているときに、私も寝てしまった。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • While trying to get my child to sleep, I fell asleep.

  • My child and I fell asleep together.

You could say, "While trying to get my child to sleep, I fell asleep." While - Meaning at the same time. "We ate dinner while we waited for the sun to set." You did both at the same time. Trying - attempting to do something. "He is trying to pass the test." Or you could simply say, "My child and I fell asleep together." Other ways to say this are. "My son and I fell asleep together." "My daughter and I fell asleep together."
 "While trying to get my child to sleep, I fell asleep." (子供を寝かしつけてていたら、自分が寝落ちした。) While - ~している間 "We ate dinner while we waited for the sun to set." (サンセットを待っている間に夕食を食べた。)   Trying - 何かをしようとすること "He is trying to pass the test." (彼は、テストに合格しようとしている。) またはシンプルに以下のようにも言うことができます。 "My child and I fell asleep together." (子供と私は一緒に寝落ちした。)  "My son and I fell asleep together." (息子と私は一緒に寝落ちした。) "My daughter and I fell asleep together." (娘と私は一緒に寝落ちした。)
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • While putting my child to sleep, I fell asleep myself.

  • Every Time I put my daughter/son to sleep, I myself end up asleep too.

  • Putting my baby to sleep always has me falling asleep too.

Whenever I put my baby to sleep, I end up falling asleep too! When I put my baby to sleep I should know that I will fall asleep too. I always end up falling asleep when I put my child to sleep. Putting a child to sleep is not easy without a nighttime routine. Use the sentences above to explain that when you put your child to sleep, you end up sleeping too.
Whenever I put my baby to sleep, I end up falling asleep too! (子供を寝かしつけるときはいつでも、結局私も寝てしまう。) When I put my baby to sleep I should know that I will fall asleep too. (子供を寝かしつけるときは、自分も寝てしまうと思っておくべきだ。) I always end up falling asleep when I put my child to sleep. (いつも子供を寝かしつけるときは自分も寝落ちする。) 子供を寝かしつけるのは、容易なことではありません。これらの例は、子供を寝かしつけると、自分も寝てしまうということを表すのにぴったりのフレーズです。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • I fell asleep too while putting my child down for the night.

  • I nodded off too when I put my child to bed.

1.I fell asleep too while putting my child down for the night. This happens quite often when a mom is overcome by a feeling of exhaustion that she falls asleep herself.To put your child down for the night means to put your child to sleep. 2.I nodded off too when I put my child to bed. The phrase "nodded off" means to fall asleep as well without intending to do so.This usually happens when you are suffering from extreme tiredness/fatigue.
1. I fell asleep too while putting my child down for the night.(子ども寝かしつけていたら自分も寝てしまった) これは疲れているときによくありますね、子どもを寝かしつけていたら自分も寝てしまうという。"To put your child down for the night" は「子どもを寝かしつける」という意味です。 2. I nodded off too when I put my child to bed.(子どもを寝かしつけていたら自分も寝てしまった) "Nodded off" は「居眠りしてしまった」という意味です。これは普通すごく疲れているときに起こります。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • I was putting my son/daughter to sleep but I fell asleep with him/her.

I was putting my son/daughter to sleep but I fell asleep with him/her. 息子/娘を寝かしつけていたら、私も一緒に寝てしまいました。 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 fall asleep で「寝落ちする」「気づいたら寝ていた」ようなニュアンスになります。 例: I fell asleep without brushing my teeth last night. 昨晩、歯磨きせずに寝落ちしてしまいました。 お役に立てればうれしいです。
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