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2019/06/26 22:51
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  • I ate so much that I'm not feeling well right now.

I ate so much は「私は食べ過ぎた」という意味です。いっぱい食べたら、I ate so much と言えます。 そして、that I'm not feeling well right now は「今とても気持ち悪いです」という意味です。 したがって、I ate so much that I'm not feeling well right now. 「食べ過ぎて今とても気持ち悪いです。」
  • I overate and now i don't feel too good.

  • I ate too much and now I do not feel well.

If you have eaten too much and now do not feel well and want to explain this to someone, you can say something like "I overate and now i don't feel too good." or "I ate too much and now my stomach does not feel good.".
「食べ過ぎてしまって気持ちが悪い」は、次のように言えます。 "I overate and now I don't feel too good." "I ate too much and now my stomach does not feel good." (食べ過ぎてしまって胃が気持ちが悪い)
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I ate too much and now I feel sick.

  • I stuffed my face and now I feel nauseous.

  • I overdid it at dinner time, now I feel sick.

If you feel sick after eating too much, you cna express this by saying the following :- 1. I ate too much and now I feel sick. Example: I ate too much ice-cream, and now I feel sick. 2. I stuffed my face and now I feel nauseous. Example: I stuffed my faceat the birthday party, and now I feel nauseous. ( "stuffed my face" is an informal expression that means to overeat.) 3. I overdid it at dinner time, now I feel sick. Example: I overdid it at dinner time, I had three plates of food, now I feel sick.
食べ過ぎて気持ちが悪くなったときは、次のように言えます。 1. I ate too much and now I feel sick.(食べ過ぎてしまって気持ちが悪い) 例: I ate too much ice-cream, and now I feel sick.(アイスを食べ過ぎてしまって気持ちが悪い) 2. I stuffed my face and now I feel nauseous.(食べ過ぎてしまって気持ちが悪い) 例: I stuffed my face at the birthday party, and now I feel nauseous.(誕生日会で食べ過ぎてしまって気持ちが悪い) ※ "stuffed my face" は「食べ過ぎる」という意味のカジュアルな表現です。 3. I overdid it at dinner time, now I feel sick.(夕食を食べ過ぎてしまって気持ちが悪い) 例: I overdid it at dinner time, I had three plates of food, now I feel sick.(夕食を食べ過ぎました。3皿も食べたから気持ちが悪い)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I overstuffed myself and I don’t feel good.

  • I ate too much, I feel sick.

こう言えますよ、 ❶ I overstuffed myself and I don’t feel good. (お腹に詰めすぎて、気持ち悪い)。 *overstuffed は「詰めすぎた」、食べた後に言う場合は「食べすぎた」という意味です。 ❷I ate too much and I feel sick now, (食べすぎて、今とても気持ち悪い)。 *feel sick は 気持ち悪くて吐きそう、気分が悪い、という意味です。 参考に!
  • I'm so full, I think I have over indulged.

  • I have had too much to eat, I feel sick.

  • My stomach can't take another morsel, I feel sick.

You can use all of the above sentences to describe "Eating too much" Morsel means a very small amount of food. My stomach can't take even the smallest amount of food, I'm so full, I feel sick. Over - indulge means, to have too much of something enjoyable, especially food and drink.
上の文はどれも「食べ過ぎ」を表します。 "Morsel" は「一口の食べ物」という意味です。「もう一口も入らないくらいおなかがいっぱいで、気持ちが悪い」と伝えています。 "Overindulge" は「〔特に食べ物・酒について〕好き放題やり過ぎる」という意味です。
Bev U DMM英会話講師
  • I've overindulged, and don't feel so good.

  • My eyes were bigger than my belly.

  • I wish I hadn't eaten so much, as I'm not feeling too well.

The first phrase is a statement of fact, with "overindulge" meaning to have too much of a good thing, resulting in the person not feeling well. The second phrase, often heard in the UK, probably comes from the Middle Ages, and originally used to mean tackling a task that was too ambitious. It has now entered everyday language as a way of describing eating too much. The third phrase conveys a feeling of regret and remorse that eating too much has made the person feel uncomfortable.
一つ目の例は事実を述べています。"overindulge" は「食べ過ぎて[飲み過ぎて]気持ちが悪くなる」という意味です。 二つ目のフレーズはイギリスでよく使われます、起源は中世までさかのぼると思います。もともとは「自分の能力以上のことをする」という意味でした。現在は「食べ過ぎ」を表す表現として使われています。 三つ目の例は食べ過ぎたことへの後悔や悔いを表します。
Gozo P DMM英会話講師
  • I ate too much, I feel sick

  • I have had too much to eat and don't feel good now

Sick means feeling nauseous and wanting to vomit (in this case it would be overeating). For example - at the restaraunt I ate too much and now need some medicine because I feel really sick.
"Sick" は「(この場合は食べ過ぎで)気持ちが悪くて吐きそう」という意味です。 例えば: At the restaraunt I ate too much and now need some medicine because I feel really sick. (レストランで食べ過ぎた。気持ち悪いから薬を飲まないと)
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • I stuffed myself and now don't feel too good (informal)

  • I overate and now feel slightly unwell

You ate too much and now you don't feel well - and wish to explain this situation. Any of the above comments will be adequate for this scenario.
「食べ過ぎて気持ちが悪い」と言いたいということですね。 上の例はどちらもこの状況で使うことができます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I think I ate a bit too much.

  • I think I may have overindulged.

  • I am feeling a little uncomfortable from overeating.

When you say that you have eaten a bit too much, the other person can assume that you are feeling a little uncomfortable, you can also say that you feel uncomfortable from eating too much - overeating... If you overindulge in food or drink that means that you have too much or that you have overeaten too.
"ate a bit too much"(ちょっと食べ過ぎた)と言えば、「気分が悪い」というニュアンスになります。 他に、"I am feeling a little uncomfortable from overeating"(食べ過ぎてちょっと気分が悪い)という言い方もできます。 "overindulge" は「食べ過ぎる/飲み過ぎる」という意味です。
MJ Elworthy DMM英会話講師
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