英語では「In the future, the two Koreas may become unified」と言う表現が良いかと思います。「Unify」とは「統一」すると言う意味です。
朝鮮統一は「Korean Unification」と言います。
また、別パターンで「In the future, North and South Korea might become one country」もあります。
Julian Israel YouTube Channel
韓国 → South Korea (Koreaだけでもいいです。)
北朝鮮 → North Korea
may → ~かもしれない
become → なる
「一つの国」はone country と訳しましたが、country を抜いてone だけでも意味は通じます。
Become one は「一つになる」「一致する」というような意味です。
South Korea and North Korea may unify in the not too
distant future.
To unify means to unite or combine into one, and in this
instance, it refers to them becoming one country.
The phrase 'not too distant future' refers to a time that is not
too far off. Conversely, the phrase 'distant future' means the
exact opposite: very far off.
A merger between North and South Korea may become
possible in the near future.
A merger refers to a unification/consolidation between two
or more companies/countries/organizations, etc.
In the 'near future' means within a short space of time.
South Korea and North Korea may unify in the not too distant future.
To unifyとは、1つになるという意味です。この場合2つの国が1つになるということです。
'not too distant future'は、時間がそれほど遠くないということです、ですので、'distant future'は very far off(とても遠い)の反対で、近い将来という意味になります。
A merger between North and South Korea may become possible in the near future.
A mergerとは、2つやそれ以上の会社、国、組織などが合併するということです。 'near future'は、近い将来という意味です。
When you want to express that you think North Korea and South Korea may become one country in the future, then you may explain this in the following ways:
-I think that North and South Korea may become one country in the future
-In the future, North and South Korea may become unified
-I think that North and South Korea may become one country in the future
-In the future, North and South Korea may become unified
If you want to express the possibilty of North Korea and South Korea becoming one country in the future, you can use any of the following statements:-
It's possible that North and South Korea might become one country in the future:-
Whenever you say " It's possible that ......", it means thatwhatever you are talking about is able to be done or it is acheivable.
2.In the future, North Korea and South Korea might become unified.
If the two countries become unified, it means they are no longer two separate countries, but one.
"It's possible that ......" は「......の可能性がある/......は達成可能である」という意味です。
"unified" は、二つの国が一つになることを表します。
Merge (verb) - is when you combine and blend two things together. In this case, it is the merging of North and South Korea.
Unify (verb) - Unified - is when something is joined together to become one whole thing. IN this case North and South Korea.
become one (phrase)- it means join things together to become one whole
When you talk about the future there are a few different phrases you can use.
In the future - North and South Korea
Sometime soon
One day
Merge(動詞) - 二つのものを結合することをいいます。ここでは、北朝鮮と韓国の「統一」について言っています。
Unify(動詞)- Unified - 二つのものを一つにすることをいいます。この場合、「二つのもの」とは北朝鮮と韓国です。
become one(フレーズ)- 二つのものを一つにすることをいいます。
In the future - North and South Korea(将来、北朝鮮と韓国は)
Sometime soon(近い将来)
One day(いつか)
Use the sentences above to say that South and North Korea might someday become one country.
When we speak about 'in the near future', we are talking about any day after tomorrow, 'the future' can be talking about a year or later.
Fuse: when two or more things come together to make one
Might: will maybe happen, not a definite, some promise
Merge: to join and create one entity
'in the near future' は「近い将来」という意味で、これは「明日以降」を指します。
'the future' は一年以上先の「未来」も指します。
Fuse: 二つ以上のものが合わさって一つになる
Might: 起こる可能性がある、起こるかもしれない
Merge: 合わさって一つになる