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Have you been there? と聞かれて。I went there many times when I was a child. が正解ですか。 I have been there many times when I was a child. だと現在完了と過去の一点を指すwhen 以下の節が一緒に使えないと聞いたのですが。
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2019/07/24 00:10
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  • I've been there many times as a child.

  • I've been there a lot when I was a child.

「子供の時に」と表現する時使えるのが "when I was a child" "as a child" があります。 "as a child" は日本語に直訳すると「子供として」という意味ですが、英語では自分の違う視点や状況から話す時、"as a~" と文章の最初か最後に付け加える事があります。 例文: "As a parent, I think that is wrong." 「親としてはそれは間違っていると思う。」 "I have done that as a student." 「生徒の頃、それをしたことがある。」 なので、"I have been there many times when I was a child." と言う代わりに "I've been there so many times as a child." と最後に "as a child" と付け加えると自然に「子供の時何度も行ったことがある」と言えます。
  • I have been there many times as a child.

現在完了形は4つの使い時があります。1つ目は、過去のことなんだけど、何回もしたのことです。 「子供の時何回も行ったことあります。」と言ったら、現在完了形を使っています。。 I have been there many times as a child. 現在完了形で「when」を使わないです。「when」が完了過去を指し示します。現在完了形が現在まで影響がありますので「when」は使われません.
  • I've been there many times as a child.

  • I went there a lot when I was a kid.

ご質問ありがとうございます。 会話であれば、"I have been there many times when I was a child"でも伝わりますが、確かに文法的に問題がありますね。"I went there many times when I was a child"でも正しいのですが、この場合はシンプルに"as a child"あるいは"as a kid"が一番自然だと思います。"As a..."は過去・現在完了でも使えます。 例文: I don't go there anymore as an adult. As a child, I played video games with my brothers.
Lisa T DMM英会話プロ翻訳家
  • I went on many trips there during my childhood..

  • I went there loads of times when I was a kid.

  • My family took me there a lot when I was young.

Above are three examples of how to explain that you went to a certain place many times as a child. The phrase "loads of times" in the second sentence is a very natural way of explaining when you have done something or been somewhere often. It is used a lot by native speakers in day to day conversation.
上記は「子どもの頃に~に行った」の三通りの言い方です。 二つ目の文の "loads of times" は「何回も」という意味の自然な表現です。日常会話でよく使われます。
Spencer T DMM英会話講師
  • It is correct to say I have visited that place or a certain place many times when I was younger or when I was a child. It is just to say that you have been to a plce quite often as a child.

It is correct to say I have visited that place or a certain place many times when I was younger / when I was a child. It is just to say that you have been to a place quite often as a child. Your family could have had a favorite holiday destination or even a beach house some where, so they would prefer to go and visat that place almost every holiday because they enjoyed so much there. And usually you would have fond memories of the place you visited quite often. A lot of people have a popular holiday destination that they like to visit over and over.
I have visited that place (or a certain place) many times when I was younger / when I was a child. 「そこには(またはその他に場所)には昔/子どもの頃何度も行きました」 は、正しい言い方です。 お気に入りの観光地やビーチハウスがあって、そこに「休暇の度に行っていた」ということかもしれませんね。 また、よく行く場所には良い思い出もあると思います。 何度も訪れたことのあるお気に入りの観光地を持つ人は多いですね。
Ziegler DMM英会話講師
  • I have been here/there many times as a child.

  • I went there many times growing up.

If you are trying to tell someone that you have been to a certain place many times as a child, you can say something like "I have been here/there many times as a child." or "I went there many times growing up.".
「子どもの頃に何度も行ったことがある」は次のように言えます。 "I have been here/there many times as a child."(ここには子どもの頃何度も来ました/そこには子どもの頃何度も行きました) "I went there many times growing up."(そこには子どもの頃に何度も行きました)
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I used to go there often as a child.

  • I went a lot as a child.

  • I have been there many times when I was young.

The most common grammatical structure to talk about actions as a child is the 'used to' function. Positive: "I used to play a lot of video games." Negative: "I didn't use to play video games." Interrogative: "Did you use to play video games?" This would be the best way to respond to such a question. "I used to go often as a child." "When I was younger I used to go there often."
子どもの頃の話をするときは、'used to' が使われることが多いです。 肯定文:"I used to play a lot of video games."(昔はテレビゲームをよくしていました) 否定文:"I didn't use to play video games."(昔はテレビゲームをしませんでした) 質問:"Did you use to play video games?"(昔はテレビゲームをしましたか) このような質問に答えるときには、'used to' がベストです。 "I used to go often as a child."(子どもの頃よく行きました) "When I was younger I used to go there often."(子どもの頃そこによく行きました)
Lexi L DMM英会話講師
  • I know this/the place very well, as I remember it from my childhood.

  • This/the place is very familiar to me, from my childhood.

  • I remember visiting this/that place as a child on many occasions.

The first phrase has two aspects to it. The first is that the person knows a particular place, and also that the information comes from their memories as a child. The second phrase uses the word "familiar", which tells us the speaker knows the place well. The third phrase could come up if someone was talking about a place, which prompts the speaker to recall the visits they made there as a child.
一つ目の例は二つの部分によって構成されています。一つは「私はその場所を知っている」、もう一つは「なぜなら、子どもの頃によく行っていたから」です。 二つ目の例では "familiar" という語が使われています。これは「なじみのある/よく知っている」という意味です。 三つ目の例は例えば、人がある場所について話すのを聞いて、子どもの頃よくそこに行っていたのを思い出した、そんなときに使うことができます。
Gozo P DMM英会話講師
  • Many times - as a child

  • I went there quite often as a child

When asked if you've been to a certain place, you want top say that you've been there many times as a child. In that case, any of the above suggested statements may be suitable for your situation. Eg "I went there quite often as a child" Eg"Many times - as a child"
ある場所に行ったことがあるか聞かれたときに、子供のころ何回も行ったことがあるというには、これらの例がぴったりです。  "I went there quite often as a child" (子供のころよくそこに行った。)  "Many times - as a child" (何回も、子供のころに。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I have been there a number of time, but I was much younger when I went.

  • I went there a few times when I was young

When you want to express that you have been to a place when you were young many times; then you may explain this in the following ways: -I have been there a number of time, but I was much younger when I went. -I went there a few times when I was young
小さいことをある場所に何度も行ったことを伝えたいときのフレーズです。  -I have been there a number of time, but I was much younger when I went. (何回もそこに行ったことがあるけれど、行ったときはとても小さかった。) -I went there a few times when I was young (小さいころ、そこへ何回か行った。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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