世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/23 21:14
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  • from morning to night

  • from dawn to dusk

英語で「朝から晩まで」という表現を使いたい場合は "from morning to night" というフレーズが適しています。時間の一日の始まりから終わりまでを指す言葉としてよく使われます。自然界の一日が始まる「夜明け」から終わる「夕暮れ」までを表現する場合は "from dawn to dusk" を使えば、より情緒的で詩的な表現になります。 具体的文になる場合では、例えば「朝から晩までずっと勉強漬けの毎日でした」と言いたいときは "I was studying from morning to night every day."(「私は毎日、朝から晩まで勉強に没頭していました」)と言います。 また、"from dawn to dusk" を使えば "I was engrossed in studying from dawn to dusk every day."(「私は毎日、夜明けから夕暮れまで勉強に夢中になっていました」)とすることもできます。こちらの方が一日を駆け抜けるような感じが出て、より強く一日中勉強に没頭していた状態を表現できます。 参考になれば幸いです。
  • From dawn until night time.

  • From dawn until dusk

  • I studied from very early in the morning until late in the night.

Dawn is the appearance of light in the sky before sunrise. This is very early in the morning. So 'from dawn until night time' would be appropriate. 'From dawn until dusk' might not quite be appropriate because dusk is just before night falls. I would suggest 'from very early in the morning until late in the night' would be the most suitable.
夜明けとは、日の出前の空が明るくなることです。 これは、早朝です。 「 from dawn until night time(夜明けから夜まで)」が適切な表現です。 「From dawn until dusk(夜明けから夕暮れまで)」は適切な表現ではないかもしれません。なぜなら夕暮れは、夜が更ける前だからです。 「from very early in the morning until late in the nigh(早朝から深夜まで」がもっとも適していると思います。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I was studying day and night at that time.

mayaさんへ だいぶ以前のご質問への回答となり恐縮ですが 少しでもご参考にして頂けますと幸いです。 「朝から晩まで」とは少しニュアンスが違いますが day and night = 直訳しますと、昼も夜も、つまり・・・  「昼夜問わず」 という表現もあります。 ※一つの決まった日本語にするのは 難しいのですが、要は、【昼も夜も関係なく常に】 というイメージです。 I was studying day and night. と言うと とにかく常に勉強していたというニュアンスです。 少しでも参考として頂けますと幸いです。 LLD外語学院 学院長 前川 未知雄
Michio Maekawa アスリート・イングリッシュ・マイスター
  • From dawn to dusk

  • All through the day

  • I had a long day

If you wake up and early and study all day long, then you may say that you studied: "All through the day. You could, alternatively state that you studied 'from dawn till dusk,' which means from sunrise to sunset - which actually, is yet another way of talking about this period fo time. or you could just say that you had a 'long day.'
早起きをして1日中勉強をした場合は"I studied all through the day." (私は1日中勉強しました)と言うかもしれません。代わりに"I studied from dawn till dusk." (私は夜明けから夕暮れまで勉強しました)と言うこともできます。これは日の出から日没までと言う意味で期間を話すためのもう1つの方法です。または単に"I had a long day."(忙しい1日を過ごしました)と言うこともできます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I studied all day, every day.

mayaさん、 ご質問ありがとうございます。 {英訳例} I studied all day, every day. 毎日、朝から晩まで勉強しました。 ↓ I studied all day 朝から晩まで勉強した every day 毎日 {解説} all day は「朝から晩まで(ずっと)」という意味です。 every day は「毎日」ですね。 単純な文ですが、これで伝わると思います。 ~~~~~~~~ お役に立てば幸いです。 どうもありがとうございました。
  • From sun up to sundown

  • I studied form sun up to sundown.

  • From dusk to dawn

From sun up to sundown - this phrase means the same as "from dusk to dawn" A. I have such a hectic workweek. B. Is that why I never see you anymore? A. Yeah, I'm working from sun up to sundown. I don't have time for anything else.
"From sun up to sundown" (日の出から日没まで) -このフレーズは"from dusk to dawn"と同じ意味になります。 (夜明けから日没まで) 【例文】 A. I have such a hectic workweek. (とても忙しい一週間だったよ) B. Is that why I never see you anymore? (だから君を見かけなかったんだね?) A. Yeah, I'm working from sun up to sundown. I don't have time for anything else. (うん、朝から晩まで働いているよ。何をする時間がないよ)
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • I studied from early morning until late night.

  • I studied night and day.

*I studied from early morning until late night./I studied night and day.- can be taken literally as studying the whole day or figuratively to mean studying for long hours or very hard. Example Sentences: For her to pass the Chemistry exam, she had to study night and day. For him to be able to pay school fees for his children, he had to work from morning until late night.
例文 *I studied from early morning until late night. 早朝から深夜まで勉強しました I studied night and day. 日夜勉強しました 文字通り丸一日又は比喩的に長い時間又はとても一生懸命勉強したということです。 例文 For her to pass the Chemistry exam, she had to study night and day. 化学の試験に合格するために、彼女は日夜勉強しなければならなかった For him to be able to pay school fees for his children, he had to work from morning until late night. 子供の学費を払うために、彼は朝から深夜まで働かなければならなかった
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • "from morning to night"

  • "from dusk to dawn"

If you wanted to express that you have done an activity from the morning to the night, such as studying, you could use either of these English language phrases: "from morning to night" or "from dusk to dawn".
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • I was studying all day long from morning until night.

  • I studied from the minute I woke up till the time I went to bed.

If you would like to express to someone that you have been doing something, for example studying for the whole day, you can say something like "I was studying all day long from morning until night." or "I studied from the minute I woke up till the time I went to bed.".
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I started studying during the morning, I didn't stop until night time.

Examples: I starting studying during the morning, I kept on studying all day until night time. I studied from the morning until night time. I studied all day, from morning until night time. I studied from dawn until dusk.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • From dawn to dusk

  • From morning to night.

  • All day and all night.

Here are three phrases that can be used to talk about how you were doing something from the early morning time all the way until it was night time. "From dawn to dusk," is less commonly used nowadays whereas the other two are more commonly used in my opinion. However all can be used interchangeably to be understood by a native speaker.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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