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2019/09/25 23:06
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  • Very good

  • Really good

  • Great

こんにちは。 ご質問ありがとうございます。 「非常に良い」は言い方色々あると思うます。 例えば、別の言葉ではなくそのまま「いい」(good)を使いたい場合は、very good, really good などでいいと思います。「非常に良い」、「とてもいい」の意味です。 Great でもいいと思います。 例えば、 A product of a great quality - 非常に良い品質の商品 よろしくお願いします。
  • very good

  • extraordinary

ちょっと場合によりますね。 例えば、 The categories are from very good to very bad. 段階は非常に良いから非常に悪いまでです The weather is fantastic 天気は非常に良い。 really good advice 非常に良いアドバイス This was an extremely good experience *extraordinary experienceもいいです。 これは非常に良い経験でした。 気持ちを表す文はfantasticやextremelyやextraordinaryみたいな単語を使いますね。 ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • EXCELLENCE is rarely achieved... Couldn't be better. Remarkable!

  • The presentation was as near excellence as I have ever couldn't be better!

When something is described as may fall short of the impact it deserves... We might prefer to use greater superlatives such as: Superb! Marvellous...Amazing. Remarkable. Wonderous. Stunning... and a host of others too numerous to mention;-) But regardless, I always try to avoid..." it was good!"
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Very good.

  • Really good.

Using very or really in front of good both have the same meaning and they express more emphasis that what it is you are referring to is better than just good. Here is an example of a dialogue: How are you? Very good thanks! Today has been a really good day so far. That's awesome!
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Very good.

  • Great.

  • Amazing.

This day is good. No. it is better than good, it is very good. No. It is better that very good, it is great. No. It is better than great, it is... ... let me guess, amazing. Yes, amazing. I hope this helps. Have a good day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • great (adj)

  • terrific (adj)

  • splendid (adj)

All of the above will describe something that is better than good. 1)great- this is informal language used to say when something is very good, but to a friend or in a friendly situation. For example: "That was a great essay you wrote!" 2)terrific- This is a synonym for "very good" and it can be used to say when something is very interesting. For example:" That was a terrifically written book." 3)splendid- This is usually used in formal situations and can be referring to when something is just generally impressive to you. For example:" That was a splendid tribute to Mozart."
Janke DMM英会話講師
  • Very/really good

  • Great

  • Superb

There are quite a few words in the English vocabulary that are more powerful than 'good'. Some examples are great/superb/wonderful/amazing/excellent/extraordinary. If you want to use the word 'good' in your sentence and suggest that something is better than 'good', place a 'very' or 'really' before the the word. You can also double up these words to add more emphasis. So something becomes, 'very, very good,' 'really, really good'...or a combination of the two, 'really, very good.'
Li C DMM英会話講師
  • Great

  • Excellent

  • Fantastic

You could use any of the above three words in place of the word 'good'. Examples; - Today is going to be a great day. - My teacher said that my English has improved and that I did excellent in today's lesson. - Your English is fantastic! Keep up the fantastic work!
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • very good

「良い」がgoodなので、 「非常に良い」はvery goodと表現できます。 もっと強調する場合は、 very very goodなどとveryを重ねることも出来ます。 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
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