No matter how much you dislike someone, you should supress your feeling and try and get along with them.
英語では、「どんなに嫌いな人とでも我慢して付き合わなければ(なりません)」は「No matter how much you dislike someone, you should suppress your feeling and try and get along with them.」となります。
どんなに嫌いな人とでも = No matter how much you dislike someone
我慢して = suppress your feelings
付き合う = get along with
"You have to endure and get along with people you don't like, no matter how much you dislike them."
「どんなに嫌いな人とでも我慢して付き合わなければ」という表現は、英語で "You have to endure and get along with people you don't like, no matter how much you dislike them." と言います。
"Endure" は「我慢する、耐える」という意味で、"get along with" は「仲良くする、うまく付き合う」という意味になります。"No matter how much you dislike them" は「どんなに嫌いでも」という意味で、嫌悪感を強調しています。
- Endure: 我慢する
- Get along with: うまく付き合う
- Distance oneself: 距離を置く
- Mutual benefit: お互いの利益