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2019/10/08 21:22
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  • That looks like the kind of bath a movie star would get into.

  • That bath looks like it's fit for a famous celebrity.

ーThat looks like the kind of bath a movie star would get into. 「映画俳優が入ってそうなお風呂だね。」 the kind of bath a movie star would get into 「映画俳優が入りそうなお風呂」 movie star 「映画スター・映画俳優」 ーThat bath looks like it's fit for a famous celebrity. 「有名セレブにぴったりのお風呂だね。」 fit for ...「〜向きの・〜に適した」という意味なので、fit for a famous celebrity なら「有名セレブ向きの」と言えますね。 ご参考まで!
  • What a beautiful bath. It’s like a celebrity’s bath!

  • I can imagine celebrities having a bath here.

1) ‘なんてすてきなお風呂なの。なんかセレブのお風呂みたい!’ という意味です What a ~ なんて〜なんでしょう ← 驚いた時、多くは褒め言葉として使われます It‘s like a ~ こに like は 〜のような、似ている という意味です 2) もしくは、〜なのを想像できるー という表現もできると思います ’ ここで、セレブがお風呂に入っているのを想像できるー‘ という意味です Imagine 想像できる having a bath お風呂に入る
  • That's a luxury bathtub, suitable for a celebrity!

Describing a bath tub as luxury means that it is made very well, with fine materials, for example: marble/gold, etc. It may be made from a famous designer, it will also be quite expensive. Since celebrities are rich people they will be able to purchase an item like this.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • It looks like a bath a celebrity would use.

Have you seen this bath? Yeah, it is pretty immense, right? More than that, it looks like a bath a celebrity would use. True. I hope that helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • That looks like a bathtub that a celebrity/famous person would use/have.

  • It looks like a bathtub for a celebrity/famous person.

If you want to tell someone that this bathtub looks like it would belong to a celebrity, you can say something like "That looks like a bathtub that a celebrity/famous person would use/have.". or "It looks like a bathtub for a celebrity/famous person." These are some easy ways to express this.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Getting into once of those is sure to make you feel like a celebrity!

  • That bathtub looks fit for a celebrity.

1. Getting into once of those is sure to make you feel like a celebrity! 'One of those" means this luxurious bathtub. Getting into this grand bathtub will make you feel like a celebrity because it is easy to imagine people with lots of money relaxing in such an unnecessarily huge bathtub. 2. That bathtub looks fit for a celebrity. If something looks ''fit for'' then it means that it is more suitable for that person or occasion. Example sentence: 1. This meal is fit for a king. (If it looks very lavish and expensive.) 2. This room is not fit for a human being. (If it looks like a pig sty.)
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • It looks like a bath a celebrity would use.

  • This bath looks like one a celebrity would use.

Notice that within these two example sentences that we can either use the noun, "bath," to either be the subject head of the sentence as, "this bath looks like," or the object of the sentence, "it looks like a bath."
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • That looks like a bath a celebrity would use.

  • What a stunning bath, it looks like the ones celebrities use.

We often like looking at beautiful things, and why not? We deserve to. We deserve to buy those beautiful things. If you want to explain to someone that the bathtub you saw looked like one a celebrity would use, you would use either one of the above two sentences.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • That bath looks fit for a celebrity!

When saying that something looks 'fit' for someone else, it means that it would suit them perfectly to have it. We also have a saying that goes 'it looks fit for the queen'. This means that whatever you have/want/see is of a high caliber. In this sentence you just use 'celebrity' instead of 'queen'. Hope this helps!
Janke DMM英会話講師
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