世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話





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2019/10/15 07:09
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  • I can fix it, but it will take a minute.

  • It will take some time to do, but I can fix it no problem!

"take a minute"- It is a phrase we use when we want to explain that something will take a certain time to do. Note: You do not actually mean 60 seconds when saying this. When using this, you are not giving an exact time, you are just saying it will take a while. You can use whenever something might take long. When you want to go out , but first you have to get dressed, you can say"It will take me a minute to get dressed".

"no problem"- This is just something you say when you are able to do something.

Both of the above sentence will let the person know that you are able to fix it, but in a certain time frame only. Hope it helps!

Janke DMM英会話講師
  • It will take some time, but I can fix it.

  • I can fix it no problem, but it will take some time.

Hi, I need your help.
Sure, how can I help?
Well, it is my watch, can you fix it?
Let me have a look...I can fix this no problem, but it will take some time.

I hope that helps.
Have a great day.

Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • I can make the repairs, but it may take a while.

  • It will take some time, but I can fix it.

"I can make the repairs, but it may take a while." -
I can make the repairs - This is something I am able to do.
May take a while - This means you do not know how long. You cannot give a specific amount of time that it will take to fix it.

"It will take some time, but I can fix it." You begin by saying it will take time, followed by stating you are able/capable of fixing the Item.

I can - Able/capable.

Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • I can fix your watch but I need sometime to do it. Do you mind leaving it with me for a while?

  • This watch is repairable but not immediately, I will have to spend time on it.

  • Can you leave your watch with me because it is going to take a while to repair it.

Can you say about how long it will take?
I can fix your watch but it will take me a few days or _ days to fix it. I will call you when your watch is ready.

Christeena DMM英会話講師
  • Fixing your watch/clock is no problem, but I'm sorry, it may take a while.

  • What is your time frame for this please?

I am assuming this is a customer/sales relationship so it is important to be polite. This is why I have included an apology for it taking a while. Acknowledging that you are sorry will let the customer know you care about their time. (find the pun in this sentence!)
You can also use the word 'time frame' to find out what your deadline will be for fixing their timepiece. A 'time frame' is the total amount of time the customer can allow for you to fix their watch/clock.

Li C DMM英会話講師
  • Yes, but may take a while

  • No problem - but it may be some time before i can get it back to you

You are asked "Can you fix my watch?" And above there are two possible answers to that question. Take some time/be a while/take a while, are all possible phrases for this type of response.

Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I can repair it but it might take a while.

  • It's possible to repair but it will take some time.

  • I can repair it if you give me some time.

"Take a while" is similar to take some time. "A while" refers a period of time that is not specific in duration. Sometimes at a service counter, the employer will say "This will take a while so please have a seat." "Repair" is a synonym for "fix." They are used interchangeably and "fix" is more informal while "repair" is more formal. A place that fixes appliances may be known as a "repair shop."

Justin H DMM英会話講師
  • There is no broken object that I cannot repair although it may take some time.

  • Ex: If you brought me a damaged Old Mittenwald 1960's, orchestra violin then although a challenging task...I would still be able to fix it and make it new, although you may be looking at a heavy price and long wait for me to do so.

  • I can fix any object that you bring into my shop but some may take a lot longer than others to fix!

There is no-there are not any/there aren't any/you could not find me any/it would be impossible to find me...
Broken object-An item/concept/human/religious idea etc...that has holes/gaps/spaces and is no longer complete or working as it should be.
That-A demonstrative pronoun, the word used to refer back to the idea or situation expressed/talked about in a previous sentence.
I-Referring to the self/the speaker of the sentence.
Cannot-Will not/the negative form of can.
Repair-To fix again/to make whole and right.
Although-A conjunction/joining word that is used to introduce the subordinate clause which contains a statement in the main clause.
It-A third person singular pronoun used to refer to the object or thing that you have just mentioned in the sentence.
May-A model verb, used as the base form of a verb, referring to something that could or could not be true or could or could not happen in the future.
Take-used with nouns that describe an action, best to use in the third person singular present tense, this word is used with a combination of wide-ranging nouns, but mostly where the meaning of the combination is given by the noun that follows etc...for example take some time simply means to take a quantity of one's hours,days, months, depending on the context of the sentence.

Kimberlina DMM英会話講師
  • I can fix it, but I need extra time for this.

★プロセス:『修理できないことはないけど、少し時間がかかるよ』この日本語からはちょっとネガティブさがうかがえますね(^^; 時間がかかる理由は、ちょっと込み入った修理だからだと予想できますので、I need extra time for this. ではいかがでしょう。

I can fix it, but I need extra time for this.


  • I can definitely help you fix it, however it may take a while.

  • I can fix it for you but it might take me some time.

If you would like to tell someone that you can help them fix their watch/clock but that it will take some time, you can say something like "I can definitely help you fix your clock/watch but it might take me a while to do so.". By using words like "definitely" or "I can", this tells the other person that you are confident that you can help them fix their item.

Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I can fix it, but it's going to take some time.

Here is an example of a dialogue: hey, can you fix my watch for me please? yeah, I can fix it, but it will take me some time to do it. I have some other jobs to do first, then I will get to it. Fixing your watch itself is also quite time consuming, it should take me a few hours to have it fixed.

Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • I can fix it but it'll take some time.

  • I can fix it but it might take some time.

  • I can repair it but it'll take some time.

The first thing to notice is that we have the option to either use the modal verb, "will," or, "might," interchangeably to describe that will/might take some time to fix it. In addition, we can either use the verbs, "to fix," or, "to repair."

Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • I can fix it, but it'll take some time.

  • It will take a while to fix.

You could use any of the above two sentences when telling someone that you can do the job but it will just take a bit of time.

- It is fixable, but it will take a while.

Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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