We can abbreviate veterinary clinic' to 'vets'.
ie, I'm taking my cat to the vets tomorrow.
veterinary clinic' は 'vets' と省略できます。
I'm taking my cat to the vets tomorrow.
An animal hospital or veterinary hospital is a place where people's animalsmay have emergency care - just like a hospital is a place for emergency care for people. A 'vets' is equivalent to a 'doctors' or doctor's surgery - where animals are first taken for minor problems or diagnosis.
"Sorry, I will be absent from work this morning as my dog has to be cllected from the animal hospital."
An animal hospital や veterinary hospital とは、動物が緊急のケアをうけることができるところです。人で言う緊急病院と一緒ですね。
A 'vets' is equivalent to a 'doctors' or doctor's surgery - where animals are first taken for minor problems or diagnosis.
vetというのがdoctorやdoctor's surgery、診断や診療を行うところを指します。
"Sorry, I will be absent from work this morning as my dog has to be collected from the animal hospital."
The term we use is 'veterinary hospital'.
We may however say 'animal hospital' sometimes, most likely if talking to a child.
The shortened term is Vets.
You may hear someone say 'I need to take my dog to the vets'.
「veterinary hospital」という専門用語を使います。
子供に話すときは、「animal hospital」ということもできます。
I need to take my dog to the vets.
Veterinary clinic
This is a formal and very common way to say an animal hospital. You can also say "Vet clinic."
Veterinary hospital
This is another way to say Veterinary clinic, but implies that it is a more expansive building that offers more care. You can also say "Vet hospital."
This is the most simple and common way that a native speaker would refer to a Veterinary clinic.
You: "I found this cat and he looks sick."
Person: "You should probably take him to the vet"
Veterinary clinic
Veterinary hospital
You: "I found this cat and he looks sick."
Person: "You should probably take him to the vet"
veterinary clinic - a hospital for animals
vet - same as veterinary clinic
veterinarian - an animal doctor
Veterinary clinic
This is a hospital for animals
A: My dog hurt his leg. Where do I take him?
B: You should take him to the veterinary clinic.
Veterinary clinic
A: My dog hurt his leg. Where do I take him?(私の犬が足を怪我しました。どこに連れて行けばいいでしょうか?)
B: You should take him to the veterinary clinic.(veterinary clinicに連れて行くといいですよ)