He started crawling around chasing after mommy and he likes to play peek-a-boo too.
My son has started moving around on his hands and knees chasing me everywhere. He also likes to play peek-a-boo.
ーHe started crawling around chasing after mommy and he likes to play peek-a-boo too.
crawl around で「そこらじゅうをハイハイする」感じです。
chase after ... 「…のあとを追いかける」
play peek-a-boo「いないいないばあをして遊ぶ」
ーMy son has started moving around on his hands and knees chasing me everywhere. He also likes to play peek-a-boo.
move around で「動き回る」と言う意味で、on his hands and knees をつけると「手と膝をついて動き回る」=「ハイハイする」という言い方になります。